
Showing posts from July, 2011
Get well soon Sthefany
My best wishes to my good friend Nessa, who is going through a difficult time. I am thinking of her,

I am grateful

I have not been defrauded. I have not been treated in a hospital, in 5 years, and I have not been operated on in over 20 years I have more DVDs, than I have watched. I have a phone that people are jealous of Despite the worst downturn, in the world economy, in living memory. I have remained in work I will never have a geography or maths lesson again I have 5 computers. I have access to 5 computers I get mail, from halfway round the world. I have Dr Pepper in the fridge I have a nice friend who deleted her posting, yesterday
I should be on top of the world. I go to Kiev next month, and than I will go to South America. I have finally done, that. I should be dancing in the aisles. I am not. I wonder why, is it that I am older, and more cynical? A 14 hour flight does beckon Is it the fact that its been a long week, to end a long month? I really want a few hours extra sleep? That and a bacon sandwich.


Its almost August. I almost had crunchy nut conflakes today I almost stayed in bed till 10am There were almost 10 incorrect orders at work today I almost wish, I had something to eat. I could do with a sandwich I almost wish, I had not bothered to get Google+ I almost went to Amsterdam once, in 1997 I was almost called Gavin I almost was selected to represent my council district, at long distance running when I was 11 I almost got a job, teaching English in Taiwan, but I flubbed the interview I almost chose St Andrews, as my university I am almost 35 It is almost time for me to finish my break
С Днем Рождения
I don't know why it is. One of the most difficult parts of the day. Is standing by the platform, and waiting for the train. I am always a little afraid. I will throw myself, in front of the platform. I am writing this to excorcise these thoughts. That have plagued me, for years. It used to be pretty bad on Saturdays, after work. Just before I would go home, and watch Doctor who. It probably does not help, that my brother had a friend, who ended his life like this. Sometimes, I have to hide from the platform. Which is not always possible. Its a little unnecessary terror, in my day
I have a stomach upset, as bad as the bad old days of 2007. I hope it will pass! I don't think its food poisoning. I am just wondering if I am a bit run down. I would have gone to Kiev, this month. However Kat, schedule is better next month. Anyway, I used to be agony, I would drink, bi carbonate of soda, mixed with water, and lots of Yakult. I remember one weekend, when I came home, from work, and spent, the weekend, watching the Helen Mirren Elizabeth 1st, and taking baths. A pity, has otherwise I was high spirits this day
A lovely postcard from Amsterdam
Amy Winehouse (1983-2011) Musican, Daughter, Londoner Too young.


The horror of events, in Norway, yesterday, have not escaped me I awoke, today, hoping the news from last night, would be a bad dream My thoughts are with the people of Norway Forwarded from Ben Goldacre, the author of Bad science. The Bad Science website This was linked to Mr Goldacre's twitter column!/bengoldacre I have to say, I miss my chemistry set. I could never get the crystals, to form. I guess I did not have the patience. However I loved the chemical gardens. They used to give me sulphuric acid, at school. I used to walk in and ask for it, and they would pour me some, into a little bottle. It was a different time. I am sad, that it passed.

The Lady from the Shanghai cinema

When I was 11/ or 12. I saw this film. It was on late, one saturday night. I think it was during the winter. I remember, the night being quite dark. We had managed to get another TV, and My parents, were out of the room. I was going through puberty. The film, starred a pretty and exotic looking actress. Who sat down beside the hero, in a crowded cinema, and they started to grope. I remember she was wearing stockings. It had a unhealthy influence on me, in my early teens. There, is no nudity per se, in the film, as far as can I remember. I remember though being very taken with the actress. The Channel, was broadcasting a series of films about Latin America. One from Uruguay, which did not make any films for years, one from Argentina, set after the dirty war, which did have nudity. I remember a scene in a library, with someone condemning the Bible as subversive. All that time, and energy chasing a flash of thigh and silk. Well, and now, on to Santiago. I will go there in, Novembe
I hope today is less tiring!

Neanderthal DNA

Non-Africans Are Part Neanderthal, Genetic Research Shows ScienceDaily (July 17, 2011) — Some of the human X chromosome originates from Neanderthals and is found exclusively in people outside Africa, according to an international team of researchers led by Damian Labuda of the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Montreal and the CHU Sainte-Justine Research Center. The research was published in the July issue of Molecular Biology and Evolution. "This confirms recent findings suggesting that the two populations interbred," says Dr. Labuda. His team places the timing of such intimate contacts and/or family ties early on, probably at the crossroads of the Middle East. Neanderthals, whose ancestors left Africa about 400,000 to 800,000 years ago, evolved in what is now mainly France, Spain, Germany and Russia, and are thought to have lived until about 30,000 years ago. Meanwhile, early modern humans left Africa about 80,000 to 50,000 years ago. The question on every
I am in much better mood, than i was in this time last week. Thank goodness for that! Its amazing what some resolution. My decision, to bite the bullet, and book my holidays. A clearer head. I had a terrible hangover last week. Oh and breakfast, can do.. I think I am beginning to even enjoy the rain I booked my trip to Kiev. I look forward to meeting my friend My boss has fallen, and hurt her leg. I heard her sighs, in the corridor. She had fallen over and hurt her ankle in the ladies WC. This does mean a period of uncertainty at work. I would much prefer for the time being that things I congratulate, our good friend Nessa, on a year of Hello Nessa, and wish her well in her new life Ms Ally, my good friends Sister is engaged. My best wishes to her I may belong in a zoo, in Lima My Uncle has his Birthday on Tuesdau, so best wishes to him
On to Kiev
As yesterday was the aniversary, of the storming of Bastille. I was thinking of Kingship. As you know, Kings are appointed by God, to rule over us. I have noticed a great contention and general malady, across Europe. This is in no doubt due to the Murder of Louis, and Charles. I have therefore decided to offer my candiancy for several vacant thrones I would prefer France, however I will except the Crown of Germany. I would not like Austria, but Poland or the Czech lands, will suffice too I was after all ``The greatest sword in all France'' These are my terms for the crown. 1) The eating of Mayonaise outside of sandwiches, is forbidden 2) My Friend Lexie is too be made a Grand Dutchess 3) I claim the title of Breast inspector general 4) I want sweets 5) Granniog to get a mink stole 6) No pushing 7) I want weekends off, and no royal duties before 11am 8) An pardon, for my adopted sister 9) No formal dinners. I will accept a royal buffet. 10) I will write my own
These two books, caught my eye. A set of twins perhaps. It is a Swedish book, and its English translation, about the Vasa. The Vasa was a Swedish warship, which sunk in 1628, whilst on its maiden voyage. Not dissimilar to the Mary Rose, and like the Mary Rose, it has been recovered from the sea bed. It would have been past of the fleet of Gustavas Adophus. I used to know a beautiful blonde Swedish girl, a young single mother, and I would discuss such things with her. So pay attention in class, you never know what a Swedish blonde is interested in...
Dinosaur news Thus ends the age of reptiles
I was looking for book titles that sound dirty. My eyes were drawn, to this pair... Than they were just blown away by...

