
Showing posts from January, 2009

My old wallet

Its my friends Birthday, today. So hello Chris! Happy Birthday. Anyway, I was going through my stuff. I was putting away some of poor Regine’s things . Anyway, I discovered my old wallet. From college days. Starting from the top, My fake Isis card. It gives my age about 9 months older, then I am. I sent off for it from an advert I saw, in the back of Loaded. I wrote 1996 instead of 1976 My Blockbuster video card, from Byres road. I used to rent Buffy and Voyager, and watch them, with a six pack of Labats. The pink card is a young persons railcard. I never used it once. It cost me a fifty! I never used it. A complete waste of money. I thought I would be riding the rails, from Raith to Inverness. I never did. In fact rode Amtrak, and its Canadian counterparts more. The card on the top, the blue card, is from an internet cafe, I went to once or twice in Glasgow, My Blue cross id. I had to get health insurance for NC. I think I used it once. I had a fever. My Glasgow


One of my siblings. Tried to send me a picture the other day. They texted it to me a picture of themselves at University. I could not open it, so the texted me, again. I still cannot view it Today was going well. Until, I was speaking on the phone, and I put it down. I should not have put it down. I am just not used to speaking on the phone at work. Anyway 5 minutes later she calls back, shouting and demanding my name. I give it and apologise. I was upset for most of the day from their  on. Its been a while since, I had a dressing down at work. Its also a woman. A guy, I would tell to F-ck off! Well I would react differently However with a woman its different. It makes me feel small, and stupid. You can’t get angry. So your just left with the sadness until it washes away. I thought about this over dinner. I thought it is similar to way I sued to feel, when I would be upset by, or argue with Magga, or Charlotte, or any of my ex’s. I didn’t feel there was anything I could then

Get well soon!

My Valya has a cold. She is not feeling to good. I wish my best the best! Take care, and take lots of Honey

Happy Birthday Lua

To my friend the Good Dra! eliz aniversário "parabéns a você

One thing after another

Its Wednesday. They used to show, Buffy on Wednesday. It clashed with Star Trek voyager. I seem to be thinking about Buffy today. I guess it was seeing, a picture of Sarah Michelle Gellar yesterday. In the article, that women are at their most beautiful at 32. Anyway, back to Buffy. That was just a wonderful show. A real joy. beautiful cast. I did prefer the bookish, Willow and the Confident Cordelia rather the SMG.  Wonderful writing. It was also a show that helped me bond with people. I chatted with Swauggie, about Buffy. The series made a splash. Buffy Paradigm The Buffy Paradigm, or model. Is basically you never get, a chance to explain, or understand your world, your opponents, until it is over. Then the next problem comes along Well I hear you. I am still supervising at work. Now things have changed. The person, who I was deputising with has returned and I have to work alongside them. There will be an interview for the post

A good day

There was a picture, of Jessica Simpson in the paper today I sat across from a very pretty lady today, going to work. I have completed my first period, as a supervisor. I got an extra day off, as a reward. I have every Thursday off, next month I recieved a postcard from my friends in St Louis I had fried chicken for dinner An interesting article in the paper: Almost 40 per cent women reportedly said they were at their most attractive at the age. Among celebrities turning 32 this year Sarah Michelle Gellar, Sophie Dahl and Liv Tyler. To all my readers, Thanks, Spaisbo, Merci, Gracias, and Takk

Best wishes Valya

My best wishes to my dear friend Valya, who is a little down today

Pointless Hangover

I was supposed to meet, my brother for drinks last night. As it is his birthday. I went to the wrong place. None of my family had his phone number. So, I waited around till 12.  Then went home Laggard January continues my heater, is broken. I severed my earphones at work yesterday. I did however hear the phrase Kakalaka for Carolina. Which took me right back!

