
Showing posts from November, 2008

Rawr that I means I love u in Dinosaur

I stole this from someone's website. I saw it last night. While I was surfing the web Its a little wasted as I don't have a girlfriend. What the hell, it is cute. It is me

Round up

I am wondering what to do, as I spent less money then I expected  in the USA. I should have a bit more this month. My Christmas duties have been taken care of. So I am thinking of taking a little trip. Perhaps Berlin. I thought about Sweden, or Denmark. I am put off, by the price of Beer. I am worried about being by myself in a Scandinavian dark winter. Then I think, its just stupid. I should save my money. I could buy a lovely new Sony Vaio. I do love to travel though. I like the excitement of being in a new place. I won't have a lot of time off over Christmas. About 3 days, in all. I went to work today, we were understaffed, and the frost began to bite. The day dragged on. I felt unwell, for a bit My soccer team drew. The new series of the I.T Crowd started Tomorrow though I can sleep in. I have hung my stocking up.

From my friend Kasia

Chosen by her mother

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope Nessa, and Derek, Valya, Robyn, Chris, and the rest of my friends in the US, have a wonderful and safe holiday

From Germany

  A birthday card from my good friend Meike!
My friend Nessa, sent me the coolest card. It rocks, you should all check out her Podcasts! I am off work today, hooray!

Shame how commercial its gotten


Song for the day. The Bangles I am back at work. I was late, as someone was ill, and brought our mass transportation system to a halt. Then at work, they are demanding we show them our passports and various other forms of id. Something to do with Human resources. So I was cranky I then opened my friend Nessa's card. It rocks!!! Anyway. I had a huge crush on the Bangles, who didn't. I have been listening them to a lot recently, when I was on Holiday. From the sunshine, to the workaday world!

35 minutes

In 35 minutes. I go to sleep. It ends. My holiday ends. I am no longer master of my affairs. I answer to clock, and co workers. Tonight I went out, to a pub. No real reason, I just got bored of the quiet. Once again, I look west, over a distant star, and wish I was elsewhere. Happy Birthday Nicole. You see me smile. Now thats rare. My good friends new Podcast. You should all check it out. I hope you feel better Nessa!

The Kindness of Strangers.

On the 16th of November. I went to see an NFL game, for the very first time. It was not the first American football game I have been to. I remember attending a handful of UNC-games. I watched NFL games, on and off through out my life. I actually convinced my parents into letting me stay up late a few times, to watch the Superbowl. I can only have been 8 at the most. NFL, enjoyed an upsurge in popularity across the Atlantic. At around 1986, during the dark days, of the post Heysel ban, on British clubs. The long night of Celtic AFC. When the spectre of hooliganism, was rife. I then went to UNC, I saw the Bronco's win the Superbowl. Yay Stuber! I watched the Panthers get to the Superbowl, in 2003. Where sadly they lost. I spent the day scouring for the name of a cheerleader. Who set our hearts. Sorry I should not lie, loins afire in the summer of 97 So being so close to the stadium. I was determined to see an NFL game. I purchased a 50 dollar ticket. I got up early. I had t

Thank you

I would like to Thank Mrs Ben... for her nice message on my Birthday.  I wish her every happiness

Dalek Socks

    Dalek Socks These were a little Birthday present to myself. They are Dalek socks. The Daleks, are as we are all aware: Represent the muated remains of the Kaleds, of Skaro. Whom under Davros, and later Dalek Emperors attempted the conquest of the Universe! They are Doctor's most deadly enemies. Now, the Daleks  are at my feet. My friend  Sol. Is a dancer. She has hurt her feet. So she can borrow my feet, until hers can dance again!