Ten reasons why Susanne is banned from chess club

1 The Pushing 2 She is the Rani, and thus a genius, and so wins all the time 3 She doesn’t like coconuts 4 We are in our thirties, and no longer attend school. Also I went an all boys school, and so no girls allowed 5 She never makes the first move 6 She drives the zamboni over the board during mood 7 the incident in Tesco’s in 1999 8 She spent all the chess club money on Lush products 9 She won’t give you sweets 10 She doesn’t turn up because she is attending Clan meetings


I was hungover, and expected to attend sunday lunch. I dislike it. The one day off, during the week. I would prefer my sundays are quiet The place smells, of bleach. So I forwent breakfast. lost my temper, with my brother today. I started an argument, with him over lunch. I told him, he was a handicapped dog, and should be sectioned. I am tired of it. Yesterday, the computer he uses crashed, maybe it’s broken, but he misuses it Than my mother, decided she would scold him, publically, over him coming quite late to work I am tired. Of it, it. I am tired of having to clean the bathroom after him. I am tired of his tantrums I am tired of my mother treating him, as a 4 year old, one moment. Than expecting him to act like a grown man the other I seem to be angry all the time. Its not six weeks, since I fell out with Valya.

Polar Bears Irish roots

You may have seen this story before. I am fascinated by Polar bears. Since I knew someone who had gone to the Arctic before college, and described them, as the only animals that actively hunts man. I saw Knut in Berlin zoo. I felt sorry for him, on his ersatz Island. The question when the brown bear died out in Ireland, has not yet be totally verified. H/T The Guardian Polar bear ancestors came from Ireland Modern polar bears are partly descended from extinct brown bears that lived in Ireland during the last ice age, scientists have discovered Polar bears have mitochondrial DNA found in the bones of ice age bears discovered in caves in Ireland. Photograph: Paul Souders/Corbis It's a long way from the Arctic to Tipperary, but scientists have discovered polar bears can trace their family tree to Ireland. Genetic evidence shows they are descended from Irish brown bears that lived during the last ice age. Modern polar bears share a distinct DNA seq
My best wishes to Princess
  I had change from a ten, but the barber smelled. Also, whenever I go to the barbers, I am afraid I will have no money to pay them afterward. A childhood trauma perhaps

Song for the Day. A piece of 1980s nostalgia. I actually used to have to come into school, on Saturday. Once for fighting. A ``handbags'' affair which I was probably goaded into. Another time, for teasing the same unfortunate fellow. Who I hope is now prosperous and enjoying the affections of a pretty wife. However for many of you, the concept of Saturday detention, would be known only through this 1980s piece. There was no Molly Ringwalds alas for me to woo, at that age. `` As I walk on by, I will call your name'' I was reading emails, today of people who, I have forgotten, and some who I was pleased to remember. One girl, who wore a cowboy hat. I am still calling the name, of the girl in the cowboy hat after all these years A great song, by a great band 20 years ago Paola You will never see this... 

Getting Malchera to smile

People often ask, why I look so morose in my photographs.   This is the first attempt. I make a joke, by sticking my tongue out Here is the next attempt and another. I am getting a bit self concious I tried to do, this one without opening my mouth, by this time, you could see colum get annoyed and finally, It took Robyn 5 tries. This is one of my oldest friends. I am in a happy place, one of my favourite bars. Oh, and forgive me for stating the obvious but Robyn is very pretty. Its just that difficult for me to smile in a pose. I do it naturally or not at all

Google one

I was trying to scrounge an invite to Google+ One of the members of my history list, had managed to finagle a membership. He commented about the circles I was on a site called ICQ, I still am in fact. ICQ was big back in the early days of the last decade. As people started to get broadband in there houses. It was great, as people sought me out to speak to because I was young and an a native English speaker. It is a simple IM program. I used to see e-mails with people sharing there ICQ number. As it happens I joined ICQ, because of a girl ( Whom I now realize may not have existed) From that acorn, a mighty oak grew. I ended up meeting a large percentage of the group in real life. I dated a few, and I was introduced to new ideas and a new world. Valentina, and Magga, my Icelandic Gf, were both ICQ alumni. So was my French ex, who spoke to me because she thought I could speak Irish. What I dislike about Facebook, is that Its not random. You log on to Facebook, and you meet people. No
May I share, a very picture, I recieved in an email. I wish I could thank the artist responsible, for there work. Anyway the picture made my day

My Edited Video