The real me

I took this picture in 2005. Its a self portrait. I took it on the 17th of March. Just outside the Trump tower. I was watching the St Patricks day parade. I am currently wearing that jacket again. I think, I have retired the hat. Anyway, I hate this picture. I look pale, and fat. I seem to have a double chin. I was thin, then. Size 30 waist, and I smoked. My eyebrows, look out of place. There too dark. I am not even happy with my nose. I think I look like Quentin crisp Which wasn’t the look I was going for. So, the image has stayed locked in my files. Of my computer. As I don’t  want the world to see it. As you know, I have been supervising, this week. Today, I wondered. (He still second guesses himself, all the time) How I was coming across. I wonder if I was being too strict, too blunt. I worry that I am pushing around one kid too much. I know I am impatient. I am with everything. (except my new pc-its that quick. 4GB of RAM )

Laggard January

I cut myself shaving today. It still rains. Tomorrow shall be busy, and I think my boss is pissed. Well, I do not have to win, I only need endure. Every second, that passes, is a small victory. I shall run down the clock I watched Dexter, drinking Cobra alcohol free beer. (My new pc, is really fast! I feel so guilty)

My poor Regine !

I had meant to stay in today. I was waiting for my credit card to arrive. It hasn’t. Anyway, I was sitting down, in my room. Drinking tea. I went to put my cardigan on. I keep a Black cardigan, by my chair. In case it gets cold, or I have to answer the door. The sleeve of my cardigan, knocked over my tea. I moved quickly, I turned off my pc, and put it upside down. I tried to dry it out, I blasted it with compressed air. No joy Poor Regine shrieked. Her keys were not responding. Save only to type nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn or sssssssssssssssssssssssss I spent till 5, waiting for my credit card. No one came. I went out to the computer store. They confirmed my worst fears. Regine’s mother board was gone. She could be fixed, but it would not be worth it. I got my last computer in 2006 I remember watching Just after I got it The cd drive never worked. I had taken it across Germany. To Chicago and
F......K Ebst Merde I just spilled tea, on my laptop, and its really not been working well :(

01-20 2009

Barak Obama is sworn in as president I changed from my usual attire today        _________________ In other news I have tomorrow off Today went well, at work

Round up 19-01-09

  Today is, apparently the most depressing day of the year It was a bit long, and dreary at work today. The day was punctuated by cloudbursts. It took, a bit longer, getting home. The markets are in chaos Once again, I wonder wether to change my money now. They showed a repeat of Gavin and Stacey.  Valya is in Vegas. The Bush Presidency, slips away into night. I didn't sleep well. ( On the other hand. I have had very erotic dreams, for the last few days. Which is quite rare for me. So its not all bad news)

My most secret wishes, and desires

  7 more work days. Then, Its not my problem. Fingers crossed :)

For my readers

I am still herding cats. However I have only 7  (work)days left We had a big storm, in the early hours, of the morning it, woke me up, I am not sure I slept well, afterward. I am watching Snakes on a plane, I wish you all well and sweet dreams

The stuff of Nightmares

I had a dream last night. Around 5am. I had to wake myself up. I was at work supervising, and everyone else, went mad. They all started partying, instead of returning the books, and microfilm. We may have been on a boat! Anyway, I had a big row with my boss, and then woke up Hoping that ``Absit omen '' I went into work, it was one of the more lively co workers birthday He brought in a six pack, and a bottle of wine. Well,  despite this the day, went well enough. I felt a bit cranky towards the end of the day.  I hope I didn't go overboard. Tomorrow should be smooth sailing.

What do you want?

