
Showing posts from September, 2011

Things I no longer need

Things I no longer need You may notice. An Icelandic Dictionary, and phrase book. No longer do I think of Akranes, or Asten Mins, or that Damn Dam, or the strength of the Krona. Its a lost world. A world I used to live, in. I used to breath Seasons 3 and 4 of Modern Dr Who, on DVD-R Disk. Which cannot be copied to a hard drive, and thus are not worth, even giving away oh and I have anyway, on DVD. Look at the time, and trouble, I went to in the preservation of the Disks, and there appearance. Multi coloured, filling system. This is from someone who does not often brush their hair The Sarah Conner Chronicles on the same format, again...One the most important event of my Thursdays. I was doing a clear out. The Sarah Conner, disks were on branded Woolworths own media. They don't make those anymore. They don't make Woolworths anymore.
A quick note to all my readers. My friend Suz, had a hard day at work, yesterday. She does one of the most important jobs, there is. She won't get credit for it. I may have made things, a little difficult, for her, by mentioning it. Yesterday, she went home, feeling ill, because of what she had to do, in her job. She didn't ask for the responsibility, but she accepted it anyway, and she has to live with darkness. In comparison I am currently throwing a minor hissy fit, because my boss, is sick, and we have a few people standing around. She is like the Doctor, working in the dark, and moving on, and never thanked. Well not today. I am thanking her now Thank you Susanne. Thank you for your hard work today

As if Jactober was not annoying enough

The October picture from my Dr Who Calender. No Amy pond. No Daleks ...
I am working on a trailer, for 2011 Latin America trip

Closing Time, Doctor Who

Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers ``Closing time'' Spoilers ( Oh dear, its James Corden... After last weeks, sneaky kidney punch. Amy and Rory, and the Doctor parting ways at the end of the episode.   The Doctor, is on his own this week) The episode begins as night falls. A street lamp flickers. A street light illuminating a department store, somewhere in England. A blonde teenage shop assistant is bemoaning, the fact, that she cannot leave. Her beau, waits for her. The girl's supervisor, sighs, and tells her ward, she will close up. The young lady is free to go The supervisor closes the till, and walks off, with the days taking to some back office, and passes, the changing room. She notices movement, and tells the customer, that they have five minutes. Clive, from the lodger, Yes its James Corden... now married and besuited, is talking with Sophie, his wife. Sophie, keeps asking him, if he will be alright? Will
Happy Birthday Sol
One of my co workers, could talk the hind legs, of a donkey. Or talk the hind legs of a jinnet. Anyway, he described, finding one of these, at an empty football stadium. After his team, won a match. Pleased with this, he kept it as a momento. One day, a friend of his saw, it and asked, him, if he would give it to his friend who was a keen coin collector. My colleague agreed, and for twenty notes, was quite glad with the exchange A list of the price of Eisenhower Silver Dollars, from 1973. Costs them, at between 10 and several thousand dollars

Roads to War

When I was, in High school, I think I was 14, no I was 15. One particular text book, springs to mind. Is this one. Roads to War. It was part of a series, which included Stalin's Russia. Hitler's Germany, The Great Depression, and WW2. We never studied WW2 directly, for some reason. Because it is the most interesting? Anyway, I remember this book, because I lost it, or it was destroyed, whilst in my possession. So, I never had it in class, and to be honest, it seemed, we used it more often, than our bibles, or hymn books. Seriously, this is one, of my big recollections, from my teen years. Not having my Roads to War text book. The Stalin's Russia one, The Weimar Germany one. But Roads, to war, oops Curiously the year before, I had also lost my history text book, when sick. I had left my bag, in the street. I had caught the flu, and left the bag, full of school books, lying in the street. The bag, was never returned, and I spent the year explaning the loss. Text books

Found this in the street

While on my way to the cinema. A prop from the college. A toy made to frustrate an over protective parent. A CDT project. Who knows ... but its diabolical creator. I would have taken it with  me but on second thoughts I would rather everyone thought I was just pleaded to see them

Rise of the planet of the Apes

Planet of the Apes, is one of the first feature films, I remember watching. I watched it one Saturday with my dad. I was always fascinated with the idea. Did Human civilization survive elsewhere in the world? I had the poster on my wall, in college. Robyn, confused it with 2001. But I digress. Its a vehicle for James Franco. I guess, its pitched as a calmer quieter alternative to the summer blockbusters, and a low key way to restart a franchise Think of this as a pilot for an Apes series. It is not bad. I would watch the series. I will probably buy the DVD, when it hits the supermarkets It’s nice to see Frieda Pinto back in the big screen. She is pretty. Well, if you liked the original planet of the apes film, you will enjoy this. This is an extended, homage. Down to some of the scenes, in the original being mirrored. Caesar taking Taylor’s part. Even though the main shock moment was spoiled, for me, I did feel some surprise, at one of the tributes. I won’t spoil it here. T

