
Showing posts from October, 2008

Happy Halloween

Shona Samhain! I wish all my readers a happy Halloween. It was always one of my favorite holidays. We used to bob for apples, and try and catch the apples on a strong, with out teeth. I remember eating Monkey nuts. (Peanuts in shells) I know observance of this day, is not universal. Like Valentines day. I always feel sorry for people who did not grow up with it. I remember several Halloween's well. My first year in university, when I went as Snake Plisken. Walking up and down Franklin street shackled to my friend Jermont. I went to a Halloween, party at my favourite pub a few years ago. As well as Batman, when I was 6 or 7, to a Halloween party, at my Mums school. Which sticks in my mind too Someone was doing some holiday reading Deadset, finished today. I just caught the last episode.

Postcards from the edge

  I used to buy postcards. When I was in University, and stick them on blank spaces on my wall. Its fair to say, I suffered from horror vacui I would get them from Forbidden planet in Glasgow. Yesterday I rediscovered them. As you can see its pretty much a mid 1990's ensemble. The Star wars trilogy is there. It was re-mastered by Lucas, in 1996. I went to see that in Glasgow Indiana Jones, was not so fresh in the mind. I always liked the series though. I seem to have had sequalitis, as Desperado is there too The Mask, which brought Cameron Diaz, into the public view, is there. Who else remembers Cameron in the red dress? Bruce Willis can be seen, twice. Die hard 3, which  I saw so many times in college. I can quote. As well as Pulp fiction. The soundtrack of which, I owned. As did everyone else. You were issued, them along with Trainspotting Playing the six degrees of Kevin Bacon game. Brings you to Get Shorty. John Travo

The Soup nasty!

Yet my mind runs free...


28 October

I caught the second episode of dead set. I am quietly impressed. The producer, who berates his staff. With the word minion, and flirts with Big brother real Ayslene. Is probably a Mary sue. In so far, as its Charlie Brooker himself. I like Brooker. Anyone who says: I once watched the world at war. After breaking up with my gf. Come to think of it, that wasn't a good idea. Today's episode. Dealt with the aftermath. The morning after. The big brother contestants, have just realised what has happened. After a zombie attack. The producer, is stuck in a room, with a bimbo. Whilst a possessed Davina McCall attacks him Brooker's zombies, can run. We see them sprinting after people. I must give some kudos McCall, who must have spent a good few hours banging her head against the wall, under a cloud of make up. Its not easy playing a zombie Brooker's Producer, asks his fatheaded companion. ``Is the world just colours and shapes, and an occasional voice?'' I

Dead Set

Zombies, at the Big brother house. For those of you, who don't know. Big Brother is a reality TV show. Its been broadcast all over the world. 12 or so people locked in a house. Nominating each other for evictions. The public vote on the eviction nominations.  The last man or woman wins the prize. The people locked in the house are locked away from the world. Kept behind barbed wire, and cameras Now imagine Zombies attack Zombies, Man killing, man eating zombies. I have just watched Davina Mccall, the host of the UK, version, getting her throat ripped out. The crew and cast, are killed. They are slaughtered to a man, Well to a woman.... ``Dead or injured people attacking each other en masse'' Kristian Guru-murphy. Does news snippets ``Why do people riot, its not the 80's. They have Dave'' Zombie in a wheel chair. Nice touch Spaced and Hyperdrive star. Kevin Eldon appears as one of the housemates. Joplin. He was asked by one less intelligent housemates,
Well done Tan! Congratulations, on defending your thesis Well done

Ghost town

If you like Ricky Gervais, you will like this film. I do, and I enjoyed it. If you don't know Ricky give it a try. I was reminded of Julie Depardieu in Female agents. Here is someone cast against type again. Gervais is playing a romantic lead. He is not handsome, or tall. He is an Englishman in New York. There is a nod to Stings song, in a conversation later in the movie In fact Gervais looks like an annoying co worker of mine. Gervais is playing a dentist.  Who warms to dentists? A dentist whom goes into surgery, and dies on the table. There is a well done scene of Gervais staring at his laxatives over his crossword puzzles. Here is a lonely middle aged man, living his life quietly, and doesn't want to share in any one else Aasif Mandvi from Jericho plays Gervais Colleague. Gervais, slips away, rather then talk to him, at a work get together to celebrate the birth of Mandvi's child Greg Kinear and Tea Leoni, do their jobs well. In this piece. Tea at the start of the m

Happy Birthday Esha!

