
Showing posts from September, 2008

Contention and loneliness.

The great Gaels.... were the people god made mad. For all there wars, were merry, but their songs were sad. GK Chesterton ``Grasping the handle of his sword, and his bronze shod spear, and breathing fury against the foe'' Homer. ``His face, would Glow, he would strike the table, and say they would yet have a good day'' Earl of Tyrone. For about a fortnight. I have been restless. Were I a horse. I would be chomping at a bit. I should explain. Last Monday, we were told, that two managers, and another employee, would be transferred pending an investigation. We were not too make a big deal, of this. Well asking around, fleshed out some more details. Apparently one of the newbies complained in writing to the Older Gods of Personnel. Well, today, I did some more asking around. Sometimes, you look at things from the side. I head a whisper, that it not one person, but 6 that complained. If I am right, that means the kingdom of Hades, is divided against itsel

Tropic Thunder

Tropic Thunder Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities ( old Myspace category) Robert Downey Jr, is good playing a veiled Russel Crowe. Some of his scenes are hilarious. He makes this a decent movie. Without him, its a 5 0r a 6. There is a superb dig, at Toby Maguire. Downey Jr's character, is referred to as 5 time Oscar winner. Toby Maguire won the MTV best kiss award in 2003 Tom Cruise playing a studio boss/Rupert Murdoch character. It starts off well, however I think, they over do it. The film concludes with Tom Cruise dancing. Which is too much. They made the joke already. There may have been a reference to Cruise, on Oprah, with Stiller on Tyra. Though Stiller, did not jump on the couch. I thought there was a flaw, with Stiller's character. He was a multi millionaire. Who cares, if people stop watching his movies. Why is he unmarried. Why? He is a Hollywood star. Dean Gaffney can blag women into bed. I also think it would have been better, to have had. A jobbing actor,


Sorry, I guess show don't tell My brother as Magnum PI
I have uploaded, my Map. Onto my fotolog page. Some of you may have had difficult viewing it. You can reach it on my links section In other news, my brother went to a fancy dress party as Magnum PI. I went to the cinema, with my sisters today. I saw Tropic thunder, review and comments. I will post tomorrow. I hope my friend the blogger Sahara, will resume posting soon

Monde Malchera

  The world according to Malchera   (You may need to zoom in)   The Atlantic archipelago dominates the map. Ireland, Iceland, and Scotland. Torchwood, also gets a look in. So Keltika, is the centre of attention. France works on a N-S axis, of Charl (Paris) and Charl's friends. (Le Midi) There are two bands of hotness. The Nordic-Mitteleuropean hotness zone, and the South American hotness zone. The Sahara has moved north. Valya and Esha, dominate Eurasia. Nessa, dominates the North American mainland. Hawaii, as a nexus of resources, Holidays, and Hooters restaurants, and media. Lost TV series, The dangers, of Polar bears, and Sharks,  Dexter are clearly marked Natural resources, Hooters restaurants, cheap DVDs, and alcoholic beverages, and hot women, and porn. Are marked. The legends, of Canadian Steve, and the Dragon. Are remembered here.

Happy Birthday Sahara

  Many happy returns

Paul Newman

January 26, 1925-September 27 2008 ``Cool hand Luke'' ``Butch Cassidy'' ``Fast" Eddie Felson'' Gunner, Actor, Philanthropist , Husband

Round up

I went to sleep last night. I had a slightly unpleasant dream. I woke up. I then could not get back to sleep. I guess I had convinced my body. I had a nap. That and some excitement, about the situation at work. Kept me awake, until oh 4.30 am I felt a bit groggy today. I was a little worried that I have a skin infection, above my eye. I guess I am just feeling a little run down. As I have had my busiest fortnight  My last weekend off, was hectic. So I guess I am a bit drained. I wanted to clean my place, but I had to put that off. I let the laundry go for a bit. Anyway, I got out of work early. I did not get charged by Jess. I went shopping, for groceries. I watched the Tudors. Starring the pretty Anita Briem. I was talking to my middle sister. I watched some of Russell brand's act. My first thought's were confirmed. He is alright in small doses. I notice most of  his audience is female. As I said not, my cup of tea. I look forward to sleeping

Today I was thinking about

Should I get early, should I make the effort. I would have more time later in the evening. I am too tired, back to sleep Esha, is not online. That's no fun Oh, I have ignored Sveta's answer. Opps! (Leaves for work 10-30) (I see a syringe on the street) Oh god, who left that there. Are there going to be druggies hanging around. The park is full of kids. Its an old woman, who live in the street Asked directions on way to station I have no idea, where that street is, ask at the post office. Be careful, in the neighbourhood (At the station) I could have got on the train, if it had not been full of tourists. Too many suitcases to jump on it. Damn (On the train) Pretty Japanese tourists A woman of middle age, gets on wearing a T-shirt. Stating I have interesting things, pierced, that you would like to lick, I disagree, with her statement. (I get off, the train) I walk faster, as I want to miss speaking to a co -worker. I just don't want to be bothered, t

Jamestown Jugs

I am a big fan, of jugs. I studied archaeology, for years. Jugs, can tell you a lot of things. Many's the time  in my college years I examined jugs. A wonderful postcard from my friend Valya. Its is of, two wine bottles from the Jamestown site, in Virginia. The wine bottles belonged to the Governor. I studied the site, in my American archaeology classes

Down in Hades.

