
Showing posts from January, 2010

The Road.

The Road ``Magnificent desolation'' This film might give me nightmares. I was planning to see Day Breakers. Whilst I was the ticket machine I decided on this film. Split second decision. Probably one of the best I ever made. The story is simple. One day something terrible happened to world. A Metorite strike. A Nuclear war? The rapture. I don't know. Life we know, of Laptop PC's of hot showers. Of Concerts ended. The trees died. The grass died. There was nothing more. The camera lingers on a 100 dollar bill. The father and son, look for empty shopping carts. Its a quiet world. There are no birds. The wind and water is the only noise. Yet the corpse of this dying world were to be picked over by cannibal bands. There is one scene when the father and the boy enter a house. They notice a fortune in boots lying in one room. A locked cellar and a meat hook signal the most grim and inhuman of discoveries would soon be made The father teaches his so
Happy Birthday Chris
ThatKevinSmith Via @ malchera "The Turtle is called Tuesday?" I heart you, sir. So much. A toast! To we two: whose 'tude is too in love to love too much. 2.
I dreamed last night, I was chatting to and kissing Lady Gaga. ( Yeah I heard the rumours shame on you) I dreamed we were walking down my street. We turned left into the lane. We were walking past the warehouses. Warehouses mind! She was singing Mal Mal, instead of Ra Ra, ( The words to bad romance Begin with Ra Ra )I was kissing her. She was in a dark trousersuit. She looked quite pretty if restrained. Curiously I dreamt she was taller than me In other news I have today off


I was dreaming last night. I was back in education My first dream, I was clearly in college. I was in a class, with a small balding man. Teaching the economy of the ancient world. A quite interesting topic. For the first class. I had forgotten the text. Than in the next class. I had forgotten, to bring any school equipment a pen, papers or the text. The professor/teacher noticed this and told me off. Than told me I did not belong in this class. I pointed out I had been studying the Ancient world for over a decade a guess Than I had another dream I was dreaming I had an assignment to do. CDT. It was my old CDT teachers at High school. I was trying to write in one of my old school books. I could see the teachers comments. I had drawn over it. The fate of everything in the summer. I was quite determined to do the work. I had lost my notes. I woke up unresolved

