
Showing posts from April, 2009

Testing times

We have quite a bit of spare time, in the evenings at work. After the system, has shut down. When we are replacing books. Repairing Books and shelves, chasing down lost orders Sometimes, we do crosswords. Suduku, and math quizzes are popular too. Yesterday someone brought in this test. I got several of the answers wrong. Can you do better? One last thing The answer to question 3 is in fact, 70. One of the kids, pointed this out. 30 = 60 halfs, so its 60  plus 10 The girl, who pointed this out. (Quiet clever, lady ) Did so after raising her hand. Which is the cutest thing I have ever seen at work
I was bored at work. I was operating the printer. So I decided to occupy myself. I made this ship. It started off, as a long boat. Then I decided to leave the middle ages, and added a second mast. Allowing the crew to tack against the wind. It was mistaken, for a nazi paper plane. It isn't. Someone also offered to draw a picture of me, with a Brasilian model. To add to the design

Dark clouds

Surely no one can have missed this story WHO awaits U.S. confirmation on human flu spread Troubles really don’t come in single spies do they.  First a recession, that we hope won’t be a depression, and now another health scare. We got instructions, and advice about swine fever at work From the terrifying to the trifling, I left my sandwiches at home today. Then I was late getting in to work. Hopefully swine fever, will be fade into obscurity, like my forgotten sandwiches

A recurring dream

Last night. I had a the same dream, I have had for a few years. Or rather a dream on a similar theme. The dream, is I am back in my Scottish halls of residence. I have returned to school. I have a room there. I have made plans. Then things, happen. Either I keep forgetting I am in Uni , and never using the room. I am annoyed about the cost, of it. Or the waste. Or in last nights version. Where I decided to go to the pub. I was invited to a fresher's party. I was going to go, and then I declined. Realising, that I am twice the age of the people in the halls. It would be a bit weird. I then withdraw, to my room. Or go home It is always my Scottish university. I am never in NC. There is always the sense, that I am squandering something, or as in last nights example. I am doing something that I should not. Not criminal. Just not the done thing. Often I leave the halls. I can't get back. Or I do get back, and its been some time, since I have been there I wonder what it m

Amusing ticket title

  I was laughing at this yesterday, at work. When I was not nodding off. Its bright and sunny here again. I am going to go out and play
I was in charge today, I think it went quite well. I was somewhat sleepless, today. I woke up early this morning and made my way into work. I have been to the pub, cute new barmaid. I hope Valya, is not pissed with that. I am good, and I wish you all well

In the Loop

I am a big fan of : There will be a spoiler here (*) A British sitcom? I suppose that is the right word. Though its hard to link it in the same genre as Two pints of Lager or Just shoot me Its a wonderful satire of the Blair years. With Malcolm Tucker played by Peter Capaldi. Likened to the Blairite Spin doctor, and former Forum magazine writer Anyway, this is a slight departure from the series. With some of the actors, playing new roles. Chris Addison who played Oliver in ``The Thick of it’’ was dating a girl from the opposition. Here, his girl friend is working for the Government. FO actually, while the PPs Some of the cast changes raised eyebrows. Basically the plot is simple. A junior minister in the UK, is ambushed by the press, and asked if a middle eastern war is going to happen. He replies that war is unforeseeable.  This brings him to the attention of the US government. Whom ar

Today in History

Dublin 1916. The Irish Republic proclaimed ``A terrible beauty is born’’

Today in History

Brian Boru, defeats the Danes at Clontaf, 1014 ad

Inappropriate behaviour

I was asked by one of the newbie's. If anyone had ever behaved inappropriately at work. As its something of a  Mast fest in our department. I answered nay. Though that apparently is popular among our caterers. This is really an aide memoire, as my Newbie friend is away till Saturday. We had a co worker, who liked spanking videos. He did not however close his Amazon account. We had a married co worker, female, apparently send a love note to another co worker.  Also female. We had a co worker, who apparently was dismissed for using call girls. Another, Co worker asked a colleague if they enjoyed, Back door entry Rather sweetly the same co worker, also made a list of the cutest ladies who numbered among his co workers. He then told our boss at the time, she was number 3. She told him off. Not a lot of scandal. We did have someone take a dump on the floor though

I’ve never seen …..