Well, I returned to work, today. I was checking my e-mail before work started, and one of my pals, tells me. That two of our supervisors have been transferred, and another co worker as well. One of the dark overlords, came down. To our little circle of hell, to explain to us, that this was just a temporary thing. Nothing may come of it. However we are going to have to attend an interview with Infernal resources. Where we are allowed to bring, a friend or Union rep, and the meeting may be recorded. They were clearing work spaces, as I left.
Happy Birthday Sol

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

When I was in Chicago. I was amused by the posters and the sandwich boards, which were part of the teaser campaign for this movie.  I liked the pettiness of it. - ``My mother always hated you Sarah Marshall' I meant to catch this film  at the cinema. I never got round. I also had an interest in seeing Russell Brand on film. Mr. Brand, has cause ire, on the far side of the Atlantic, with his performance at the MTV. I am not much of a fan, of Mr. Brand. Though I will concede he is tolerable in small doses, and as part of a double act. When he works with Noel Fielding. ( A much more talented comic) E-Access Hollywood clip explains the back story quite well, and quite quickly. Sarah- star of stage and Screen, is the Girlfriend of Peter- Brand, is mentioned by same prologue as a Robbie Williams clone.  There is a scene of him, in an airport hugging Jews and Muslims alike. Reminding one of the notorious Jackson video ( Black and White)  Full frontal, the male lead. Is fully nude.

Congrats Sol

Congratulations to my friend Sol, who has got her paper, on the Avant Garde in Argentina published Well done!

Round up

  My brother has gone to university. I was up working till 5am, yesterday. Fixing up an old lap top for him. I brought it to him, today. His friend, gave him a lift up. My brother had several large suitcases. His friend turned up in two seater sports car. We had to repack everything I got my mobile phone repaired. I picked it up. I hope my friend Mieke feels better, and her Kitten too I hope Nessa, is feeling better, she had a bit of day. My regards to Charlotte. I trust the day went well. I managed to catch a few episodes of the classic TV series. ``Homicide life on the street'' Including the classic episode, where Dr Cox, has to investigate a mysterious suicide, where the victim, despite falling from a roof, has a double shotgun blast in her back

Postcard from Washington DC.

A lovely Postcard from my Valya `` A bill a Bill on Capitol Hill'' I smiled all day!

18 September

  A vision of love wearing boxing gloves And singing hearts and flowers Somewhere in my heart There is a star that shines for you Silver splits the blue

A nice e-mail, I was sent at work

Dear Malchera Thank you very much indeed for helping my co worker and I negotiate the basement corridors and stacks late last night in order to hunt down some books. You saved us hours. It was incredibly kind of you, especially as I’m sure you were about to leave for the day. Kind regards,   :)


 I have spoken about some of the things. That annoy me. I have spoken about my fears. I have spoken, about my congenial condition (Actually I typed this) (about my… Looking back, I would have written Dyspraxia ) Well that was kind of downer. There have been two anniversaries of late. The 50th anniversary of the invention of the microchip, in Texas. As well as the the 10 birthday of Google. ( I am happy with this part, I think it is a good set up. From here, I lose direction. I don’t think I mesh the two themes well. My friends, and computing. I should have spoken about the computers I have bought. How much they cost. Where I bought them, and related this to my friends. I.e. the first time, I bought a webcam. I was really nervous) Why do I mention this. Is because the Internet set me free. I envy the young who now grow up with it. It is my window on the world. It is occasionally a source of weakness. Your strengths always are. ( I am not sure I explain, why it is a strength


I have spoken about some of the things. That annoy me. I have spoken about my fears. I have spoken, about my congenial condition (Actually I typed this)   Well that was kind of downer. There have been two anniversaries of late. The 50th anniversary of the invention of the microchip, in Texas. As well as the the 10 birthday of Google. Why do I mention this. Is because the Internet set me free. I envy the young who now grow up with it.  It is my window on the world. It is occasionally a source of weakness. Your strengths always are. However this piece of wonderful technology. Allowed me to access my strengths. It gave me voice. Because of this tool. I have done wonderful things, and met wonderful people. I shall explore this here. Thanks to the Internet I have friends, from all the over the world. This is going to read in California. As well as Paris..... In unexpected places. I would like to think, I am giving solace to lonely nursing students in Stockholm. I have an e

Room 101

They are repeating the BBC series. It takes its name, from the George Orwell Novel. 1984.  In 1984, Room 101, was where the Party, kept the worst things in the world. The BBC series runs on the premise. You are allowed to banish, the things from the world. That annoy you the most. The things you hate. That what gets your gander up. Things that make your blood boil. Your Bette noires and blood feuds. I was explaining this program to someone. I thought I would put down the things that annoy me the most, 1, Air Travel. I guess it simply can't be helped. I dread going through airport security. As I have mentioned. Untying shoelaces, is not the easiest thing for me, less for my brother. Neither, is filling out a customs or immigration form after a few hours jetlag. I have learned that there is nothing you can do, except stay quiet. Keep your answers brief and too the point. I had a moment of sheer terror once. They kept my brother behind for a few minutes. Then there is the fun, o

Brief Note

Yesterday I had a performance review. My boss recommended me for promotion. Its nice to be recognised.