Amongst Sauria of Charlotte

On my last day, in Charlotte. I went to the discovery Palace. It a museum designed for children. I went there, to see the Pompeii exhibitions. Which I may talk about later. I also saw an IMAX, film an ancient Greece. However as you have guessed the Dinosaurs caught my eyes. A sauropod, tending her eggs. The Models are quite small, which I think is a pity. It would be nice to give the kids, a sense of scale. Though budget and space, play a part here alas. I was pleased to see this, Pachycephalosaurus Not one of the normal gang of 4. T-rex, Stegosaurus, Triceratops, Brontosaurus. There is a discussion about the skulls of this beast. Where they used as a weapon, in courtship, as a ram, or for sneaky headbuts. The type a basketball player would be proud of

Returning Home

I am a Charlotte International Airport. Which bears the abbreivation CLT. Which amuses me, in a juvenile way. I shall, be boarding my flight in an hour or so. They just asked if anyone wants to upgrade to business class for 500 dollars. I actually, have to check into the flight at the gate. Before I can board. I will make a fuller report of my trip over the next few days. I wish you all well

The other Charlotte

  This is uptown, in a nice little park by the library   The view, from my bedroom window. I have counted 5 diggers. I am not an expert on this   Another view of the citys business heart

Birthday greeting

Happy birthday, hope you had a good day and a great trip to the us. M

Birthday Greetings 2

Katusha ‎(07:53): hello!!!! happy birthday!!! FroZZen ‎(06:52): Happy Birthday, my dear Rurri! May you be healthy, rich, and smiling  Here's a song for you have a lovely Monday Tati HAPPY BIRTHDAY! WISH U LUCK, LOVE :) Midnight Poetess ‎(12:31): :) happy birthday))))

Birthday greetings 1

-E-s-h-a- rurri!!!!!!!! dear rurri! i want to wish all thw best!!! big money, nice girl and funny cat!!!!! will be happy!!!


Granniog, have fun in Glasgae. Be careful, and download the following programs, on BBC I player. Beautiful People Little Britan USA Any Dr Who or Torchwood, they have I awoke hungover, but its sunny. A lot of shops are closed. I am going back out for a walk. I won't meet up with Valya. Which is dispointing

I'm in the South

It was  nine hours, and change long flight, I was behind, German cripples at immigration. They changed the I-90 form! Burger King now offers free wi-fi. My room, has free wi-fi, technically. That is the most noticeable difference. You can still smoke in bars. I am drunk. Really The pretty waitress asked me at 11am did I want a beer. I passed an adult bookstore, and a strip club, and one of the bars offered bikini bucking bronco The Charlotte Bobcats were sponsored by more Churches then I could count. I was given a program, by Paola's long lost cousin. Cheerleaders, handed out lightsabres earlier on... It doesn't stop raining, Oh god, I missed it

Eastbound and down!

  I am going to Charlotte NC. (Not sure why I blow, a kiss here. I sure really light a cigarette. Thats more in my milleu- not that I smoke anyway) You be good while I am gone

Sssh! Secret!

I opened the wrong box :)

Burn after reading

There is no fool like an old fool. Its a film for the middle aged, George Clooney's US marshal, with acid reflux. Who carries around a pillow, to his love nest. He can't eat goats cheese. Swinton is having an affair, and Malkovitch has his bottle. Tilda Swinton is a shrew. A successful English doctor, married to John Malkovitch's CIA operative. Malkovitch, is a boozy CIA officer. An ex Princeton Alum, who is told he has a drinking problem, by a Mormon. He quits Frances McDormand as Linda Litzke. Who is sick of internet dating. Who wants 50 000 dollars worth of plastic surgery.  To reinvent herself, she ``The face the window to the soul'' Brad pitt, is vacant, empty. Juvenile. As Chad. Its a startling performance. There is an absence. There is no subtlety. This is a man, over his head. Manipulated by a middle aged gym assistant. His confrontation with John Malkovitch, is wonderful. He steals lines from the ``President's men'' JK Simmons as

Today at work

Someone asked ``Whats Chalmydia?'' Across a crowded Library I also showed up 45 minutes late.

Song for today

I was grumpy today. As we had no hot water. I was riding my excercise bike, and watching classic movie tunes. On one of the music channel This song came on I do actually like Madonna. Perhaps something, I should keep to myself. I even liked her early stuff. Well, why do I like this song. In my heart, I associate it with Paola. I remember sending it to her. Though, I actually identify, with Austin. As Americans, occasionally call me Austin. As I wear Glasses, I am bucked tooth, and well... When I went to Hawaii,  people called me Austin. I was in Hawaii, and pretty chilled, so I let it slide. Now watch Mike Myers, has he comes into the club. He is garish odd, and using an monocle. Some of you have met me. Its not unlike me. Still when the song ends  Austin drives off the with the beautiful girl Sometimes, you roll the six. There are days, when I forget that,

Almost unreal

A forgotten song, from a forgotten Movie. (Super Mario Bros) In actual fact, the song, was comissioned for another film altogether. (Hocus Pocus) Check wiki I loved the song for years. When I was younger, I used to dream, it was a beautiful girl, saying these words to me. The girl who has been in mine  dreams all this time. That why I liked it. No great art. No long and complex, de construction. I liked it. I listened to it.


