
Showing posts from December, 2010


My crowning moments of awesome Happy 2011 and to you all

Back to work

It is the 29/12/2010 1972 orders, at 1600 GMT 66 people working across the supply department. When I arrived at 1137.GMT I brought 7 barrows upstairs, at the end of the day 5 days have passed since I have been at work 9 people absent. In my 4 packets of Fruit gums I dealt with 2 queries one for an item produced in 2006 VT 132 is missing

In the pub

This is where I have spent a lot of time, over my winter holiday. It is an Irish pub near me. It serves food, and also hosts musical evenings. I often go here on Saturday nights to hear the bands This is me, and my brother on Christmas day. We were served by a very attentive Aussie barmaid. I have been drinking this Very agreeable it is too

At the fitba

I know the sky is pink. That’s an error on the camera. However if you look at the centre of the picture. The figures in yellow, are Swansea fans dressed as Banana’s There may have been one in blackface too My team won by 4 goals to nil. A welcome return to form. It is a strange thing though. I went to the pub with my friend afterward. I have known him, since my college days, which seem a lifetime away. Well they are. Indeed they are in another country. The life I have now. The life of rising at 8am, and checking the train times. The life of instant noodles, and changing brand of razors, depending on which one is offer, seems a long way from that. It was strange to be walking down, by the railway, with my friend. I have three lives. I have my normal life, my past, and my online life. They rarely meet. I am accused sometimes of having my head in the clouds. Yes that is true, but my real life is strange too

Xmas 2010

I woke up, 7am. After coming in late. My cough/chest infection, has been giving me grief. I took some meds, and made lemon tea, I went back to sleep. I woke up at 10 or so I was presented with A blazer Lost season 5&6 Jeans Socks Razor Frasier final season sweets cardigan, and T shirt We than had Bagels, and Bacon and eggs, and orange juice. Which was yummy. Than after a pause. My brother and I walked to the pub. After two beers. We returned to lunch. Than after spending some time, with my family. I went off to sleep A nap, cleared my head. I watched Doctor who, been having, a few beers and chilling, watching the A-team

Seasons greetings

Thank you for reading my posts in 2010
You be good. Lots of love and many happy returns С днем рождения  

Get well soon

I hope my Valya gets well soon

Rapid Vienna

Last week. I was in Vienna. I went to see Rapid Vienna play. I took the U Its not that large a ground. It holds less than twenty thousand. The team I watch on Saturdays, have a larger capacity to their ground. I was frozen, I honestly wish I was wearing long johns, or pj bottoms under my trousers. I was cold, and exposed to the continental climate. I had a tea, mit rum, and a Kaiser roll.  These two pictures are after the match. I paid 29 Euro's for my seat. Which was too exposed to the cold. The rapid fans, may not be numerous but they are ferrocious, in their support. At least a score ran on the pitch to confront the opposition. It took dogs, to bring them to heal. Some flew the Irish Tricolour, others symbols of the Hanseatic league. ( Rapids colours are Green and white)

My card from my Valya


Snow day

It snowed on Saturday. I was allowed to leave work early. Security threw us out of the building, and I slinked home. I should have enjoyed the winter season more, but I have a cold or some other ``lurgi’’ Caledonian medicine used to be world famous I digress here are pictures of the snow…   In the park Another picture of myself in the park. I than waited 40 minutes for the bus. I had a cut on my foot. A panorama of the snow. The teenagers were pleased Another snap, of a cold ill malchera.

12 of December 2010

Snowed out today at work We had to leave the building at 2pm. My Boss had her pet in charge today.  Who acts like a teenager. He wants to sleep, and chat with his friends. One of my other co workers said  ``I am not going to kill myself '' ie I won't work hard for him. I replied ``I hope you won't you have a lot to live for'' My soccer team lost. They were the only team playing it seemed. They lost.2-0. I saw a young lad, in bobble hat and scarf on his way to see the game. I felt so sorry for him, a long way to come back disappointed I feel so sick. It happened after 5pm. I was unable to go to the pub. I sleep and I feel fine. I have got my sisters driving lessons. Thus all the Christmas presents. I watched Dirk Gently on BBC Steven Magan has a nice roll, he has had a bit of distance from Guy Secretan. So Magan can add some exuberence to the roll. The Senate repealed DADT. Speaking of American matters, Valya has returned from Puerto Rico, and Chris and Re
Who is the pretty lady Malchera? Its my pal Kate

Where did you get that hat?

