
Showing posts from May, 2009

Wien again :)



I gave up my seat for two lesbians on the flight there   I used an ATM. There was a guz behind me in a swimming hat and and speedos.  I innocently thought too my self, oh the pool must be next door. I then noticed the photographer and the crowd....   The Opera house is a wonder of the world   There are people using the Kunstadt (sp) to send rude messages  Kevin Gratt is a wanker The beer is good and the Barmaids pretty   There is no wireless my hotel

Well done Master Tan

Well done Master Tan I am very proud of my you

Happy Birthday Miss Misery

A very happy Birthday to my friend the Brilliant and Beautiful Blogger Miss Misery, half of the creative force behind stars and Tartan. Now currently on tour in Vegas Many Happy returns
Last night I had a strange dream. I remember I was in a pub. They served me a Marguritta in a half pint glass. This wasn't really what I wanted. I drank it anyway. I paid for it in dollars. Then I was at work I found some money. Under the shelf for the books that were copyrighted in 1986. The money was old. The bills were about 10 years old. They were still legal tender. Then I tried to pay the money in at a cash machine. I had my dollars. Which seemed to be monopoly money. There was a 1200 dollar bill. Indeed a 2000 dollar bill. Which had Bobby Kennedy on it. I asked Valya to watch my back, while I was paying the money into the machine. So much of it was worthless it wasn't worth the effort. I am going to check under the shelf tomorrow

Round up 27-05-2009

I woke up this morning with a headache. Was it the change in weather, dehydration, lack of sleep? I was annoyed until lunch. Then I chatted too Valya, and took some painkillers. One of my co workers has been to Vienna last year. So talking to him, cheered me up about it. I had been apprehensive about the trip. I just watched Man utd, lose the Champions league. We got out of work early 2 down 1 more to go.
Took this picture a while back. I don't think I have posted it before. The book in the centre of the shot. Should say Men Women, and Minxes. Someone had a double standard! I am bit annoyed with myself today. I think I lost my temper, said something I should not have. I just seem constantly annoyed this week.
Happy Birthday Kate

Blue on Black

One of my favourite memories from UNC-CH. I have been trying to post this for ages. I have not succeeded. Its annoying when Chrome does not seem to be able to work with anything. Anyway, its a bit of a sombre song. I like it though. Enjoy your sunday

Quantum of Solace

(Continued from my last post- I warn you this will contain spoilers) After fleeing Vienna Bond travels somewhere in mittleuropa. Where he meets up with Mathis. British intelligence agent in Montenegro from Casino Royale. Bond co opts Mathis and the two travel to South America. Bolivia. The actress playing Fields. They miss out on giving her the amusing first name in the script. Strawberry. Is beautiful. Bond bullies her into moving into an upscale hotel. British intelligence, sent an office girl to put a killer back on the plane. Where were the military attache? Bond meets up with Felix Lighter after things go wrong for him in Chile. Strawberry is killed. Mathis is betrayed and killed. He is on the run from Mi6, and the CIA. Bond quips that even the Taxi drivers know where the CIA fronts are in Bolivia. He muses what South America would be like if no one cared about Cocaine of Communists. To which Felix observes is an irony

Quantum of Solace

As I watched ``Casino Royale’’ last week. I thought I would watch the 2nd of Daniel Craig's’ outings as Bond this week. I  bought an ex rental copy from Blockbuster Video. Then for some silly reason. I picked up two other films, in an offer. Rather then just choosing Bond, and paying. I warn you,  there are spoilers in this review I of SO continues the gritty realism of Casino Royale. It opens with a hi speed car chase in Italy. Bond is being pursued. Bond manages to evade his would be captors through tunnel. Where he brings his prize. A man tied up in his boot,  Mister white to M. Mister white then brags he is part of an organisation that no one knows exists. That they have people everywhere. At that moment, One of the British agents, fires on his people, helping white to escape. M points out to Mr White before his escape, that he is not in the UK. Tomorrow he will be somewhere worse. Goodness me, that a reference to rendition ? There follows an escape through an Itali

Better mood.

I heard from my Valya today. I am glad she is enjoying her holidays in Barbados I have tomorrow off, and then once my work on Saturday is done. A long weekend. I have been amused, as my neighbour was loudly flirting with his W/GF / partner. Apparently she is a naughty girl. I could hear this from across the street

Even Grumpier

They were talking about Harry Potter at work. I loathe Harry Potter. I really do. I loathe the fact that J.K Rowling’s beliefs are celebrated when Stephanie Meyers are smirked at. I loathe the fact that Hermione never puts a foot wrong in the whole series. I loathe the fact that middle age people read the books in public. The worst thing about it is that Clibo, will go on about it: ``Ooh everyone else likes Harry potter, no one likes silly alternate history! Did they laugh at you because you. Did you not know anything about Harry’’ I leant money to a co worker. I really hope that wasn’t a mistake