Congratulations to my friend August. Who was married last month. I wish her, and her husband every happiness

Petty crimes

I was buying stuff, for my trip today. I was also trying to work out, how to buy tickets for a basketball game, and an American football game. Anyway, I was in a chemists. Rather what the Americans would call a drug store. I was buying shampoo, and toothpaste. You know the little travel sized ones. There kind of cool aren't they :) Anyway, the shop assistant is staring at me. Which is annoying because I am in my thirties. I am not going to steal 100 ml of shampoo. If I want to commit a crime. I will hold up the cash register. Or Rob the bank, next door. I thought better of it, but if your going to stare accusingly at people. At least say something like. Phew I thought you might pull of a crime, like the Joker, in the Dark Knight. Yes I probably could. I am evil


I can't sleep. I am annoyed because of an argument I got into at work. I really don't let things go easily. I was sort at fault, too. So I am annoyed at that too. I have tomorrow off. I then work Saturday, and I shall be back at work, on Monday. Then my holidays will start A week today, I am the USA

The most secret things in the world

With the great affairs of the wider world settled. I can now return to my inner world. When I was younger. I used to draw for hours. As a source of amusement. I made whole worlds. Whole universes in fact. I not only drew, pictures. I also wrote reports about them. Listing, and cataloguing recording.   I developed a universe. The Federation. Yes I would not like, a lawsuit from Paramount. However I also ripped out the Foundation universe, of Issac Asimov Sayshel Frigate This is a good example. Its a Frigate. Using both Foundation, and Trek tropes. The design for the ship is very bad by the way. Its has an undefended bottom. So a ship could simply fly underneath it, and blast away. Space is a three dimensional medium. I actually missed out on the lessons of Star trek 2 The Federation-Foundation Universe   However once, I got past technology and names. I did get some interesting ideas. My federation, was having a

Val election talk The top one. I am in a better spirits. I missed Heroes. OOps! I getting to walk about work, and bark at the newbies. I have snagged an extra day off. I wish you all well.

Senator Obama president

44th President of the USA.


I felt better about the newbies today. They seem harmless after all. However. I do worry about my future at work. The newbies mean for the moment. Everything is done. This means I have more and more contact with my co workers. It means more chances for argument I will need to keep an eye out McCain to concede, after the Polls close in California. Val, was interviewed by Israeli TV, when I have the link. I will let you know Tomorrow I have been 7 years in my job. 5 years ago, I was in Hawaii. 11 Years ago I was in NC.

44 and counting

  Last man standing? First among equals?

Don't let me get me   I like Pink. I think she is pretty, even though as my sister once put it. ``Bless her she looks like a bloke'' I always liked this song. Its a song of adolescent Angst. However I am feeling a bit off today. I have a sore throat that won't clear up, and we have 10 new people at work. They look harmless, and decent enough. I just don't like change. I am worried what the long term results will be.  That and my shyness Anyway back to Pink I did win first place a few times. I could not take direction. I was never my parents favourite. Oh, and my socks, were never clean. I get stained a lot. Bubble gum on my trousers on Friday! However in this piece about Angst. About not being able to fit in. There is the realisation the working world. Is no better LA told me, "You'll be a pop star, All you have to change is everything you are." Tired of being compared to damn Britney Spears She'

Why Halloween rules!

I am sometimes accused of having my head in the clouds. Of talking a good game, but not paying attention to more practical matters. Indeed, it was the genesis, of this site. Lies and dreams (My friend Val-dressed as a pirate) Then again life sometimes get really confusing. If I can only find a picture of Christina straddling a T-rex - - - - - (In other news, there will be at least half a dozen people starting at work on Monday. Why this is the case, I don't know. I am not sure what it means )

The past is a foreign country

  Published in 1956. It spoke of a bright future in which peace and plenty would be assured. I saw this today, and it caught my eye.