
Showing posts from December, 2008

As I can do with a laugh

I saw this last night. I know it will make some of you smile :)
I loathe my job. I worked out why today. I can't get angry there. I cannot retaliate. Arguments and contention I can handle. Yesterday my youngest sister, wrestled me, in an effort to squeeze my blackheads. However work, is upsetting, as I am prevented or rather restrained. By conduct code and convention. Sometimes there are no enemies to fight! At work. There are keys, many keys. keys to secure valubles. I was asked to hand it in at the end of the day Someone jumped the gun on me, and closed the office door. locking away the keys. They are now inacessible I will get the blame for this, and I look stupid. I would rather a fight. I loathe my job. Le enfer c'est les autres Its freezing! Coldest new years in a long time. I am somewhat uneasy about New Years Eve. I loathe singing Auld Lang syne. However I must say I had fun last year. I have to say something to the Russians. Ain't life Grand! Well I shall enjoy a few Cours light's and roll the dice for another year

More 2008 thoughts

I avoided serious illness, this year. I am thankful for that. I got a wonderful Christmas gift from my sister. The kids in the hall, season one  DVD I didn't need new glasses Technically speaking, I have broken even. I have been in Debt, since my college years. I have now turned the corner. My family are well, my brother started college, My sister returned from the mainland. My friends flourished. Dorthe had a baby, August got married, I have more books, and DVD, then I know what to do with.

Top 5 films of 2008

Cloverfield Iron Man The Dark night Hellboy2 Ghost Town

Review of the Year 2008

I guess I logged more air miles, this year then any other. I wonder how much longer, I will be able to do that. I enjoyed the new years party, I went to in January. I refrained from smoking for another Calendar year. I enjoyed my trip to Chicago. Despite causing 200 dollars worth of damage, to my hotel. I remember the field museum. I remember the cold. I may have gone up a belt size. I enjoyed watching the first series of Dexter. I visited Iceland. One of the places, I had always wished to visit. I spent May deliriously happy. I was sad in July. I lost my phone in July. I got a new phone, and MP3 player in August. I now spend my days listening to music. There was a great contention at work. People were transferred. We got a new boss, and new staff. The George Bush era, came to an end. The price of oil soared. The papers talk of a depression, rather then a recession, and the smartest people I know, frown, when thinking of 2009 I returned to North Carolina, I

A Card from Bulgaria

  A card, from my friend Tan. It was brightest thing, at work today. I was nominally supervisor. I think, I was usurped and superfluous I have tomorrow off, and Leffe Blonde, some comfort

Happy Birthday Sveta

Happy Birthday to my friend Sveta! Many happy returns!
I was deputising today. I hope it did not go too badly.

I wish it could be Christmas every day!

  6.50 am. I wake up, I had been at a bar, with my two brothers, and there friends. Alcohol, always makes me get up early. At 7am. I rise from my bed. I turn on my computer, and my hard drive recorder. I watch the Gavin and Stacey Christmas special. I re-hydrate, I surf the web. I drink Irn bru At around 9 30. I join the rest of my family. Aside from my father who is sick. Flu or something. To open our presents, and exchange gifts. I received Doctor who season 4 DVD collection The Kids, in the Hall, collection Ironman DVD Doctor who calendar A diary Celtic FC annual Pyjamas A long sleeved shirt Doctor who annual A pair of Jeans Tracksuit bottoms A Celtic FC mug Jelly Babies King of the hill DVD A T shirt Everyone seemed happy with their gift, I got them. I think the pink North Carolina Hoodie I bought for my sister may have been a bit small. I feel kind of bad, because my


  I had a good Christmas, and I will write a report on it later. We just had some excitement.. My brother was convinced he saw, someone in our garden, at 3am. He ran out to confront the intruder, but there was no one there. I am watching a rerun, of Sara Conor, Summer is beautiful
My Christmas message to you all

I am so Sorry Nessa :(

Envelope, which has been across the Ocean twice Wishing you well for Stars and Tartan!   :)   The cover   I am so sorry Nessa!