In my earlier post. I noted that the CERN, specialise, went online today. The scientists, and engineers working on this project were subjected to threats. That if the project created a black hole and doomed Mankind. Then the parties responsible for the letter, would kill them. Shortly before the demise of the Earth one assumes. Vitalsatistix, the chief of the indomitable Gaul's was terrified that tomorrow the Sky would fall on his head. Blucher, I have read, was convinced that he would give birth to a live elephant. I have nightmares.  I remember having Nightmares from the start of school onwards. My brother by contrast slept soundly. Unless we were on holiday. I loathed the dark. It terrified me. I still get nightmares. In my defence, it may have a genetic context. I was at the cinema with my sister, and she closed her eyes, during a trailer for a horror film. My youngest sister, was sent home, from a school trip having had a panic attack. I had one up the steps in Colo

Fingers crossed

In Swizzerland. I prefer the Plamestonian spelling. A group of scientists, today may manufacture a micro black hole. That could end the world. There is only a 50 million chance. So fingers crossed. Good luck to the Gentlemen and Ladies at CERN, in there search for the Higgs Boson, Particle

My brother, Me and the Muggles

The actor Daniel RadCliffe has revealed he has dyspraxia,,2933,405365,00.html (I know it should be My brother and I. I just think it scans better) Myself and my brother have the same condition. For years I could not tie my shoes. I think I was about 11 or 12. When I managed to work it out. One day I grasped it. You make two bows, and you knot them.  I still remember asking the girls in primary school. For help with tieing my shoes. I had trouble with wearing a tie. Thank God for the Americans. Who never wear ties. One Summer my brother, wore a pair of boots for a week. He could not untie, them. No one else, could untie them. He would not tell my father. My mother was away, visiting her relatives. so my brother wore his boots in bed, for a week. I have awful handwriting. I was not very good, at some sports. Ball games were out. Tennis, Cricket, Hurling, Baseball, rounders. I was however pretty fast. I finally learned how to make myself useful,

Round up September 6 2008

I have been drinking cold beer in a warm bath. I figure I was a third of the way to Paradise. The babe, and the cancer free, sweet smelling cigarette, were the only thing that was missing   I have Thursday off next week. I got out early today I am pretty sure, I have decided on my holiday destination My phone is getting repaired. ------------------ Big Hug, to my friend Esha, who lost her Grandma Good luck, to my friend Sahara, who has been a week in a new job Good luck to my friend Tan, with the Golden chest contest My friend Nessa rocks ---------------------- Three years ago. I was a supervisor, in my job. I note today, they have changed the rules back, a supervisor must check the orders again. Good luck


The thing speaks for itself. Its a Will Ferrel and John C Rielly comedy movie. Its about two 40 year old men, who find themselves sharing a home when there parents marry. Lots of 80's /1990s references. Vanilla ice, Cops. We see Axle rose on VH1. The The villain of the piece. Ferrel's younger brother. Who send his brother , into withdrawal following a high school prank.  Mr Huff is a real estate salesman. Odd to hear someone claiming they make a profit, on real estate sale, in this market. Whose signs, are labelled Nice nice baby. He is earlier singing 80s classic's with his family Mary Steenburgen the beloved of Colonel O'Neill. Plays Ferrel's mother. At the risk of spoiling the movie. There is a possibility, that you see the leads, testes. This could be historically significant. Seth Rogan, has a cameo role as an interviewer. There are some laugh out loud moment. Its two gifted comic actors, doing slap stick and childish humour. There is an extend

Holiday blues

I am trying to book a holiday, to the US. For November. I have gone away for my birthday for the past few years. I normally go with my brother. Though not always.  I did have other plan's but there off there menu. I don't know where to go. It should be somewhere on the East coast. I just can't get centred and settled on a decision. I don't want to go to New York. I have been there many times. I don't want to go to Boston, I am ducking people there. I was in DC, last time. Maybe we could go, again. Though I found it a bit quiet. I looked at Nashville, it was booked solid. The beaches of Virgina, Myrtle, and the city of Savannah. I have investigated. I could try Atlanta. Then there is the question if what to do in the evening. I travel with my brother. We do have the easiest relationship. It is perhaps, explained with an annectdote A family friend, met my youngest sister, out, one day. They observed to my sister. That they no longer saw, myself and my

Good Luck Sara

Good luck Sara with your new job. Best wishes. Stay strong