There is a TV program, on shortly called. ``I have never seen Star wars.’’ In it the host Marcus Brigstocke. (The darling of BBC4 for some reason) invites people to do things they have never done. Which are commonplace. I was thinking of this, as I was asked did I watch a particular TV program the other day. I realised I never have. Back to the show , some guests were invited to watch Fawlty towers Read the works, of Jane Austen. Something I have not done. Indeed I have not read the Da Vinci Code either So here are ten things, I have not done, which you almost certainly have: I have never seen the sound of music I’ve never been to Spain I have never read or seen any of the Harry Potter Books/Films I’ve never used the services of a vet. I’ve never seen a horror film in the cinema I’ve never driven any form of motorised transport I’ve never bought jewellery I’ve never drank Gin I’ve never been skiing I’ve never watc


My uncle brought some of my favourite biscuits with him I had a lot of these with my morning tea. Coconut, and jam You can get them from here Bolands Mikado Biscuits - 250g

Happy Orthodox Easter

Христос воскресе воистину воскресе З Великодніми святами честит Великден

At the Pub

This is my Uncle. He is my mothers younger brother. As I have said, here he was visiting the family. A picture of my brother. He was out with us. I was holding, the camera back to front Myself, and my Uncle

Round up 18th April 2009

The writer, broadcaster and wit , Sir Clement Freud has passed on I read his children’s book Grimble as a young lad We are very busy at work. We did 2000 orders on Friday. I suspect it will be the same this week. As I posted yesterday, I was a bit groggy this morning. I apologise to my Valya for using bad words, on skype. I was really tired, and quite busy at work There is a disturbing story from Bolivia, that catches my eye. A man, from Tipperary, has been killed. There are claims, he was involved in a plot to murder the Bolivan President Evo Morale. The reports, at this moment are confused. My thoughts, to the family. ******************* PS Last but not least. My Uncle has been visiting his relations here. It is my mother’s brother. I went out with him, on Wednesday and Friday. He has been enjoying s

The Wire season 1

I have finished watching the first series of the wire. It was magnificent. I have been a fan, of Simon’s work for decades. The characterisation, and acting are superb. Despair and laughter, ride together, through Baltimore. A few of my Highlights of the first series. Bunk,( A detective) drunk and guilt ridden, after a one night stand. Setting off the smoke alarm. In an attempt to conceal his guilt, by burning his clothes Wallace, ( A teenage dealer) shuffling his younger brother and sisters off to school, whilst living in a squat, without running water or electric power. Bunk, and McNulty conversation, about the first time he f—cked him. McNulty thanked him for being gentle. D’Angelo’s guilt.( A mid level dealer) His attempt to push Wallace out of the game. His writing of a letter to the ``working mans’’ children. Stringer bell, telling off his staff, at the printer place. Trying to get them to stop cursing the customers and each other. Omar whistling, a hunting we will


I have been out with my uncle. God knows, what I will feel like tomorrow. Yesterday, (Friday) was so busy at work. I think Saturday may be from a similar mould. I wish you all the best

The world of Work again

This is the new version of ticket that we have at work. I have removed some of the users details.  To protect there privacy. This person, has ordered a copy of Past and present. Its a perodical I could read all day, it involves the history of science. This is an example of older form It doesn’t have the bold print of, the catalogue number. There is no special place for year and volume to be specified.  The new version, if you notice, has an extra, space for the orders destination. Above the bar code. This person, has requested a book, from the early 1980s, about the graves of Roman Children. A sad, but often rewarding topic of research. A little view of my world PS, Plant and Rose, is deliberate

Today in History

1989 Hillsborough soccer disaster marked LIVERPOOL, England, April 15 (UPI) -- A soccer game ended Wednesday with a service marking the worst disaster in British sports history, the 1989 death of 96 Liverpool fans crushed at a stadium. The service was held at the Liverpool stadium, Anfield, after a match with its cross-town rival Everton, the BBC reported. A 2-minute silence marked the exact time that a semi-final match between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest at Hillsborough Stadium in Sheffield was halted. Another 2,000 people gathered in Old Market Square in Nottingham for a memorial service there. After 20 years, the emotions of many Liverpool residents who lost relatives and friends in 1989 are still raw. Sports Secretary Andy Burnham was interrupted by chants of "Justice for the 96" as he spoke. I remember the footage of the days events. I remember Margret Thatcher telling the world’s press that there had been fatalities. I remember she didn’t say deaths. It

work and family.

I have been keeping my uncle company. That means going to the pub during the middle of the day.  At least I got out of taking him to the cinema. I am watching Dr Who,

3am rants

  In 2005. I was a supervisor. It did not go well. I fought with everyone. I learned today. During that time I made one of my co workers cry. Someone was brought into the office. Told what did they think of me. I had made people cry My response was to jump for joy. I literally jumped You deserved it! You know you did! You did then and you do now **************** My neighbours had a party, they asked first. So I can’t really moan There was one very annoying party goer, with a loud voice. Proclaiming his lack of racism. ******************** The Sarah Conor Chronicles, finished Yesterday. I bought every episode of the modern Dr Who series. Where am I going to put it, what will I do now on Thursday

Me and my Bro

  Drinking tonight. A lot of Arthur Guinness's beverage

Happy Easter!