I am still grumpy

I guess its the just the middle of the week. I am doing strong room duty this week. The strong rooms, are where we keep valuable books, in an airtight room. Where they are protected from fire and decay by inergen gas. I suggested to a barmaid that they use it for preserving wine I watched, The Unquiet dead. An episode of Doctor who, that was broadcast in 2005. Which I had not yet got round to watching. Despite the fact that it features Gwen from Torchwood. Playing a maid. The story is set in 1869. In Cardiff. Where a small undertakers is finding that the dead won’t stay down They even have the temerity to interrupt the performances of a jaded Charles Dickens ( Simon Callow) Ms Piper was also charming in period costume. Episode is a bit strange actually. There is a scene where Rose tries to get a 19th century housemaid interested in sex. Not with her, just generally. Perhaps open to her innate sensuality  Rose talks about

Grumpy today!

The Sarah Connor Chronicles has been cancelled

Round up 17th May 2009

Its 6 months till my next birthday! Valya is off to Barbados. I wish her a safe trip, and a good time there, in the Carribean Sunshine I have been watching the Inbetweeners. My sister insists I am like Will. I went to the pub last night. Terrible storm, and hangover this morning. I am feeling better now !

Casino Royale part 2

The action then shifts to the Bahamas where Bond, crashes a Range Rover after being mistaken for a Valet by a group of Germans. This I thought hard to believe a third world embassy in a third world country can record Bond’s murder of a bomb maker. Yet a high class international resort, leaves a blank. Bond seduces the wife, of his quarry. It is disclosed later that he enjoys sleeping with married women. After beating her husband, at Poker he chases her to Miami. Where at Miami dade Airport. Sir Richard Branson has his Cameo. Being probed by the TSA. A marked contrast to ``Die Another day’’ Where Madonna, and Oliver Skeete basically played themselves. Sir Richard. Either by accident or design, is seen quietly in the back ground. The Stunt sequence at Miami-Dade Airport has local LE shoot out the tires. We then return to the Bahamas. Where M, questions Bond, and has him chipped. She wants to keep an eye on him. The sight of Bonds ex lover, killed, and tortured does not elicit much of

Casino Royale 1 of 2

As I was talking about another franchise the other day. I thought it would be appropriate to view another modern classic My father is a big James Bond fan. He had actually read the books. I remember a weathered copy of Moonraker, lying around the teenage work station. ( A piece of furniture, that my parents bought, years ago Before most of siblings were teenagers) I remember, the thrill of James Bond movies. The nudity. Actually very little. Mostly innuendo, and a flash of bra. I remember eating raisin toffees during the Man with the Golden gun. My father pointing out plot points. Such as the fact that the rats were not poisoned by the gas in Golden eye. My first college roommate was a huge Bond fan. Sean Connery used to look down on me. Robyn preferred Rodger Moore. I even bought the spy who loved me on VHS. VHS NICAM I watched Die another day on a plane. Crossing the Atlantic. Anyhow the film, had been sitting on my shelf for a while. I had wanted to see Casino Royale before I s

Dreams that never came true

This is not self pity.  Last night I was watching Star Trek. The new J.J abrams film. I posted on it earlier. I was thinking of how Star Trek is a vision of a future. It's the past's vision of the future. Its a world I doubt we will ever know. A world where space travel is easy cheap and common. That dream will not be realized. Dreams reveal a lot about ourselves and how we see the world Here is a list of my dissolved dreams. Where have the gone? I will not move somewhere in the US West or Midwest and shack up with a girl called Anya ( 2001 or so. My friend and I were both working for WorldCom. ) I will not be an archaeologist calling my friend Neil, at Glaswegian hospitals to ask his advice about Bones ( First year in Glasgow Uni) I will not be an architect (High school/ junior high) I will not live around the corner from my high school. Next to the Hilton. Across the street from the classic car place. Patronizing the many bars and restaurants in the area ( late

Star Trek 2009

When I was 9 or 10. I used to watch Star trek. my favourite character was Spock. I used to refer to myself, as the chief science officer.... The as I started High school. I watched The Next Generation. I remember being frightened of the Borg. I remember doing a picture of Q in my art classes. I used to watch Deep space 9, in my friends bedroom in university. Too my left I have several Trek licensed stories. Star Trek in Myth and Legend. Vulcans forge... Oh, and I know someone who looks like Annika Hansen Then there is J.J Abrams. The man brought us Lost. With the beautiful blond Clare  The man who brought us Alias, who and Cloverfield. Cloverfield, Cloverfield is great. Two pretty actresses and in the end, they nuke something. When I heard J.J Abrams, was going to take a look at the franchise I was excited So two things I like. Two universes were coming together. Then I heard rumours that there were problems. The release date kept getting put back. I wondered Then something surp

Its a Hedgehog

I should have taken the picture, before my co workers started eating It was two colleagues birthday, we had a party. Then the toilets started to leak foul water


As my circumstances will change soon. I decided to take a little trip. I chose Vienna. Its another chance to practice my German. I will enjoy the beer. I might meet some people. I have had terrible buyers remorse though. I have been looking at the price I paid. I am thinking, hmmm maybe I should just go to the US, and see my friends there Well it is done. In other news I did something nice for someone at work. I am pleased about that Heroes came to an end today. Michael Dorn, Worf, was the US president. Valya is in Florida Dexter beware!!!

