
Showing posts from June, 2011

Holiday plans

I am in a quandary. This year, I will not have my brother to accompany me on holiday Should I go to South America. Spend a little of my savings, and strike out for a holiday of a life time. Should I have more modest goals I would like to go to Kiev, and see my friends there. There is always Moscow. I have often wished to travel My mother wishes me to go to Boston, with her, and my uncles. This would be expensive, and I have been there. I have thought of combining Boston, with another trip to Hawaii, NC or even Peru I realize it is a time of austerity. I don't want to spend money I hesitate
This is a record, my brother bought. I think in the 1990s. I am surprised to find it was still around. I don't recognize the name of the band. Anyway, my brother had bought the record at a jumble sale or school fete. At the time, we didn't have a record player. Little careless and prying fingers had long since broken it. I asked my brother if I could see the record, and I started to throw it about. I broke it. My brother was upset. I think, I enjoyed it. I also pretty much got away, with breaking something my brother had bought and paid for.

Happy Birthday Meike

Many Happy returns. Jamie wishes you all the best today

Bad Teacher

A parsons egg. Its interesting to see Cameron Diaz, aging. I remember her in the mask. That glorious, 5 minutes at the beginning of the movie, when with just wet hair, and cleavage. In another universe, this film might have been the biggest smash in 2003. I seem to remember at one point Diaz and Cameron used to date. Anyway Cameron Diaz, is a floozie. Who took a teaching job, as cover for her gold digging. Caught out by her fiance and his mother, she has to resign herself to another year, slog, She nurses hangovers, as her children watch Dangerous minds. She gains a rival, in Ms Squirrel. The perky, and buxom professional teacher. The blonde v the redhead. Interesting. The maiden versus the whore. Curiously when Cameron does start teaching, Her methods are quite conservative. She punishes the children, and demonstrates that she means it. She sends a boy out of class for speaking out of turn. You can even argue she uses a form of physical discipline. Her interactions with the
Peter Falk (September 16, 1927 – June 23, 2011) Sailor, artist, Father, Actor ``Just one more thing''

Three wise monkeys

Some of my Dads fathers day cards. Do you see a theme?

The Hangover part two

The Hangover part two The Hangover, was one of highlights of last summer. I remember going to the cinema, in a bad mood, having to sit next to strangers. Normally I go to the cinema, during the week. Well anyway I remember the poor mood I was in when I sat down and watched the film I laughed and I laughed. The Hangover made Bradley Cooper and Zach G stars. Having had a spat at work today. I wanted something to raise my spirits. so despite, it being a school night I headed over. I am glad I went, however it was never going to be as good, as the first one. The strength of the first Hangover was it different. I was not sure, how it would end. Now, its a formula. There was no Dodgeball sequel. There is no successor to the 40 year old virgin,or Knocked up It would have been better to let the hangover stand alone. The appearance of Mike Tyson, at the end, did make me gasp. Than I remember, its Mike Tyson. You don't invite him to a wedding I guess Bradley Cooper needs his star

Happy Birthday Nead

Happy Birthday Nead. There is a way back from abandonment.

Marshal Teeto

This is Teeto. Actually he is a Marshel, in what ever his race are called. Yes I got the name, from there. Actually I spell it correctly , however I don't want to get involved in a flame war. I saw the name, in the book when I was 8 or 9 and I thought it was cool. I know very little of politics. You may than also notice the picklehaub, I had seen this in History books too. The police in Danny the Champion of the world, are wearing a helmet with spikes on as was not uncommon historically . Anyway, I decided to add it to the design As I did the thunderbolt. Worryingly I picked up, a lot of stuff, which has unpleasant political overtones. However you must remember, that all authoritarian movements, want to look cool and impressive to appeal to children. They do. Anyway, Teeto's people had been fighting a war, for a while.  They were based at Fort Setrax
Yesterday, I was at the pub. As I am a little older, and there is a touch of frost around my temple. I now drink at a more refined establishment, than I used to frequent. In fact its really more of a gastro pub. How ones life changes. Anyway, strangely my very respectable pub, was full of drunks. There were two people who had to be carried out. I'd not seen someone that drunk in a while. One man, managed to tote up a bill of over a hundred, but was unable to type in his pin, and basically they had to wait for him to settle up when he was sober. Bossy girl, the buxom brunette, with the slight lisp, who is one of the reasons I hang out there. Was perplexed at this, and demanded from me an explanation.... I realized today, that it was fathers day, and I should have asked her, and how was your relationship with your father? good?

