
Showing posts from September, 2009

Advice I received

First of all you need to decide are you going to let your jealousy control your life or not, you need to concentrate on not being bothered, people live their own life's, you cant control others, that is what your jealous thoughts are trying to make you do. I´m sure you agree that being so jealous does not make you happier. Second, her age doesn't matter, some women are attracted to older men. Third, did you ask her if she was flirting or did you just decide that she was. Try to think of your jealous thoughts as trust issues, you don't need to trust other people, but the fact that you got bothered about her playing table tennis with someone else means that you didn't trust her, your mind went straight to bad thoughts. Fourth, did you think you didn't deserve her and so you had to find some subconscious way to justify to yourself why you should let her go? Why are you angry with her, what did she do really, did she confess to you that she was flirting, are you not j
Good luck Michelle I hope everything goes well tomorrow

Get well soon Coco

Best wishes, for a swift and speedy recovery!

Its all about the numbers

I was not my bosses first choice for supervisor This is the second period this year I have done this The third time, since I started my current job. I have been supervisor There are four work days till I start In 5 days.( If a co worker Is in tomorrow) It will be the last time I see someone. Someone who I have held a grudge against from 2005. Is that healthy I don’t know. Probably isn’t I will spend six days in NC Its 7 weeks until I go. This doesn’t tell you how nervous I am. How I hate my job. How I am tormented by grief, regret and hate. Numbers, unreal and so real. Everything and nothing

Talking with my boss today

We have yearly reports at work. I went to see my boss. I said I wasn’t happy with a lot of things. We were talking and she said she would promote me.  I am wondering if I have been given enough rope to hang myself. My boss kept saying no one else wanted the job. Made excuses for another co worker Well, we will see. More money for Christmas at the very least
Happy Birthday Sol I wish my friend Sol a happy Birthday birthday. A merry and wonderful day ! Many happy returns

I had a bad day at work

I went to work today. There is a dinner, for that supervisor who is leaving. I have held a grudge against him, since. He complained about me sometime ago. I saw the list up about what day, you make it. I wasn’t interested. So I got on with my work. Anyway they sent ``Little Girl’’ the woman I dated. To ask me i wanted to go.I was not pleased by this. I answered no. Then I gave an excuse. I did not want to be harsh Another of my idiot co workers, comes over and starts asking me. I won’t go. I tell him I can damn well read. I just don’t want to. I gave a polite No. Its not your damn business why I don’t want to go! I have felt the anger all day. Anger and grief

Goodbye Stella

Stella, the barmaid at my local is leaving She looked like Kirsten Bell, and always made me feel welcome I will miss her

Kerry GAA Animals in West Cork

I saw this on slugger o toole. I have been laughing at this for days, and sharing it with everyone. I watched Kerry play Cork today with my father. My maternal Grandfather was from Kerry. Valencia Island. So there for the grace of God


September 19 : First day of Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year)   Eid ul-Fitr begins at sunset ( Islam , 2009 );   Oktoberfest begins in Munich ( 2009 ); Independence Day in Saint Kitts and Nevis ;   Armed Forces Day in Chile International Talk Like a Pirate day Best wishes to you all. I have the day off and a hangover!

Our Hero

(An Old Stargate SG-1 Fan fic I wrote) Our Hero This is a fic, about Cu'chulain. What would have happened if the Gou'ald posed as the Gaelic hero Cu'chulain. This is how I would feel if Cu'chulain, the great Irish hero had been a Gou'ald Three days he had waited. He had watched the Suns rise. He slept under strange stars. His body still, his mind racing.... It was only 5 days ago they came to this world. It seemed like the same old, same old. DJ enthused over the culture. ``The living history `'Like a kid in a toyshop. Sam took soil samples and readings While Teal'c questioned the local's on the Gou'ald. It looked like a host world. The Snakes hadn't been around for a while though. He was ready to pack up and go home and get a shower, and a cup of coffee Then he heard a name… Cu'chulain… Daniel found himself checking his watch again. He had been doing that a lot for the past three Days.

Patrick Swazye

Jed Eckert, Johnny Castle , Bodhi August 18, 1952 – September 14, 2009 RIP

Gun play

A man came into work today. They search your bags toing and froing from work. A man handed his replica firearm. Which is illegal to have here. He then went about his business. Security called the guardians of civic order Who arrived mounted and armed After mis identifying the man with the fake firearm .They summoned him to the information desk . Then the law got its man

Five sites I don’t visit anymore Buffy Fansite. There were /are some beautiful wallpapers. I miss that show so much! Jammers reviews A good site. Decent reviews of star trek episodes, and Battle star Galactica. I started writing Stargate-SG1 reviews at one point, in 2000 or 2001 to give me something to do. I think I saw this site at UNC. Gate world A similar site to Jammers reviews. Though this time its Stargate SG-1 reviews.  I was quite big into Stargate fandom. I even wrote two Stargate short stories.  They are on the web someplace. I pissed off alot of people on the stargate forums. I kept wanting them to launch special forces raids off world.  I had a crush on a girl from wisconsin Who was on one of my groups. I ended up moderating a group briefly. Then I pissed off the owner. Xena studies. I had a long drawn out essay on Celtic themes in Xena. Which has been lost several computers ago. I was