I like a different type of bunnies. Oh, and its spring so green is nice I wish you and your families a wonderful day

Red Dwarf : ``Back to Earth’’

My friend Miss Misery was talking about Nirvana, the other day. It was the 15th anniversary of the tragic death of Kurt Cobain When other people were listening to music. I was watching TV. One of the things I was watching was Red Dwarf, I remember Marek P, talking about it during recess at primary school. I remember Chris D, saying he had waited years for that. When the series was revived with`` Tika for ride’’ in 1997. My Freshman year at Uni I remember sending You tube clips of  the end of to my ex The repeats have been a fixture on the British TV channel Dave. Well, Dave, the BBC have reunited the original writers Rob Grant and Doug Naylor. Reassembled the Cast, Its something of a Ret Con. The action takes place 9 years later. The ship looks a bit different. (Which is inevitable) The first scene in the credits is curiou

April 10 2008

The Post office was closed today, and DHL’s computers are down. So the errand. I had to run today, has to be put off, for tomorrow. I went grocery shopping. I have been looking at UNC clothing on the web. I really need to get a few nice ties. Now that I have started wearing ties, when I go out. Much to my brother’s chagrin I have been playing age of empires, and I purchased socks. I shall spend today quietly. I wish you all well

Get well soon Sol

Best wishes, and enjoy your holiday!

Thank God work is over till Monday

I got a free chocolate egg. I had pizza, for dinner. I am watching the Sarah Conor chronicles. Afterwards ``The Wire ‘’ will be aired. A blonde rolled her eyes at me, on the train, the moon is high!

8 April

A very long day at work. The elevators went offline. We ended up having to save another department’s bacon. I didn’t take a break. I await ``the Wire’’


(eagle eyed readers may observe, the young lady is a cheerleader at a UNC Football game. Rather then Basketball. Well nobody’s perfect ) There are very few times. I get a hint of my old life back. Things were not always the way they are now for me. There was a time, when I was Young, and carefree. Well not carefree deeply neurotic. However Xena was on TV and I smoked a lot There have been some tough times of late off Franklin street. So I am pleased to see our boys do so well Let ESPN take up the story: `` -- provides instant analysis from Monday night's NCAA championship game between Michigan State and North Carolina at Ford Field. The Tar Heels won their fifth national championship by blasting the Spartans 89-72 in front of a crowd of 72,922, the largest to ever watch an NCAA tournament game. HOW THE GAME WAS WON : The Tar Heels were a unanimous selection for No. 1 in the preseason ESPN/USA Today coaches poll and were a popular favorite to win the natio

Tortured by technology

I bought a new printer, and scanner today. Using the rest of my voucher. I then spent a princely sum, on printer ink. I carried home. In mortal terror that the handle of the box, would break. I then loaded the ink. I had bad experiences with printer ink before. When it was not loaded precisely. The Ink which had been made, from unicorn tears dried up, and I had to buy another set This step went smoothly I then struggled to load the USB cable into the printer. The first one I used was unreliable. My installation stopped I then tried another. That worked but I had to rearrange my USB hub. After this the installation managed to complete itself. I also filled out an exhaustive form to register my product. I then tried scanning something I waited for the scanner to warm up. I waited, and I waited and I waited Then finally it came online. I previewed it. I scanned it I got a big letter `` M’’ So I tried again, another ``M’’ Then my scanner needed to warm up again

Sport of kings

I have placed two bets on this years Grand National ``Irish Invader’’ at 14 –1 ``State of play’’ at 8-1 Fingers crossed.


I am somewhat the worse for drink.  Valya is in Florida. I fear for Dexter! I am done with work for a long weekend. Next week, there will be another long weekend! Today we had a fire drill, and then a blackout. My mother was over here. She watched the apprentice, and then claimed a 5 note, that I discovered in my boot was hers. Then she tried to read my e-mails I was falling asleep all day today Take care

24 hours to go

I had to shout at them at work today. I don’t go to work to shout at people. Thank goodness, I have a long weekend coming up

One of those days

Its the April the 1st, the day of fools. I should not be surprised then that I had mixed fortunes today. Do you like the picture. Its a statue at work. I had a picture of myself, with our friend. I seem to have deleted it. I also forgot to remove my memory card from my laptop So I was without music today. I have no meet for my sandwiches, but my boss said she enjoyed my bit in the newsletter.