
Showing posts from August, 2008

Bon anniversaire Charlotte

  Bon Anniversaire Charlotte. My friend Granniog, has a new Man. I learn from her, he is a twin. Naturally one must be prepared for the dangers, of evilness. If one chooses to welcome a twin into your life. So whist one fights injustice in Paris. The other plans, world domination from South America. Next to a busty blonde. The more eagle eyed. May ask, why the newstand in Paris, is in English. When the target map, in South America, is in France. I respond with Charl, is very clever and reads the English press. Its probably more indicative that the evil twin's moll, is busty but faceless...

Long and hard

Today was long. I arrived at work late. I was trying to send, an e-mail. To a job, I had applied for. Fridays are the worst days. Everyone else leaves early. I had to drag about 15 Barrows up the stairs. I have no break, no time for the internet. Transport will be crowded, when I come home. The last book, I put away. Something ordered from offsite made me smile Nice to see a natural blonde

27 August

Its not cold. I go to work, in my shirt. Yet the skies are gray. It is not warm enough to look at Bikini's in the park. Nor cold enough, to hide under my covers. The computers crashed at work today, but we were short staffed, so I didn't get out much earlier. I could not sleep last night. I have always had problems sleeping. My mothers family, are all night owls. Some of my oldest memories are being in bed unable to sleep. I used to get told off, for reading in the bad light. Last night, seems to have been one of those days. Or rather those nights. I decided to get up, and sent some e-mails. Read some blogs. Chatted with a friend. Then went back to sleep I had to scrape myself out of bed. This morning. One thing, I remember fondly about Smoking, was the extra buzz, upon  waking and before I entered work. On the half full side.  I have neither toothache, or paper cut. I am not slipping on ice. Nor fleeing mobs. On the half empty side, I am tired. Its quiet too quiet

The Year 1892

The year 1892 opened upon a gloomy prospect,--a period of impending strife and conflict in Europe. Everywhere discontent was manifest, and people grew more and more restless under the government of kings and princes. Nihilism, Socialism and Democracy honeycombed and permeated every civilised community. The Russian government, as a last resort to escape destruction, had granted autonomy to long-suffering Poland; the Turks had retired to the Asian side of the Bosporus whence they came; and the Greeks, whose territory was now expanded to its ancient domain, occupied Constantinople as their original capital, Byzantium. Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Albania had been consolidated with Dalmatia as a Christian republic, called the Dalmatian league. Norway, separated from Sweden had become a republic. The people of British North America had asked and received autonomy, and were now the Republic of Canada. India taking fire from the example of Christian lands, becam
Get well soon. I hope my friend the Blogger Miss Misery's Mommy gets well soon
A very happy anniversary to my friend Esha. Who has just enjoyed her first year of marriage. Well done, and may happy returns

Don't mess with the Zohan

Don't mess with the Zohan hmmm Its alright. I think it was a bit self indulgent. Sandle'rs Zohan, is possibly a bit too old. A quick wiki, tells me that the script is old. It was written in 2000. Before 9-11, before the Invasion of Iraq.  On one level, I thought Zohan made sense. He had the self confidence, of a truly strong man. On the other hand, why is he so defensive about cutting hair. Who else remembers Hightower, in the police academy film Is anyone else confused, by the fact that Zohan, looks up, an advert on youtube. Yet Tel Aviv, and Eliat  is depicted as a 1970's disco backwater. There is also a mention of Myspace. Mariah Carey,  is asked by John Turturro to add him as a friend. Again, why the disco fetish Zohan, is the greatest Israeli, soldier of all time. He is however bored with his life. He fakes his own death, after battling with his Palestinan nemesis. So Zohan moves to New York, where he attempts to set up his own business as a hair dresser

Hellboy 2 the Golden army

I saw the first Hellboy, on DVD. I was aware of the comic's One  used to see adverts for it in the back of Marvel comics.  A lady I knew went to see, the film on a date, and she recommended it. So I picked it up on DVD. Well the film's are a joy. Matt Gross, from Bros, stars as Prince Nuada.  Even Balor, of the evil eye, gets a name check. Funny thing is, I actually know who these names. Balor, of the evil eye Prince Nuada Then have Seth Macfarlane, of family guy as a Comedy German. They lost David Hyde Pierce as Abe Sapiens, and have sent Myers the newbie FBI agent, on his way. This is explained, with a line. Hellboy has come into his own in this film. He is living with his GF. He has Jeffery Tabor, his nominal boss, constantly on his back foot. There is a great fight scene between Macfarlane and Hellboy. Its a film of speca Hellboy drinks Tecate, beer. Which is just awful. Jeffery Tabor mention

Vampiros Argentiano

  As my friend Sol, is performing in the Dracula spectacular. I wondered what Argentina's vampires would look like. Its a busy time of year for them. The nights are longer then now. I suspect they dress very well. They would be devilishly good looking. Why are they upside down. Because there in the Southern Hemisphere Break a leg Sol :)


Congratulations to Jennifer Garner. The star of Alias, Juno, and the Kingdom. Who is expecting her second child.

Get well soon

I hope my friend the Blogger Meine Posie, gets well soon. I hope she feels better.


I don't like talking about Music. Whenever I get asked what kind of music I listen to I try to change the subject. Or I feel a little embarrassed.  Oh I can give a clever answer. I choose music very personally. If I like something, it has a specific meaning to me. Its because it moves me.   I recently bought a new phone. It has a built in MP3 player. I pass the time at work, now by listening to music.  One of the people I listen to  most often is Avril Lavinge   Why Avril you ask? I can't say I am her target demographic. I am in my thirties.  Avril is in her early twenties. In fact, when her first single, ``complicated'' was released. Avril was in her late teens.  Yes, that did make me feel weird. I was in my twenties though So the age difference between us, was not unheard of.  She is married now anyway. Though she is still causing ructions. (From the Vancouver sun) Avril Lavigne too sexy for Malaysia Vancouver Sun Published: Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Peer review

I wish the best of luck to my good friend. Who is having problems, with her University. I hope she gets the matter resolved soon.