The God Complex, Doctor Who

The God Complex, Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Will you ever listen, to River Song? Spoilers Well, though its a timely piece of casting- I have my doubts about seeing David Walliams in Doctor Who, Yes I know, its a family show. Peter Kay, managed to pull it off, in Love and Monsters. Or Bill Nighy, did a great job, in Vincent, and the Doctor. I have seen too much of Little Britain, there is a show, that would not die. Oh and don't mention come fly with me The teaser begins, with a dingy hotel. A police woman in uniform, is making her way, through a corridor, she is trying to write in her note book. She enters one room, and sees a clown, with a balloon, another room features a photographer, an old Edwardian photographer, you know with the hood, and the flash. Than a Gorilla, a Gorilla, the policewoman begins to write. Praise him, Praise Him... and smiles, the bliss of the loss Credits... The Doctor, and Amy and Rory, are in a hotel. Amy and her Husband, who the Doctor


When I started primary school. People used to collect conkers. The purpose was to ...well in theory you would place a cord through a drilled out conker and challenge a similarly equipped opponent. Whom would strike your conker as it was suspended from the cord. By swinging at yours pendulum style. However I remember seeing this only once. It must have been a baneful month at my primary school for the Dinner Ladies. There was a horse chesnut tree in a fenced off area of the school. Come september they would spend there afternoons chasing us out of said appendage. Admonishing us to go up to the Common. Where there where conkers by the sackfull. As the common was quite far away this was strange advice. Indeed across one of the cities main traffic arteries. I remember improvising a set of maracas from some conkers and a plastic flask. I had forgotten they were in my desk. People swore they cooked them and soaked them in vinegar. I do not know if that is true. I know that a quarter century
I am a terrible person, in my heart, there is evil It was discovered and I was denounced, as a maker of ``Terrible planes'' This is my terrible plane, the mark 1 Kuiyaki Here, the terrible plane takes shape!
Congratulations Kate, on passing her law degree. My compliments, on your hard work Good luck, with your future career

My Dreams of Kiev

Learning everything on the map!
After my terrible song. Here is another one from my childhood
10 years ago. I was unemployed. I had heard back from my current job, and I would start it in November. I was at my parents house, and watching TV. I think, we probably, just watched neighbors and had some sort of lunch. Than, the BBC showed the footage, of the Towers. My mother than called, in tears, she had seen it work, and announced the Palestinians had done it. I had thought at the time, Who was mum talking too. My sister started to cry, about, some cousin of her friends, who was in New York. To be honest, I was kind of annoyed with my sister. Than the second plane hit the towers. I'd been to the towers, in 1997. I'd been with my Cousin, when I stayed with him, in 1997, over Christmas. We went up, and went down. I took a picture on top

Doctor Who The Girl who waited

Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Don't you listen to River Song? Spoilers The episode starts of with the Doctor describing a wonderful planet. Apalapucia. It was the second most popular planet for an Intergalactic traveler However the first has become commericalised a planet of coffee shops. So instead, they have ``sunsets spire, and soaring silver colonnades'' As the Tardis, lands on the planet. The Doctor, and Rory, step out, Amy hangs back, to get her phone. The Doctor, asks her, if she is going to update Twitter, and Amy points out, that on a planet of wonders, than perhaps she had better bring her Camera phone. The entrance to the planet, seems to be via a doorway, rather like a life doorway, the room, Rory and the Doctor has a green anchor on the wall, a looking glass, and several seats. Its a waiting room. The door closes behind the Doctor. Amy having found her phone, its next to the DVDs. Comes out of the Tardis, and tries to get into the room. The Door is cl


A very happy birthday to my dad
Song for the day! I loved this as a child. My cousins taught it to me
The ghost in my blog. Last night, after I had completed the review for Night Terrors. I was posting the review on the Doctor Who review page. I had several pages, with my blog open,and one the adverts had paused in a strange manner ( Please hit on an advert) I wondered if it was an image, from my blog, now I am convinced its the Ghost in my blog,
Good luck Katherina

Night Terrors, Doctor Who

Night Terrors SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS We are in a Towerblock, somewhere in London. A young lad, is scared of the dark, his mother is trying to put him to bed. The mother is dressed in what looks like a nurse/medical outfit. As Mum is about to leave. Her son, in blue and white striped Pjs, implores, her to switch the light off properly. The Mother sighs, and turns the light off 5 times The mother goes off to work. George is left in the dark, and asks for help against the monsters. As Clare, George's mum departs she has a quiet word, with Alec, her man. They are finding Georges phobias a burden. Maybe they should get some help... George asks for help against the monsters. Millions of light years, indeed parsecs, the Doctor reaches for his pocket, and takes out his Psychic paper. He turns the Tardis round and speeds of to answer the message after all its a long time since the Doctor made a ``House call'' Opening credits.... ( The episode was written by Ma
Who says sobriety has to be boring

Looking for book worms

A slow day at work