Round up 13-9-2008

My mother has returned from Hospital. She had an operation on a vein in her leg. She is on crutches, until she recovers One of my co workers is leaving. I am quite pleased to see the person go. This person, was the one who complained most of all the last time I was a supervisor. Almost five years ago now I guess. As far as I can tell, this person has been indulged at work. All his life. He basically has sheltered/ or run interference with all the troublemakers.  So I am glad to see him go. Punching the air, at the news, was perhaps impolitic Another co worker left on Monday. She was very pretty. What I will miss most about her, is she always wore tight trousers. I have been making plans for my trip to NC. I hope to catch a minor league hockey game there. I went to the pub last night. I was a bit hungover today

District 9

Onimious metaphor hovers over the head of Johannesburg Its filmed in mockumentary style. There are the talking heads. The landing of the Alien space craft over Jo’berg is discussed. The Aliens were helpless and Malnourished. So the South African government cut open the ship, and resettled the Aliens on Earth. Then things started to go wrong. The Aliens, the `prawns’’ were blamed for crime. They wrecked trains. So the RSA decided to resettle the prawns Away from Jo’Berg. A multi national is charged with handling security in evicting the Prawns. The officer who will lead the charge.  Is a man called Wikus Wikus reminds me of Steve Carrell in the American version of the office. His father in law, and Boss. Tells the camera he was not very bright. He is a devoted husband. He makes small gifts for his wife. Whilst Wikus occasionally reminds you why no one loves Afrikaners. He is not a monster. For example Wikus clashes with one of the PMC early on , in the film. He notices that the PMC

The last episode of ``the Wire’’

I just watched the final episode of the wire. I apologise for the profanity but… What the fuck, am I going to do now work for a living? That’s it. No more Bunk and McNulty. No more Omar, saying ``Indeed’’. No more watching bandy legged Fremon walk. No more Proposition Joe. No more Jay Landsman. No more B-more Morder po-ice. No more Cavanaugh's bar. No more Greggs, no more Carver. Baltimore is thousands of miles away. I know of it. I knew a few girls who lived there in UNC. Valya has been there. The Wire, made it seem familiar. The crickets, and the weather reminded me of NC. Charlie Brooker on the wire : It was a little piece of my life. I was able to step out if my life, and into another world.  Now it’s over

Insult to injury

I was coming home from work today. We are enjoying an Indian summer. Its warm. There was a lady sitting by the window. Who kept closing it. The rush of air kept upsetting her hair. Lady was a pretty 30 something Milf type in a trouser suit. Looked a bit like Emila fox. Anyway, two women were annoyed ``Emila ‘’ finally moved away. I felt bad for her. Anyway, as I got off, at my station. I was going down the stairs pretty quickly. I was off in my own world. I kicked something. It was the novel`` Emila’’ was reading. She had dropped it. I am so sorry. I guess I was the final straw in bad day for someone

Get well soon Laura

I hope you feel better. You take care

Happy Birthday Father

Today in History Malchera senior born

Good luck Danny

My best wishes to my friend and co worker, who is going for a medical today. My fingers are crossed

Take Care, Alexia

Don’t let the bastards get you down. Don’t get mad, get everything!!!

Pax Romana

Weary Caesar fumbles with the lock Praising a merciful father for the storms. The summer had been so hard. Berber had struck across Africa. Would there be another cruel Hannibal. Would the legions be lost again? The cold memory of Cannae. Varus, and Crassus made Rome flinch The loneliness of sleepless nights, is kin to the grave The Suevti broke their word. There had been treachery The farms were idle the ploughmen scattered. The frontier alight Confusion and panic were the only offerings to The laughter of strangers echoed in the Forum. The summer had been so hard. The storms of winter come. Our ships no longer becalmed The vestal, to her hearth returned. In far Gallia or misty Britannia. The matron, listens to her sons Lyre. Valens has gathered the host. The roads are quiet now The Caledonian Numeri waves to his woman. The summer had been so hard The mother goddess in the north. White skinned and fair Her strong songs sleeping under the great bea


As anyone who has spoken to me, for the last month, knows. This has been quite a difficult time for me. Tomorrow should be the last day of it. The circumstances change. I fear tomorrow will be the hardest day. Remember me kindly

Funny People.

I remember when Adam Sandler was the funniest man alive. I remember laughing hard at Happy Gilmore. It was my college days. It was the days of South Park and Cider. ``God bless Hanukhah’’ ``OJ Simpson still not a Jew!’’ I remember watching Billy Madison, with my cousins. I remember talking about going to Hooters in NYC. Talking about how, it had been in little Nicky I don’ think Sandler holds the title anymore. One of the contenders for the crown would be the Seth Rogan -Jude Aptow partnership. The people who brought you the 40 year old virgin. Superbad etc etc Seth Rogan, is playing Ira Wright. A wannabe stand up comic. He is a better salad seller then a comedian. He lives with two other roommates. One is another stand up comic. The other is a mildly successful star of a dreadful Sitcom. Think Nick freno. There is a good joke made by an African American waiter, about how he forgives Kramer. ``Michael

My big news

I will return to NC, on 12 of November. I am looking forward to seeing my friends. I hope to see a UNC game. I hope to see my good friend Valya