Today in history

Wolverine X Men origins

Wolverine X men origins If you like Hugh Jackman, you will like this film.  I bear Jackman, no ill will. One of the Barmaids at the local, is a farn of his .  So I saw this, to chat to her about it. I was tempted to spoil the ending for her. She was not there last night. So I can’t The film starts off in pre confederation Canada. A young lad, is shivering with sickness.  His older brother regards him coolly. A man his father comes into console him. Its Shane Ramsay, from Neighbours. Last time, I saw him he was in Time Trax Anyway Jimmy wolfs out. After being disturbed, by altercation, between his mother, and another man. Which killed his father. Except, it wasn't his father There is a nice scene, before the fight. When Shane Ramsey asks the older brother (Victor) to check on his mother. His response is icy. ....Its not my name she is calling'' Anyway, we see the boys fighting. USCW, WW1. WW2. Vietnam. There are some good, scenes

Dancing after dark

It was getting dark. She was alone. The night was going to be warm. She caught her reflection in the the wing mirror of a car. She smiled. She looked good today. She felt good. That was a rare thing, but tonight, she was beautiful, and strong. She would be home soon. A shame to waste, such a beautiful night. She could be dancing, but she had her studies. She would treat herself, to some Ben and Jerry’s after an hour’s work. She deserved it . She was going to finish that essay tonight ``You are so beautiful’ She turned around. Her heart was fast. It was a man. He was standing slightly to close to her ``Forgive me. You are radiant. I did not mean, to startle you. I saw you, walking past. I just wanted to tell, you. You’re beautiful. I wanted you to hear, how you have made my heart glad. You are a star lighting up the darkness for me’’ She looked at him. He was tall a strong man. His hands were large. His eyes, were? Well what colour where they? He took her hand. He could feel

10 Good things about today

I am not in prison I have not contracted smallpox I was not bitten by a dog I am not sleeping under a bridge I was not struck by lighting I have not been sold into slavery I have had no contact with raw sewage I have not lost a finger to frostbite I  do not need a wheel chair I have not been cuckolded.

Well Done Veronica

After celebrating Cinquo de Mayo. I was delighted to learn, your work was included in the exhibition Bueno, mucho Bueno

Dom Deluise

August 1st 1933- May 5th 2009 ``Mungo,’’ ``Captain Chaos’’ Star of Hercules, and Stargate Father and Chef

May I begin ….The Wire Season 2,

I am actually very pleased with the title. I am watching the wire. The second season. My sister very kindly lent me the DVD The series, has changed location from the ghetto, to the Port of Baltimore docks The vice in question, is no longer drugs. Though like the poor, still remain with us. However this time, it is women. A container load of prostitutes, are killed in transit. This brings the attention of the authorities onto the local Union. From the Underclass to the working class. We also see, how people fall into crime. The old tune still plays true. That the road to hell, is paved with good intentions. The port of Baltimore. Once it had lorries backed up for three miles. Now it struggles to employ 100 people. What do you do, when you work five days a month? The male alternative to having a career is prison. ( i don’t think I will quote Tim Allen again here) One of the leads, was pushing around a book barrow, whilst loading shelves. I was amused. I did manage to find, my duve

Shoes nice new shoes

I was out today, enjoying my long weekend. I walked about a mile. Its rather sunny out. I bought new shoes. They seem to make my feet look small. I also got jeans. I decided to, buy new jeans. As I had worn the crotch out on my last pair. As I go up and down ladders, in front of people. I decided it was best to cover up. I am in my thirties you know The soccer season ended . One door opens, another closes. I am watching season 2 of the Wire
Its almost 3am here. So I lied, big deal In 2005. I was a supervisor. It did not go well. I fought with everyone. I learned today. During that time I made one of my co workers cry. Someone was brought into the office. Told what did they think of me. I had made people cry My response was to jump for joy. I literally jumped You deserved it! You know you did! You did then and you do now **************** My neighbours had a party, they asked first. So I can’t really moan There was one very annoying party goer, with a loud voice. Proclaiming his lack of racism. ******************** The Sarah Conor Chronicles, finished Yesterday. I bought every episode of the modern Dr Who series. Where am I going to put it, what will I do now on Thursday

Do you have a pig flu? (h/t Slugger o’ toole)