
Showing posts from January, 2012


It has gone 4am, here. I cannot sleep. I went to work tired yesterday. I remember looking at my watch, at 4.30 in the morning, I thought it cannot be that late. But it was 5.30 an hour later, and than 06.15. So, I got up at Actually, at 0955 am. I showered and had a crude breakfast, of crisps and caramel bars. I made it into work. I spent the whole day replacing books, it seemed. My boss decided, to let two people go early. Despite the fact that we were, seven people down already. Anyway, when I came home. I thought I would fall asleep easily. I took, Nytol, and boots herbal sleeping aid. Neither worked at all. I tried reciting the names, of cartoons, and TV programs. It has not worked. All my life, I have been prone to bouts of insomnia. I remember I once, got a detention. I stayed up the whole night before. I am not sure, why. I remember an espeically bad period of sleeplessness after, I split from Jaqui. January is over at least. That is something.

Erika Soria

Costa Concordia victim died after she gave life jacket to elderly man Young Peruvian waitress Erika Fani Soriamolina, whose body was recovered from the shipwrecked Costa Concordia off the Tuscan island of Giglio, has been hailed a heroine. Peruvian crew member Erika Soria poses in front of the Costa Concordia cruise ship Photo: Reuters By Josephine McKenna, Rome2:23PM GMT 29 Jan 2012 Erika Fani Soriamolina's body was found by divers on the sixth deck of the vessel wearing the ship's uniform but no life jacket. Witnesses said Soriamolina had helped dozens of terrified passengers into lifeboats on the night of the disaster before giving the life jacket to an elderly man. A tourism graduate, Soriamolina was working on only her third cruise on the Costa Concordia . The recovery of the young woman's body ended a desperate search by her parents and sister Madeleine who were among the family members of passengers and crew waiting for news of their loved ones on Giglio. On

Derby day

I had managed to get the weekend, before my long weekend off. The key is to book early. So, I booked a ticket, to QPR V Chelsea. I thus had to set my alarm. Which sort of defeats the point of having a Saturday off. Anyway. I walked down into the ground. The first thing, I noticed was the absence of people from the nearby pubs. The Pubs, were stewarded, and quiet. There was a much stronger police presence. Than normal. I was searched on my way into the ground. I had to explain, that my printed ticket, was valid for the match. The lady who scanned my ticket, was quite cute. This is from my return home. I counted 8 police horses. There were several, dogs. There were 8 police vans, on the road out of the stadium, towards Westfield, and the tube stations . ( Not the first time, there has been a horses ass, on this blog) Anyway as you can tell, it was a mid winters day. The temperature stayed below 10 degrees. I was worried I would feel sick, from a chill. But that passed. My t
Happy Birthday Patwa Happy Birthday Patwah/Loon/Sashie My youngest brother, who is 26 today
I was killing time, at work. I wanted to sneak out 5 minutes, early. So, I walked through the public areas. There was an exhibition on Dickens and Ghosts. I have to say, if there is one thing I loathe its ghost stories. I get scared too easily. I basically, spent a lonely adolescence. As I would not have been able to sit through horror movies, to impress young ladies Possibly, its because of that, that I never got round to watching the unquiet dead, for years There is a section at work, full of books about this. Most written in the years after the horror of world war 1. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle for one became obsessed by spiritualism. Lest we forget Duke university had a parapyschology lab, till a generation ago. Dedicated to someone who is working hard, and would enjoy resting and reading a ghost story

Cowboys and Aliens

Cowboys & Aliens I caught the trailer, for this sometime, last year. The trailer looked fantastic. Its a classic B-Movie. A one line pitch. ``Cowboys v Aliens'' In the way that Miami Vice, was MTV Cops. Well, there is no great revelation to be had here. However I did enjoy it. Its a bit smarter than the average blockbuster. The cast is stronger. Craig, and Harrison Ford, and than... Paul Dano, the Preacher from there will be Blood. Walton Goggins, (Shane Vandrell from the Shield, and Sam Rockwell. Sam Rockwell is third billing remember when he was going to be the next big thing. Moon, and parts in Iron man 2, and this are not exactly working for food, but its a moon which which is waning rather than waxing, Daniel Craig wakes up somewhere in the old west. With a blood stained shirt, and no memory. Only a strange bracelet on his hand. For the first chapter of the film, Craig remains silence. There is an economy Craig reminds us of why he is the most effective Bond,

Good luck

Good luck to my Valya, who has to work the whole weekend!
¡feliz cumpleaños Nancy!