My wonderful Christmas present from Valya. It covers my ears. It is really great. I am warm, on my way to work! I am very happy she has come home from Puerto rico, and had a lovely trip

Kate and Brno two

and we went into a book store. I told Kate, that I like bookstores, as I think I out ranked everyone in them. I had picked up Kate a paperback, via amazon. She found a nice book for me, which I have been reading today on the train. I will write a review perhaps Brno  was host to its Christmas market. My charming guide bought some roasted chestnuts. I have never had these before they have a nice meaty texture. We circled the square. There was due to be a performance by the Joe Cocker band. Kate said, she was still Angry, and I asked did Joe Cocker make her angry? My fair companion giggled, and said no. She was hungry! We passed a mysterious rocket shaped clock, that is not understood, but appreciated none the less A potato fritter not sating her, we retired to a cafe. An old fashioned one, a little pricy, which was in an old house. There were suits of armour in the lobby, but the place was closed. So we tried the downstairs competitors. The lift to the bottom, was glass. Oh dear

Brno and Kate

I was in Prague in 2004. It was a strange holiday. My brothers best friend took his own life, and we went to Prague for a change of scene. We travelled out on the day John Kerry conceded the election. Prague, trip was not one I remember fondly. An ertasz Irish bar. The bitter cold. I messed up the exchange rate bought a red jacket and I could not do anything else. There was on extra ordinary beautiful barmaid who chatted with us. She looked like Kirsten Dunst’s more radiant sister. she had been a nursing student in our hime town Czech girls are very pretty. The country is blessed, as Iceland was/is Today I went to Brno, to see my friend Kate. We have corresponded on ICQ, for a few years So today, I went to see her. I am very pleased I did. It was the highlight of my trip. I have only known Kate via the internet. So, I had no idea, how charming she is in person. Not just with me, she was making the girls, in the tourist office. Our Kate wants to be lawyer. I wonder if this is

Cheetah enclosure at Vienna zoo

Tilt your head I am afraid This is me, at the Cheetah enclosure

Vienna 2010

I didn't sleep the night before.  I almost got into a fight boarding the Vienna Airport Train. With a middle aged man, who kept pushing people. I got off at the wrong tram stop, and had to walk, for  Its 14 Euro's for internet access, which is robbery surely. I went into the wrong room. I read a German 4, as a 7. I am always clumsy, with locks, and the nice maid helped me. I went into town, I had punch. They ripped me off two eruos. I went into the McCafe. It was filthy. I was shocked.  I got my GPS on my phone working. It worked at reat. Found the Irish pub.. They had an old Cafferys tap there. Went back, to my hotel. They would not serve me in the bar, despite the fact, that its supposed to close at Slept until noon. I missed breakfast
Song for today. I saw this advertised on the way to work. I listened to it. It made me think of someone I know....
Round up I got a tenner today, a co worker had a win on the Bingo I have a sty in my eye. My boss has returned from the USA Valya's gift arrives tomorrow My sisters gift arrived from Amazon The Irish budget has passed in the Dail Its the 59th Anniversary of Pearl Harbour

My first christmas card

Thanks Nessa @MissMisery

Don’t tell Valya

  I got her a toy pig, in Italy. We refer to her ex, as the pig. I sent it last week, and it should arrive on monday. I also sent her a sports jersey for Christmas. I have been tormenting her, about this. I am tormenting a lot of people
Подбайте Катерини Take care Katherine Thinking of you
Whole truth True lies The thought, of a co worker, or a place mark, of a student

Mi Coya

Te extraño cariño:

Pinch punch

Saw, the end of Mad Men season 4. It was an interesting final instalment I will go and see my soccer team, play on St Stephens day. With my friend Chris Difficult day at work, 8 incorrect items. I have friday off, and I am looking forward to it I have been reading ``Gulliver’s Travel’’ and enjoying it very much We have snow, and Siberian winds.