What do you want? I was in a random chat, the other day. Someone asked me, what do I want. I answered rather quickly. ``I want the old days back'' I was surprised with myself that I gave this answer. This clip is from a series called Babylon 5 ``The last great soap''  I watched it, a few years ago. I started to watch it, when I was in HS. I caught the first few series. They repeated it, late at night. I caught most of the series. I have one of the movies on dvd. For most of my life. I have felt like Londo.( The man with the weird hair) The line about a man who is late for appointment. Never able to look back, or forward. Always having to make so much effort to simply, keep things the way they are Its something that has stayed with me, since I first saw it.             - - -    - - -   - - -    - - - I am still, supervising. Today, I think went well. I watched Dexter, with my brother. I wish you all well

Ricardo Montalbán

(November 25 1920- January 14 2009) ``Khan!'' Actor, Mexican Patriot, Parent

Berlin Street scene

I took, this picture. When I was in Berlin. I was being lead on a tour of the cities, Third Reich sites. I cannot remember why I took, this picture. Possibly, that is the former Air force ministry. Possibly not. It may in fact be the very respectable German second chamber Who the people walking in the picture, are I do not, know. The man in the blue jacket, makes me think of Superman. I wonder did he drive, to where he is going in the blue car. Does he love the colour blue. Does he love the woman, next to him. Maybe its his wife. Maybe there spies, on some elaborate scheme. Or another walking tour, Perhaps, they are divorced as we speak, or in jail. ... Why does he carry a bag, and she doe not Are they jay walking! It will remain a little mystery. They are here, on the net, I wonder, if they will ever find themselves here?      - - - - - - - I hope work went well, today. It was a bit draining. We were short handed, and I am doing strong room, duties and supervisi

Three points!

I have a co worker, who will not do, anything. Aside from three jobs. One is not even relevant to our department! I can tolerate her doing the two. Why the third? I paid 300 euro's 400 pounds extra, as I don't have a GF In other news, I learned today, that a woman with a red hat wears no underwear, not in practice but in theory

Bad Science

I picked this up just after Christmas. I was looking for something to read. I got Frost -Nixon, and Homicide. It has a recommendation from my old friend Charlie Brooker. It's a fine polemic. We live in a world, of wonders. I am sitting typing this at night. I am sitting sipping hot tea, in a mug, that changes colour when hot water is poured in. Listening to music on my phone. Yet we still act, like peasants, or cave men. We still have our voodoo, and our signs and portents. Like the towns men of Salem. We still condemn people, rather then accept the truth.'s_fallacy A lucid demolition of modern fallacies. Tacking the MMR question, Homeopathy, and the placebo effect.As well as the question of the strength of illegal narcotics.  Goldacre warns up to the fact that the scientific method, is routinely ignored, and flouted by the very organisations, who should be promoting it.  We live in a


The last day of my long weekend. I went to the dentist. I had to wait half and hour to be seen While my stomach remembered the beer, it had ingested last night.  However the news was good. My mouth is spotless. After a quick scrape and polish. I was on my way. I picked up my phone. It is now repaired. I shall have music, to accompany me at work again. Speaking of work. Tomorrow, I go back, and I am still deputising.  It looks a long time, on the calendar. I hope my luck holds, and the fates smile on me. I miss the quiet certainty of my workaday world. As I get extra money for deputising, I am not taking any time off, this month. I figure to take the money, when I have the chance. Its a pity though, I would rather be in bed. I am eating chocolate liquer chocolates. My mother got, them and gave them to me Mum laughed really hard, when I said I would share with my friends. Well done, to my friend Kate, on passing her exam

Quiet day

A quiet day I saw my middle sister I am somewhat the worst for drink I am upset the Carolina Panthers lost Its still very cold !

Frozen Football

Did anyone send me a message on Facebook? I was able to sleep late today. I went to watch my team play. It started to snow, and I was wearing chucks. Stuck between banks of plastic chairs, my feet froze. My team produced a comedy of errors, that caused them to draw the game I have returned to my warm fireside, with Peppermint schapps!

