
Showing posts from November, 2009

Good luck Meike

Good luck, on your first day

Happy St Andrews day

Legend says that tonight the undead come out of the graves to haunt the living ones, and that tonight one should shield the windows with garlic, so that no mean spirit can penetrate the house in romanian legends, of course Sage advice from my friend the Grand Dutchess Alexia

Dollhouse Season 1

I always preferred Faith to Buffy.  Don't tell Regina but I always liked brunettes more.  This is Joss Whedon second female led series and  his return to TV after the failure of Firefly.  The show's premise  is the Dollhouse- A building which offers a service. They can get you anyone you want downloaded into a selection of bodies So our heroines may one day be a midwife, another a mistress.  We get to see Eliza as a Dominatrix.   Eliza is not the greatest actress in the world.  See the Buffy the Vampire episode ``This Years Girl'' In which Eliza is insipid playing Buffy. Not that Buffy is much to play with, but...   I see the influence of Alias here. A handler. An older African American man paired with a younger woman. The femme lead with a double life.  While Buffy had its shifting alliances. Spike and Buffy. Giles and Angel going over her head. I felt the influence of Alias here. There is a lot of eye candy Eliza, h ttp://

Harry Brown

Its miserable its damn good, but this will bring you down  It could be the life Michael Mickelwaite never lived. A widower. Ex services. Wearing a tie everyday. As his wife slips away. Harry plays chess in an estate pub. Whilst the world goes to the dogs. The opening scene had a youtube gang initation and then a single mother being shot at by a dug crazed youth on a motorbike. His friend and neighbour is victimised by a gang of youths. Is eventully murdered after cracking up and waving a bayonet at his tormentors. As he tried to walk through an underpass to cross the street The youths lurking and the dangers they possess point to a plot point in the film Which is why I am a law and order conservative. The underpass scene is Its a sad life. Harrys friend dies a lonely death. He is mourned only by Harry. Two widowers. Harry had lost a daughter. The colloquy between Harry, and the two drug dealers/ armourers. One Mancunian. One somewhat Essex. Is nightmarish. Harry walks throu
The fans, the cheerleaders Sunset over Kenan Stadium Fireworks! A Carolina Touchdown! UNC football memories
A brief video of the Carolina panthers game A happy thanksgiving to you all.
Dollar Stimulus. Oh I am so political today. I do actually have that review of going rogue to finish today.

The ground on which we stand.

Further to my post `` The tides of life'' Further to my diaries. Further to my e-mails and postings.   Today I found out by accident. The girl I had a brief relationship, is in a relationship with another co worker. It is over then. Its time for closure. As I will never say this to you I am sure I made mistakes. I do not think, I would have done what you did. When I am with someone that person becomes my whole life. I think you insensitive, in your choices. I wonder now whether you were testing me I tried to be friendly with you afterwards but you ignored me. You seemed to make no effort I didn't think it would last for ever, but I thought you would always be in my life.  That is hurtful Whatever you say, I listened to you. That said it is done now. I wish to forget it. You made your choice. I do want to thank you. If it wasn't for you. I would not have returned to NC. I ran. I ran as far away as I could IT was torture being where I was. While I was in NC. I

Conngratulations Meike

Good luck on your new position, with a new company
Cool a dinosaur! It was my favourite birthday card

Happy Birthday Freyah

Happy Birthday
A message from the middle of the sea. From above the clouds I am hungover terribly today. I went out last night. I found beer in my room this morning. Someone had defecated on the pub toilet seat. I was talking rubbish. Oh and sorry Lexie I wish I still in the US. My pale good looks, and accent. Would have gone down a storm with the Twlight crowd
Door's open boys

DC 2009

After my birthday, which I celebrated with a visit to my favourite restaurant chain. Hooters.  Where I was served by a beautiful Japanese American lady. A mere slip of a thing at 20 years old.  Yet older then the last woman I dated. If I had more time in NC, I would have gone to Whiskey River. Which is where the College ladies hang out. I contented myself with a few beers in Connolly's. Connollys Where the lads put on the Ireland France game for me. After drinking up, I had two last beers at the hotel bar. Made a reservation for a wake up call and went to bed. 4am, and I struggled up and out. Past the Soldiers who were checking out too.  A taxi to Charlotte airport and I was waiting behind a team from Hickory NC. I asked the nice united Airlines lady. Phyllis if I could alter my plans. After a lot of tooing and froing on the phone. I scowled and muttered to myself as the skilled customer services operative got me my transfer. Then a smooth flight to DC and after watchin

Congratulations Bagira

On her engagement

Edward Woodward

The equaliser (1930-2009) Father-Actor-Husband
At the Tarheels game!