This rocks

  You should check out my friend, Miss Misery site One of the coolest things I have ever seen. ****************** I had today off, I enjoy the sunshine.  I am glad to be free from my employment  On Thursday they were actually playing tag, at work.  Thank goodness, for my MP3 player. 

Isaac Hayes

(August 20 1942-August 11 2008) Singer, instrumentalist. ``Chef'' ``The Duke of New York'' ``Tolok''

Gone Baby Gone

A very well made film. Perhaps close to being classic. I must reconsider my opinion of Ben Affleck. Who co wrote, and directed this film. Casey Affleck, does a good job, as a PI, hired to investigate the case. He is young, he doesn't really want the job. Who would want to have to investigate the abduction of a child. It is beautifully observed. View of the American underclass. A child belonging to Amy Ryan. A good performance, by Ms Ryan. Down to the accent. We actually hear a Boston burr in this film. From many of the principals.  There is shot of a newsman, in suit and tie, and shorts and trainers. Its not a film, one can share much about. When I watch films, now. I have half a mind, on writing my blog. Here, there is very little I want to report on. I don't want to make snide comment's or make little asides, about a film about Child abductions. There are some very superficial resemblences to the Mcann case. Which delayed its release date. Films, can take us,

My friend Valya

This is my friend Valya. She is the winner of the All Russia, economics prize. Several times. We talk most days, and she remembers to send me texts. She calls me her PHD. She turns up in a lot of my drawings, as she is such a strong personality. She is also fearless.  She loves animals. Dancing, and is a a great Patriot. She is off to study at GW university in Washington DC. She's the Best. Bomb for everyone else! Her Phd is pround!

The X Files. ``I want to believe''

Oh, how well do I remember. I was looking at an American magazine, in Hounslow  library, 15 years ago, or so.  I used to go there on Weekends, why? Not sure There was an interview with a pop singer. Who described her favorite program, as the X files. Then it started Every Thursday, I used to watch it. I watched it, I thought about it, all week. I have the X files, file guide. I have the X files I lived I breathed it. I taped each episode. I borrowed the videos, from my friend, I didn't have.  I had a picture, of Miss Anderson, on my wall. I had the edition of Sky Magazine, with Miss Anderson, sans her top, numerous fake nudes. I visited Washington. Oh how I identified  with Mulder. The genius, misunderstood, by the world. I guess, there will always be a part of my Teenage years, which lasts 50 minutes, and ends. ``I made this'' Dancing to Cerys Matthews, singing ``Mulder and Scully'' in the GUU. Everyone wanted a part of the X  Files . Jerry Springer, to Richa

Workday woes

Yesterday, I received the news. That I will not be offered an interview for a position, at my job. This made me feel, like shit. I get an extra day off, because my boss, thinks I am carrying to many people. She wants them to have to work for a while. On arriving at work. I was informed by e-mail. It seems my entire department was passed over. Which is a little better, but this is the second time its happened. So someone up their doesn't like us.

My working life.

  Fridays are the busiest work day for me. Everyone else leaves early. I have to make sure, that the Books, Media, and magazines are all returned to their proper homes I asked my friend to help me. She offered to chase masturbators out of the toilets. An Artist's impression

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Alexander Solzhenitsyn , the author a day in the life of Ivan Denisvoich, has died. He was 89. I read a day in the life in high school. I can still remember, the text. A powerful work. Its odd, the system he described has passed away, now I chat with a Russian, every day

The 3.10 from Yuma

I had meant to see this in the Cinema. It has two of my favourite actors. Christian Bale, and Russell Crowe. So Mr Crowe, who we remember from Master and Commander,Gladiator and  LA Confidential, a film I mean to pick up on DVD. Mr Bale, plays Batman, and was the American Psycho Its a straight forward piece. A western, Russell Crowe plays Ben Wade, an outlaw, a black hat, who after robbing a stage coat, is captured. Bale, plays a rancher, a crippled rancher. Prosthetic foot, down on luck, behind on his payments. Bale had his herd stampeded, and his barn burnt as a warning to pay up. Looking for his herd, Bale stumbles across Wade. Who removed his horses. As Bales teenage boy observes They were not worth stealing. Bale brings the bloody and beaten, Pinkerton. Into town, there Bale confronts, his banker. Who refuses to take, his medal in hock. The land is worth more with him gone. His farm's water has been dammed, there is a drought. His boy is sick. (Consumption, lurks in the ba
Barry George, has been cleared of the murder of Jill Dando. I have followed the case for some, time. My mother took a particular interest, in the case. I suspect in part due, to George's learning diffculties. My brother has some of the same learning difficulties It was eerie watching videos of Georges interviews I can recall the murder of Jill Dando. I remembering seeing the news in the papers. I was waiting at a bus stop. The same bus stop I would change buses at High school. The conviction of Mr George. Rested on an eye witness, who placed, him in the Area,horus before. George's behavior, under interview, and a speck of gun shot residue, on Mr George's clothing. Which was argued could have been due to lab contamination. Mr George, had a checkered past. Which cannot have helped his case. The Prominent QC Mike Mansfield defended him The Murder of Jill Dando, still remains unsolved. Chillingly someone killed a young woman, on the streets of london. With the casual ease, one