Heartache and Eyestrain

I have not been in the department heads office, this week. So I think things are going well, at work. I am standing in, as a supervisor. Or at least not badly. Though, it was observed, that I would be a prime candidate for fragging. (That's murdering your superior officer, with a grenade) That said, apart from two thorns in my side. A pair of idiots, I have to supervise. Now, for a week at least separated . A co worker, who won't do certain jobs. Simply sulks There is the heartburn, from using a scanner, and staring at a VDU for hours. The dammed small print, never goes away On the other hand, Its nice to set the pace
I am going to Boston, in March. I shall go, with my Brother, for our St Paddy's day trip. You will get Postcards, Pictures, and Film I have a hole in my Pjamas. My nice new, Reebok, Carolina Panthers ones. How it happened I don't know, At work. I was supervising, again. I asked a girl, to do one job. It may have been too much, for her. Or she is sulking, I don't know. I just felt, bad. Did I give her too much work? Uneasy rests the head who wears the crown! Dexter, is back on. I just watched the first episode. I wish you all well Todays Posting is brought to you by the letter B!

Round up

I was in charge yesterday. It went well. There are two, bad apples in the barrel, and one has to herd cats, to get everyone to go where they are supposed to.  I think it went well. I was pretty pleased, with the day We are very busy at work, busiest its been in over a year My friend Valya has returned from Mexico. I have been a little unwell. Tak back

A Postcard from Disneyland Paris

  Sent by my friend Meike. Who was fighting in Paris !

Happy Birthday Sis

My youngest sister turned 21 today

Crescit eundo

As I mentioned on here, the other date. Five years ago, I made a choice, that was going to change the direction of my life. I joined an Internet dating site. I am not sure, if they actually do, ``dating'' anymore. However they used to do IQ tests. I did an IQ test, and I saw, the links. I paid for it, with my credit card. To great trepidation. I started browsing I should add, some context here. Between, College, and my time, in Hades. I was at a low ebb.  I was about 20 kilos overweight. I had no friends. For a year after college, I did not have a proper job. Glasgow, was far away, and North Carolina, even further. My social life, was confined to pub visits with my brother. Then I got my current job. I actually had an income. My brother and I went to New York. We went to Hawaii ``We got sunlight on the sand We got moonlight on the sea We got mangos and bananas You can pick right off the tree We got volleyball and ping-pong And a lot of dandy games

On the 11th day of Christmas

A beautiful card, from my friend Irina

Good luck Kate

Good luck with your exam!

Happy Birthday Dorthe

Many Happy returns to my friend Dorthe. A very happy Birthday!
I meet my good friend Nessa Miss misery Star of Stars and Tartan. Kind, wise and generous

Christmas Cheer

A christmas card, from my dear friend Valya. She has been south of the border, down Mexcio way It cheered me, up no end at work. Hurrah!

The New Doctor Who Matt Smith Is The New Doctor. The BBC today announced that Matt Smith has been cast in the role of the Doctor in the iconic BBC series Doctor Who. Smith will be the eleventh Time Lord and will take over from David Tennant who leaves the show at the end of 2009. He will be seen in the forthcoming fifth series that will be broadcast in 2010. The fifth series will also have a new lead writer and Executive Producer in the form of the BAFTA award winning writer Steven Moffat who is taking over from Russell T Davies. Moffat will be joined by Piers Wenger who will be the new Executive Producer for BBC Wales making the show. Following David Tennant's decision to step down at the end of 2009, the team behind the new series set about casting the new Doctor so that new adventures could be created and scripts written with Matt in mind. The identity of the new Doctor was revealed on a special edition of Doctor Who Confidential t

A view of another world

How my blogs seal would look in an mirror universe. This is me, in afore mentioned alternate Universe. I suppose in that world I started to smoke 721 days ago

New years eve.

  Work finished early. I was worried I would be there all night. We had a different supervisor then the one I was told. I finished work, at 5.30pm. I came home. I rode my bike. I had Pizza for dinner, Hawaiian and Pepperoni, I washed. My brother had run out before me. I went to my local. Its not actually local, its the bar, I used to hang out in, from 1999-2003. After a few attempts to track my siblings. I settled down to some cours light The barmaid, is cute and kind Some fool tried to stare me out They served food there at 1am I tried to call my friends at midnight. I left around 145,am. It was a decent night. I sang along with Amy while drinking cold beers