Merci Granniog

  Did you enjoy Glasgae? As, you by now know Suk-ie-hall street :)   ``So you went, dawn Suckie, up Buckie, and alang Arglye?''

A cute card

  I recieved this christmas card from my wonderful friend Meike. It made me smile


I might be supervising next month at work. As someone will be on holiday for the month. I was asked, and I said I would. I wonder if it was the right idea. I do remember hating being a supervisor before. I will miss Valentina, as she is away until Mid January  I am not sure if I would have quit the last time. If Regina had been around, that weekend. On the other hand. I said yes pretty quickly. It was my gut reaction Its only a month. I won't burn the place down

Bon Voyage Valya

Good luck and safe trip, to my friend Valya. Who is traveling to Mexico, for Christmas. Be careful!

Mugs game

  My christmas bonus I hope my friend Tan, has a nice time in Spain

Work christmas Party

Not so bad. I actually drank alcohol. perhaps a bit too much.

Good luck Sveta!

  My friend Sveta. (The Blonde) Is off to the USA. She is going to get a job working on a cruise liner. I wish her, a safe trip, and lots of fun in the sunshine of the Gulf of Mexico (We met in 2007, when she came here to work on a farm) Today is our Work party in Hades

Awww Dammit

I have to go back to work today. I can't spend all my day drink beer, and eating Bratwurst of 4 euro steaks. No more flirting with Goths, and blonde Milf types. Or simply walking about Instead, I have to deal with several cliques. With the lazy, with the absent. I will constantly have to explain, to the passive aggressive. To the nosy, and the stupid. I am dealing with several sets of rules, and its going to be cold! As I clearly needed cheering up, I posted a picture of a cheerleader You all have a good day.

Berlin Snapshots

This is an orphan. Its the Porch of a Railway station. A railway station that Hitler used. It was then sundered from its Branch lines, at Dresden by the Cold war. This is the sign denoting the location of the Fuherbunker. Hitler killed himself about 15 m, from this spot. I attended a guided tour. Lead by a woman from Pennsylvania Heather. Who informed and educated us about the Third Reich in Berlin

The Zoo

I saw lions and tigers, and Polar bears. I felt sorry for them. They are predators. Apex Predators. They should in the wild have a range that is several square miles. Here they were stuck on boxes. My phone has packed up again, after I bought new earphones. So I could not take any more pictures Helped a cute goth, reach some beer. In the shop. Oh I saw a shark in the aquarium. Watched a kid, freak out as his dad held him to the glass. The shark swam close. There is really stunning woman working in the post office on the Potsdamer platz

A Berlin

  Wearing my unisex hat, incorrectly in front of the Brandenburg Gate   Again, Unisex hat, in front of the reichstag

Congratulations Kate!

Congratulations to my friend Kate on the birth of her niece. To her sister on the birth of her daughter, and her parents on the first of their grandchildren. Many happy returns

Hello to Berlin

Last night was terrible. I think I got maybe an hour and a half's sleep. Some of that may have been a nightmare. There was a storm. Which due to the fact I sleep in an attic means I can hear the rain hitting the roof all night. Also keeps me up for some hormonal-chemical reason. When the storm comes I want to go outside. I am serious. When the storm comes, I want to go out in it. Aside from that. I have picked up another neurosis. That of missing my flight. I fell asleep, around 6.15 am. I intended to get up at 7am. Yeah, not good. I had packed my pc, away otherwise I would have posted on it. Valya, was at a party. Otherwise I would have called her, and chatted to wind myself down. Well. I got on the plane anyway. In fact I managed to score some free beers. By moving to let an ill person, get the seat nearest the Bathroom. I almost made it to my hotel, without using a taxi. I managed to save 15 Euro or so. Berlin is fine. Its just I am tired mentally. I saw the Chri

Thank goodness for the weekend

  This is up, on an emergency exit at work. Its been, there for at least a year. Two of my co workers. (Actually one was the Department head) They were playing hide and seek. I am off to Berlin tomorrow/

Get well soon Valya

Get well Valya. I hope you feel better soon

Today in History

  In 1795, The state of North Carolina established : Its first student was Hinton James. I myself was there in 1997     The Old Bell tower, of the UNC-CH in 1997. I took this on my last day in UNC.  
I had my hair cut today, and I tidied and packed before my trip. I slept late and I watched Heroes. I wish you all well.