feliz aniversário

feliz aniversário Lua Clara

Happy birthday

Happy Birthday to my Brother
Who reads my blog in Texas? Thank you for your time, drop me a message, and have a great day
I was chatting with a very sweet and kind friend today. She owes me some chocolates and cakes but that is not relevant here. She seemed surprised that I work underground. I was visiting another department today. They have a staircase to the surface from there. I am two floors below this point. A floor is twice the size of a storey here. So about 12 metres under ground from this point. There are two floors below that. One is unused, as its a methane trap Those ladders you can see are about 2m tall. Its a long way to the surface
I almost reported a book as destroyed in WW2 which was published in 1962
I am not sure if I have shown you this before. Its an old Video from 2007. The Lioness is in the Chicago Museum. I visited. I think, I am flirting with an ex here I would rather trap a leopard now
``` These are a few of my.... My friend Tan, the wise and beautiful poetess has a blog Check it please

My electronic organizer

Before I went to North Carolina in 1997. My father gave me this. Its one of those things don't make any more . It was a calculator and electronic address book. Someone sold it to my father for 5 notes. A man on a building site He gave it to me, to use in America. I had a few numbers in here. Ms Wal, Statesville, and Miss Bennett. I think I had one or two my Glasgae alums on it too. I went to the shops today to see if I could find a battery for it. I did, but perhaps the circuts have burned out. It would not work. I was wondering to see what secrets it held. Alas I will never know. I wonder if anyone else has one. They were cheap and off brand. The sort of things that would get thrown in a bin I wonder if it the last in the world. A little treasure of mine


I remember seeing Titantic. I saw it in Harford. It must have been 12 years ago now. That was a great movie event too. This is the same. Its an event. Some good casting :Sam Worthington Who is a face for the future. One of the few actors who leaves an impression of toughness/ strength Sigourney Weaver gets to reintroduce herself to audiences. Which is good. I like her. Sigourney smokes. She is a rebel! Someone has shipped tobacco all this way? The story is simple. Sam worthington, plays a crippled marine sent to Pandora. Sully. His Twin brother was supposed to go. However the brother was killed in a mugging. So Sully was sent in place. On Pandora, he is an avatar driver. His mind is linked with the body of one the native humanoids. The Humanoids are blue and 8ft tall and are super strong Sam, gets lost in the jungle. Where he is found by one of the locals. She spares him. (Relations with the locals and the human mining party have been getting worse and worse Prior to Sa

Snows 2010

This is something, I saw on the way home. I was very grumpy. I thought we would get the day off. We did, but we got a day off in lieu. Its next thursday. Here is someone's snowman. I saw it as I was about to get on the bus Where is he now? I have photos I have taken in the daytime The trees in the park The park, I walk through to work It was quite pretty in the snow. I imagined myself in faraway Moscow. Or as Kurt Wallender, or in Minneapolis. Tomorrow the forecast is again for snow The most depressing day of the yeat Not a bad day in retrospect I watched Glee. I had a bit less sleep than I liked. I finally broke down, and got a new modem

Katharine's english blog
``Where everybody knows your name''

Boston 2009 My brother and I in Boston This is from last year. My new pc, is very lovely but does not handle 8cm dvd's well My brother and I in Boston
Bone da, is not Welsh for good day. Bore da is... Christopher Isherwood was dead by 1999 I gave a reader a wrong book today. They wanted 1989 rather then 1988 Two of my co workers were talking about a football match today. One of our managers devotion to his team. Not, about him complaining about having to shut down today Yesterday, I did not replace the card in my phone slot. I had no music
I was asked to make a short video today. For a friends class. It was the highpoint of my day. I was expecting to enjoy a snow day. My co workers, had an annoying attack of punctuality and presentism. I loathe them. Anyway enjoy my video
Last night I had about snakes. In fact it was quite an unpleasant dream. Close to being a nightmare. This confuses me, as I am not afraid of snakes. I don't come into contact with them during my life. I have spent a lot of time, in snake free environments. I was fascinated by reptiles when I was younger and I don't view with them the disgust, I do with insects, or rodents. I have only seen one snake in the wild. That was quickly dispatched . It was in UNC . I was walking back to the dorm. Someone disturbed a snaked, and they killed it, with a log. Believing I think wrongly that the snake was poisonous Anyway back to my dream. I was walking in the park. The park had flooded I was walking in waders, or very large wellington boots. I was confronted by three snakes and I withdrew. Later whilst walking by a tree. I was bitten by a snake. I drew blood. I woke up to and tried to ignore the theories of Freud
I got my hair cut. A woman told me to let it grow, but all things must end
I bought Jeans today. A black pair, and a tan pair. That's an unfortunate combination. I also picked up a new sweater I am watching Heroes! Hooray for Claire Bennett. She is so lovely! I got sent an SMS from my friend Valya I woke up at 12.30 today. I had planned to get up early but I guess I needed my beauty sleep I wanted to go to a soccer game, but it has been postponed. I have been searching for my places to go for St Patricks day. I've tried NYC, White Plains, Boston, Baltimore, Vegas, Charlotte, and Savannah! They cost more than I want to spend. I worked on my story. I am pleased with where I took it.

Happy Orthodox Christmas

С Рождеством! Весела Коледа!З Різдвом!
From Russia with love!
From my old college pals! Better late than....

Happy Birthday Dorthe

Happy Birthday Dorthe Many happy returns!

1200 days

I have been 1200 days smoke free. I quit on the 1st of Jan 2007 Yesterday, I would have gone through a whole pack!

Tell me why I don't like

I loathe the printers at work. They are a bane of my existence. The broke down today. We lost a load of data. They seem to lie in wait for me. We had 2200 orders today. Which is perhaps busier then any time in 2009. We have someone shadowing us as supervisor. She is very nice person. Though at the moment I think there are too many chiefs and not enough indians. We have been amalgamated with another department. Another circle of hell. One of our newcomers I think doesn't like me. Then I took the christmas decorations down. It was depressing. I felt like an idiot. I felt that my boss thinks I am indiot If I was with someone. I would feel like a fool tonight. But the last thing I would want to do is talk about it. It would make me relive the moment I would feel I lost face in front of my significant other. I would feel stupid and I would not want to share that. I would want to forget it. In more lighter news.. One of my co workers claimed he has hidden an envelope stating that i


Happy Birthday Grand Dutchess
So tired. Some truly needed humour at work