Charlotte Video blog


Off on my travels

pre trip post

Dreams of a madman

I was an Irish diplomat in Berlin. I heard the Nazi’s where going to shoot 10 people for some reason. Not that Nazi’s needed reasons for this. I had been sent to object and reason with them.   I barged my way in the door. I told Hitler, who was entertaining Otto Skorzney actually it was not him, it was Nash the baddie in from Russia with Love. I told Hitler if he killed those people. We would kill 10 Germans. Simple At some point I made a crack about the Times is read by people who speak like the queen Robert Shaw: Otto Skorzney. Who oddly would end up in Ireland   Then I made my escape from  Skornzey, in Berlin Zoo. Where I was rescued by the Jewish underground, summoning them on my computer. As I took the train home. The lovely Lilly cole told me I’d done a good job. Then an ol

The view from my Window

Facing South East My mad neighbour lives here   The railway wakes guests. I am used to it. The foxes screech and its horrible. Its like a dying child. That said I am determined to film one running down the track one day       View facing South. This is my neighbours flat. The last set used to have barbeques. They didn’t clean up. So for a while there was an infestation of crows. In the summer, if people are on the balcony and even whispering its like their in my room.

The Men who stare at goats

Its an anti war road movie. Ewan Macgregor loses his American accent in one scene in the desert with Clooney Its quite amusing. The story is based on a pentagon black project. Using new age techniques. Remote viewing and such. There supposed to be based on the Jedi. Which is amusing as for a moment you get an idea how the Jedi would work in practice alongside a professional military Not well… There is a man with a prosthetic arm. There was one in Jennifer’s Body too. Is this a new trend? There is a fair bit of anti war satire. There is a speech by Robert Patrick about how they are making Iraq open for MacDonald's and Halliburton. The band Boston get name checked. They help Clooney with his remote viewing. Oh and Clooney’s character name is Lyn Angela Lansbury is name checked too. She was big in the 1980s. As was Manuel Noriega There is a scene which recent events have made somewhat eerie. A naked soldier under the influence of LSD on the rampage at the parade ground. Ther

An apology

To the young lad. I hit in the face, with my basket at the supermarket. I am not sure I was paying attention. I am very sorry. Please forgive me

Jennifer’s body

Its better then some of the reviews would have it. Its not as much fun as Juno. Megan fox came off as more sympathetic. When she is trying to flirt with the Indie band. I thought she was good pleading for her life. Its a love story. Needy and Jennifer have been friends from Childhood. Jennifer is a cheerleader. The beautiful one. Needy is her plainer friend. Needy is in love with Jennifer. They go to a bar one night to see a band. Things go wrong from there.. Jennifer starts eating boys.. It subverts the horror film with having males rather then females. The Gothic lad. Murdered in an empty street There is some kissing but the film stays PG really There are the 9-11 shooters served in the bars. Needy reminds me of my Icelandic ex. They have the same beautiful big eyes. The film is set in Minnesota so could be the same genes is referenced There is a dig at drummers. Which pleases me. I am a vocalist. F__K. I missed it wa

A week to go

I am on holiday

The wonderful world of work

I was preparing some broken shelves for collection. I can hear my boss and one of the other supervisors speaking. They are discussing the candidates for a supervisors position. They discuss two women I work with, and then dismiss them as candidates. For taking long lunch breaks and leaving early. They may have said I was useless earlier. I didn’t hear it.  I guess its another reason to keep looking for any other work. Maybe look over my notes. Anyway they talk about other people.  They discuss the 10 AM shift.  Positively Then my boss says. I should make A- a supervisor. As he can work, if I ask him. … IF I ask him… The other supervisor was surprised A, was surfing the net while this conversation was going on. A. Now he will probably do no work, till Christmas A. Does no work. He has been transferred to our department. Simply because he did no work.  I also get the feeling he is a nark I think he just got a pay rise and a promotion because our boss is indiscrete.  At le