A very happy birthday to my dear friend Esha! For a few minutes, she is the king, only a few minutes.

Female Agents

I told you I had a thing for nurses I have seen, a lot of war films. American ones, British ones, German ones, so why not a French one.  I know London quite well, so its interesting to see the city through someone else's eyes The film is a string of clichés. The rounding up, of the team -Which is I guess as old, as the Iliad.  I was of course reminded of the Dirty Dozen. Julie Depardieu plays a prostitute. Recruited to the cause When we first see her, she looks awful. She is in prison. She is hired ,as she will dance nude. She later has a topless scene. She looks her age, which is mid thirties. This is not a bad thing, its not inaccurate historically. ( Julie scrubs up beautifully later- But being shown stretchmarks and all rather a brave choice. By the actress) Gaelle is the Catholique member of the group. There is the ex mistress of a German, who danced at the Follies Berger, and a Jewish girl They go to flight school, and I presume have some training, in the arts of war. 

Hospital romance

  At work, we have a series of books. There are about 500 or so, of these. They take up a about 2 shelves. They are hospital romances. The plot are simple, as you can expect Nurse, meet doctor. Nurse, saves arrogant surgeon, Nurse marries, widower, after she well nurses, his sick children to work. Dr Kildare, and General hospital, come into Popular culture, from this vein. This is the origin of it. It should be remembered, that one of the most common professions, for a woman, in the 2oth century, was a nurse. I also like the uniforms

Closing Time They played in all the time, in NC, on every radio station, in the bars. Its not that well known,on this side of the Atlantic. Its a decent bit of pop, and when I hear it, I am taken away, to the dark October nights, to pretending to be 21. To smoking cigarettes from soft packs. To wearing a deer stalker. To a girl, who I have mentioned here before, to another girl, Kat. Who I haven't :) To drinking Groschlager, and riding the p2p. To the Tree house! When I hear this, I am transported in time, and space Its three hours past the meridian, here. Do you think I should get out of bed yet. Sarah Conor is on tonight hurrah!

More Pulp Thanks Nessa My very good friend Bill, actually :) Sort of nails it. It sounds wrong, as he is older, and his Canadian-Californian accent, is out of place, asking for rum, and coca cola. However there is something, he gets the cynicism right. Again, its from the Trainspotting soundtrack. I should mention here. Trainspotting was a phenomena  in Glasgow. When I arrived there, in 1995. To look around the university. There were posters of it everywhere. When I got my hair cut shore, the cleaners asked me if I was a trainpotter. Every nightclub, every bar, played the soundtrack, and we played the soundtrack ourselves. In the Hall, in the GUU, in Jintys all the time, and every time Trainspotting is about Edinbrugh, and Mile end is about London It explains, some of my feelings for London. I don't like the city. I however remember the song now for a different reason. The biggest pulp fan, in France.

Common People Pulp loomed large in my formative years. Jarvis, would confront, Jacko, on stage. Their other work, ``Mile End''  appears on the Trainspotting soundtrack. Which was the only album, aside from the Pulp fiction soundtrack, I owned in college. Oh, I may have had, an R.E.M album too. On cassette, by the way. I bought, them from a shop in UNC, with travellers checks. Anyway, why Common people. Firstly, University is full of wannabe's. In the US, I think it tends to work on racial grounds. The Ali G, Frat boy rapper types. Across the Atlantic, it seems to be on class. You would notice that the children, of lawyers, spoke with a harsher accent, then myself. The son of a carpenter. This song, is a reaction to these people. You may talk the talk, but you will never walk the walk. You are just playing a game. ``If you called your dad, he could stop it all''   - - - - - - - In other news I watched Celtic lose, tonight

Cold war !