The Walking Dead

This was recommended, on one of my history lists. It was broadcast, however I missed it. I wanted to wait, until it came out on DVD. Or rather blue ray in this case. I had to search about, for a program to update it. Its from AMC, the same stable as Mad Men. Anyway, a man wakes up, after spending several months in a coma, to find that zombies have overun the Earth. Oh look its him from Teachers and ``this life'' Let us never mention that show again. So curiously, the first episode, has two brits. Andrew Lincoln, and Lennie Jamies pretending to be Americans born south of the Mason Dixon Anyway Lincoln's Grimes, was an ordinary man. A sherrif's deputy, who was having troubles with his wife. (After the teaser, in which Grimes despatches a child zombie) One of the first scenes we have of Grimes, is him complaining, about his wife, washing their dirty laundry in front of there child

A critique of ecology

I saw this on my way home from the Cinema

X Men :The First Class

A fun but forgettable summer movie January Jones, is a cute bit of casting. The former Mrs. Don Draper, makes a spectacular entrance into the film. There is a fair bit of eye candy. Miss Jones, The actress playing Moira MacTaggart, strips off to her bra, stockings and knickers, early on. Anyway, our film begins in Poland 1944. A boy being separated from his parents, in a death camp Yes that's why we have the retcon. The Nazi's are now just too far in the past. For someone watching this in 2015, the last conscription class at the battle of Berlin, will be in there 90th Birthday. The Nazis are dead. So, we are now referencing History that we know through movies. So Erik, does Munich, with the Nazi gold, and the swiss banks. The Odessa files in reverse. Tracking down Nazis. Anyway Erik, uses his powers to free his parents. He comes into contact with a Man named Shaw. Kevin Bacon. Superbly reptilian. In trying to get Erik to demonstrate his powers he kills Erik's Mother.
Duh Der der der der Guess Who?

My friend Sol’s blog
I have not had, one in years. Someone brought a lot of retro candy into work yesterday. So I thought, I am having that I did mean to bring it home, and show it off, on my webcam, but I ate it all, in 5 minutes. Even though there was black glue, of some kind on it

Doctor Who, The Curse of the Black Spot

SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS Don't you listen to Dr River Song! SPOILERS I started writing reviews, after the Doctors wife. I re watched this episode, several times. Since than. Well the pre credits teaser starts with atmospherically enough. With a team of men, rowing back to a pirate ship. ( One wonders where they were rowing to. As the ship was becalmed somewhere in the middle of the ocean. One of the crew reports the matter to first mate. Whom decides to wake the captain. There was a man wounded. The man slipped while he was pumping out bilge water. It seems like a minor wound.(*) A black spot rises upon the unfortunate sailors hand. The wounded sailor's name is MacGrath MacGrath is told he is a dead man. The viewers get to hear singing, beautiful singing. Macgrath, snatches a pistol and makes a run for it. Tripping on the deck. The Captain locks, himself, and the rest of his crew, in the captain. Closing the door by tying a knot on the ha

Brian Lenihan

(21 May 1959 – 10 June 2011) Brian Lenihan Father, TD, Finance Minister Cancer patient Not since Colins went to London, will an Irish leader actions be so debated.