The World at war

I saw the first few episodes of this at High school. Its a British TV series. That sets out the History of the Second world war. I did not study the second world war directly at High school. From than on, I have caught various episodes, on various history channels. I was at a loss for something to do, one night. I had tided out my wardrobe, so. I put them on.. Narrated by Laurence Olivier, before he was knighted. The series was filmed in 1974. I think it holds up well. The only mentions of the contemporary world. Are references to fighting in Vietnam. A father, a veteran telling his children, that burning child, is a person. It could as well, have been Iraq. Or the foothills of Helmund. Well as History, it has held up well. The series, gives a good broad account, of World war, 2. Its strength, is bringing home, the War what it meant Its cast of thousands, but from both upstairs and downstairs. Lord Avon, shares the stage with Albert Speer, and the Marquis Ito,( One of the h

Wikipedia down

As wikipedia, is down today. In protest against SOPA. I have decided, to step into wiki's shoes briefly, and supply everything you need to know about Old school cartoons. You are very welcome The family ness The Loch Ness Monster was big in the 1980s. A teacher called me Noisy Ness, Malchera Sport Billy . A hero from another planet. One of my favourite cartoons, as an under 5. I presume, because like me, sport Billy had black hair, and jeans. Contrary to rumour not banned in Scotland Mr Men. Written about my affections for the show earlier on my blog The Smurfs The only thing worth watching on Sundays. However never forgave Papa smurf, for saying you are behaving like humans. Bigot! There was a reboot, which I saw only once. Which featured Grandpappy smurf. First fan website, I ever saw produced was by Robyn on the smurfs Galaxy High. Galaxy High, Why should the under tens, worry if they are popular at
A picture I saw at work. I thought it bore a passing resemblance, to Christina ricci. Indeed, its probably a production, of her remote cousin. Or ms Ricci is the Highlander

Magazines and Doctors offices

Magazines in the Doctor's office…. Of late there was a BBC documentary about Irish soldiers, who deserted to the allied side in WW2. The BBC is looking for them to be Pardoned. As is the Irish Times Someone asked me, if there was any threat to the Irish state at the time. Well indeed there was, what Dan Byran called ``our Pearl harbour'' Almost the entire Irish states military resources were captured. This AH starts with the the death of Sean Russell. The IRA chief of staff, in 1939. Russell is to die, earlier of the gastric ulcers, that plagued him all his life. For giggles make it in Detroit. Just after Russell was arrested by the Secret service. In our time line he was arrested because Colin Firth, (Sorry George VI was visiting Canada, and was just across the border) , have the Ulcer, burst while he is in American custody. For fans of everything connects have Fat
For someone who is feeling a little moody today, and is taking care of everyone, when she would rather go out and buy a nice dress

Get well soon

Get well, soon Valya

Parish Pump

After I went to the doctors, on Monday. I was walking to the supermarket.  The walk to the shops  passes by an Episcopalian church. Which I guess would have been the centre of town, a hundred years ago, or more.  I was looking at the graves there, before Christmas. My attention was caught by the actual Parish pump A relic of older times.
Work thoughts When your boss asks you to take a seat, its either bad news for you or someone else It always snows, on the week, that you don't have saturday off. There are people I have seen, on and off, for ten years. I have no idea what they do, where they work. But they seem to have much longer lunch breaks than me The other shifts always seem to have less to do. No matter how, low paid the job, how cold the weather, how warm the weather. No matter what the attractions outside, and the rules inside. Some people never want to leave


My brother, wanted to see this film, in the cinema. I was not so keen. It was not as bad, as I thought it would be. It would have made a decent, pilot for a film. But as a piece of cinema, not so much. It lacks the scope, and the spectacle of the Milnus-Arnold S, version Anyway, I wrote a walk through. There are spoilers here... His Mother gives birth on a battlefield. In a particular clean delivery. Very good, of the enemy, to let this happen. I had an idea, for how conan could work. Attacotti, merc, running around, the roman empire, at its fall. Picking up a war band, and moving to the mainland. Horned helmets/ Really I should not critique that. Conan wants to be warrior. The test is to carry an Egg unbroken, in the mouth up and around the hills. A fraternity test? ``Well by Crom boy'' Crom Cruach, the big God, from the Celtic Panetheon Young Conan is ambushed by the Horde from Xena, red skins. Woad. Mo hawks

Who is this terrible person


Lord Halifax complete ghost book I was looking at this, yesterday at work. Its written by the father of Lord Halifax.Indeed he wrote a prologue for the book. The Younger Lord Halifax, The Holy fox, the man who was in the running for Churchill's job in 1940. He was a member of the House of Lords, and thus it would be have slightly awkward politically for Chamberlain to recommend him to the King. Halifax is believed sought an accommodation with Herr Hitler.
29 of December, I visited casualty department of my local hospital. I had terrible stomach cramps. No diarrhoeal symptoms. But a painful, bloating, sensation. Eased slightly if I belched. I tried to apply a hot water bottle, to my stomach and drink, mint tea. It was too painful, to sit or lie down. I was up and down the stairs, trying to vomit Drinking water, made the pain worse. Once at the casualty dept. I vomited profusely But the pain did not stop. After several pain killers, of varying strength. I relaxed, and slept for a bit (A similar thing happened to me, five years ago. It was one of the reasons, I quit smoking) Blood tests, and urine tests, revealed nothing unusual. I had a slight infection. I had a cold and have a cold sore Since the earlier incident. I have had terrible heartburn and bloating on and off. That's what I thought was happening, when it begun. I have no idea, why this is happening. I am going to go to my GP on Wednesday, and seek medical advice.
Seasons greeting from the Dnieper banks!
Bon anniversaire Sonia
A christmas card from my friends in the USA
My New Years message