Charlotte Snaps

It actually said Charlotte Dance! I waited but, I missed that one This is me, trying on strangers clothes, at the Museum of the new south. I did like the hat. This records the visit of Judah P Benjamin to Charlotte As the Civil war closed. The Confederate Government fell back through NC. Across the street, is where Jefferson Davis, heard Lincoln had been shot Judah died in Paris. After a career at the bar, in England He was the most senior Confederate leader to escape. He turns up in a lot of Alternate fiction. So I was intrigued to see him remembered

Christmas card

Thanks Nessa A busy day at work. I did however get out early. One more episode of Lost to go. I think we had snow too.

I went to the shops today

I bought my oldest sister, her Christmas present. However as I spent a lot more on everyone else. I picked up a dvd for her. Manniquin actually Anyway the girl behind the counter notes my choice She recomended A more modern uptake on the theme. I chatted to her for a bit. Then I went off. I pointed out that Lars, may have better CGI, but lacks a whimsical 1980's soundtrack. Yes I actually use the term whimsical in conversation. In public, with strangers. Anyway Walking away from the shop. I am wondering is that the vibe. I am giving off. Yes, I am interested in fem-bots, and the variant, sex bots Then I remembered, I like watching a TV program. Because the cybernetic killing machine, reminds me of one my friends. Yep that's exactly what your interested in Ru   So the most perceptive woman in the world, works at a DVd store 3 blocks away

Three dimensional model of Colonge A three dimensional model of Roman Colonge. Colonia Agrippina. The first entry in this blog, was a picture of me, on the river Rhine, outside Colonge. It is fascinating to walk around an Ancient town. When I was in Highschool, I studied centuries old texts, that mentioned, the city. I visited it, for Christmas last year. Now, I can see it, as it was. So I have read of it, how it was. Seen it how it was, and have imagined as it was, for me. In other news. I spent today quietly. I recieved my good friend Nessa's christmas card. I picked up my parents presents. I am watching Season 4 of Lost. Lots of pretty Women on the train Best wishes to you all

If you want something to make you smile


I visited the city of Prague in 2004. I left just after the American presidential  election. I remember seeing John Kerry making his concession speech on the TV, whilst I drank Coke. I received a lovely postcard from my friend Kate, of the city yesterday and I thought it was cool.   I had today off. I spent it quietly. I missed a delivery, and bought a new watch. I watched a decent enough version of Kidnapped

On that bombshell

I learned someone I work with, directed pornographic films, in the past. The guy spends his days now, simply talking about I have been a bit unwell, a mild but annoying cold. My mobile phone, was playing up. I bought a new charger, nothing happened. I then took the battery and I dusted it. Its working fine so far. I have tomorrow off, I hope to sleep. I wish you all well.
  These are the pictures of that great present that I got yesterday from my great friend Malchera. I call him PhD because he is very smart and always ready with wise advice for me! I should say that this man is really great, very kind and I am very lucky that I have such a friend! I guess everybody who had ever chance to communicate with my cute PhD knows how great he is and I get very angry when I see that people treat him in a mean way because he does not deserve this at all. Anyway I am not going to let these people treat my PhD in a bad way and use him just because he is kind and always ready to help. So if you think that you can be one of these mean people you would better deal with me and I will talk some sense into you! Kiss kiss for my cute phd! You are the best of the best!              

`` We will be in Berlin by Christmas''

I am going to Berlin. I decided last night. After I came home from the pub. I had thought of going to Meikeland. However I remembered this morning, she is going to Euro Disney. All other things being equal, I guess I might have gone, to Disneyland myself. However things ain't equal. I signed up for the third reich walking tour of Berlin. Its not a good idea to book things online, after returning home from the pub. I bought my sister, two boxed book sets last night oops. Anyway, I am off to Berlin.