June 9th

O Columba spes Scotorum
So, who is Madam K? Madame Kovarian, is the Woman with the Eye patch, who hoped to turn the infant River Song, into a weapon. She refers to fighting an endless and bitter war against the Doctor Yet why, and why did she become so powerful? For starters Madam K knows enough about Time travel to send a signal into the Tardis. This works, even when the TARDIS, is outside our universe. See the events of the Doctors Wife. Where the TARDIS, is outside the Universe for a moment. Watch the Sound of the Drums. Watch the Master flirt with Lucy Saxon, and Tish. Martha's sister. The Master is not immune to the charms of humans. Indeed from the Doctors Wife. We learned that one Timelord. The Corsair took, male and female form. The Doctor flirted with the Corsair. So this is my theory. She was once, the companion of a renegade Time Lord. Perhaps the Master. For fun, it could be the Rani. Though the BBC, do not hold the Copywrite for her. So alas not. Though in one of the BBC specials w

Blogger disappeared

(NB, this turned out to be fraud. July 2012) Syrian blogger Amina Abdallah kidnapped by armed menAuthor of A Gay Girl in Damascus had shot to prominence for her frank views on Syrian uprising, politics and being a lesbian Amina Abdallah blogged on Syrian uprising, politics and being a lesbian in Damascas. A blogger whose frank and witty thoughts on Syria's uprising, politics and being a lesbian in the country shot her to prominence was last night seized by armed men in Damascus. Amina Arraf, who blogged under the name Amina Abdallah, holds dual Syrian and American citizenship and is the author of the blog A Gay Girl in Damascus, which has drawn fans from Syria and across the world. She was kidnapped last night as she and a friend were on their way to a meeting in Damascus. The kidnapping was reported on her blog by a cousin. "Amina was seized by three men in their early 20s. According to the witness (who does not want her identity known), the men were armed,"
С Днем Рождения A little belated perhaps. I hope you had a good day Vanila

A Good Man Goes To War, Doctor Who

A Good Man Goes To War WILL YOU EVER LISTEN TO RIVER SONG? Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Mid season finale. Well I suppose the cousins need to be humored Last week Amy Williams-nee pond was revealed to be flesh. our beloved redhead, had been abducted heavy with child i did not grasp this point. Until after the episode. If last week, had a wow ending, this is a wow episode. Its epic in scale. Some questions are finally answered More to come! ********** W The episode begins with a recap of what has happened, in the last seven episodes. ``Who is the little girl'' The child in the spacesuit, who we see in ``The Impossible Astronaut'' The episode takes place on ``Demons Run'' which is an asteroid in the middle of nowhere.  Seriously it is, I did not see a star around the asteroid.  Amy has given birth, she has named, her daughter, Melody. A beautiful name. The pre credits scenes, are Amy. Karen Gilliam, screaming WIFE MATERIAL, with a baby,

Cadium Red

The kick stool here is Cadium red coloured. They bought a few at work, some point in the last decade. Most seem to have disapeared The Colour of item, is Cadium red/ This was pointed out to me, by a student worker-intern several years ago. I remember the girl was strawberry blonde and her father was a senior figure in the department. I cannot remember her name, but everytime I see the kickstool, I remember, her explaining the chemistry behind Cadium based paint ( Apparently she died RIP-2024)

Frank Davis

2-1-1918 to 1-6-2011 Born, as the sounds of the guns raged across Europe.  Before he walked, Lenin, would be in power. Starting school, as Ireland was convulsed in civil war. Frank would have remembered the General Strike, and been just old enough to have looked for work during the depression. Mr Davis would have seen the first talking motion pictures, and than the first colour ones. Than the war came Far from his home Frank was sent across North Africa, up through Italy, and Austria. Churchill promised a weak underbelly well, it turned out to be a tough old gut. Frank made it through the fighting and the Chaos. I wonder what his head must have felt like on the morning after VE day Returning home to an city destroyed by bombs, and rockets. Than Austerity,  and bread rationing. Mr Davis were you a fan the Goons, or was it the Ratpack playing on the turntable, that lightened your post wars day.  Wondering if he’d ``Never had it so good’’ sitting by the Radio, and wondering if the