I don't listen to women. Its not something I do. I am not moaning, or bragging here. Its silly of me not too. It causes problems. I don't listen to women though, or if I do, I don't act on what I am told for months. Which is very stupid Because a very smart, and pretty woman, who lives in Paris. Tells me to go to exhibitions. I should, but I don't   Well, today, I did. I went to see Cold war Modern. Sadly, there was no photography allowed. So I bought postcards. The exhibition, was a display of art, and design, from both the soviet Union, and the USA, and their allies. Or as the term would have been used satellites, from the period between 1945-1970 So, the first exhibit was a mock up of sputnik, the first man made satelite. We then saw, the start of the cold war. The war time alliance, against Hitler, fell apart. Soviet realism, was depicted, I recall one poster of a Korean, facing a firing squad. Which stood out Whilst American architects, drew pla

Paint it Black I got up cranky today. I doubt my mood, will improve. Anyway, those of you who, read my friend Nessa's blog. Will have seen, her talking about a song for the day. Well, I think I will steal the idea. I have basically stolen, the map, and other ideas :) I have paint it black on my phone. I use my phone as an MP3 player. I must have first heard the song, on the TV series tour of duty. I was being babysat. I was about 9 or 10 It was a family friend, and he had brought over his pc. We were playing on his PC. Operation Wolf :) Anyway, arround 11am. He turned on tour of duty.  I will write about the show, some other time.  I remembered the song, though. It stuck with me. Even though I was a child. Through my adolescence, which is just a miserable time. I remembered the song, and the words. ``I see the girls, walk past, in their summer c

Diary entries for 1997

I was bored, and going through some stuff. I was looking for some drawings. Which I did, years ago. I thought I would scan, them and post them here, or on fotolog. I discovered an old diary 17th October. Arrive(d) at Union station.  (I used union station, as a base for my trips about DC. My hotel was out in the middle of nowhere. ) I went to White (house) it weren't opened saw the visitors centre. I went to congress, FBI building, came back. Saw the vietnam, and Washington Memorial I have written, something in Irish beneath this entry Da na Ban, na me sa bas. No, woman. I do not live or, rather its death (I cannot live without her) I suspect this is a reference to Miss Benett. 18th October. I went to Arlington, and the Smithsonian. I saw JFK's grave. (I wonder if I saw the picture I spoke about in Camelot. ) decided to come back early. Came via Greensboro costly! I don't recall, why but. I left DC early. I think I may have been depressed. I was on my o


I was dreaming this morning, that I was back in university. I was in America, with my college set, we were young, and the world was warm ``Don't let it be forgot. That once there was a spot . For one brief shining moment. That was known as Camelot!'' I remember this verse, as I saw it on a picture of JFK. The first time, I was in Washington DC. It was at a shop selling political memorabilia. Badges and Buttons, from past campaigns. Today being Friday, I had to work hard, when everyone else seemed to have it easy. I dreamed, of my Camelot, I dreamed, what once was, was again. That we were all young. It was more fun, then pushing a barrow full of books. Whilst staring at the barrow. I noticed that there was a site report. It was from the University of Glasgow. My alma mater. Anyway, I remembered that at my university, I had indeed studied Camelot, both one of the possible physical sites. (Tintagel) and the legend, itself. Ah, I thought, if you had worked harder,

Battlestar Galactica season 4

The writers strike, hit some shows hard. However Battlestar seems to have done alright out of it. Sometimes, you can have too much of a good thing. Battlestar's third season, I thought was repetitive in places. The season, started with the discovery of 4 new cylons, from amongst the crew of Galactica. The quest of the cylons, to reunite with their missing comrades. While the new cylons, tried to remain true to themselves, and secret. We lost one semi regular cast member one, of my favourites , who played Specialist Cally. Blown out of an airlock. In one of the opening episodes. Cally provided the Some people faded into the background. Dualla, and Gaeta. Baltar, finds God. The God, his storyline this season. Mimicked the growth of Christianity, the religion of women, and in Baltar's case fools. His little cult, start of with a slightly seedy facade, and gain more and more converts. Nana Visitor makes an appearance as a cancer victim

More reasons to be cheerful

Avril is having marital problems. Sometimes the apple just falls, into your laps. Or the fish into your boat. For, now I play the waiting game There were two girls in toga's as I was coming home, from work

Deja vu

I was in a conversation, in work. About deja vu. As we follow the same routine every day. He was wondering wether it was deja vu. I told him, no because he knows he done this before. Deja vu, is the feeling, you have done something before. Anyway, we chatted for a bit, what would life be like, if you could take back words. You get, 5 seconds to erase the moment. It would make a huge difference to sprinters and penalty takers. The player sends the ball, the other way, the sprinter The world would be full of flickering lights, as people refused, to go into the good night. Others would spend eternity at the moment of climax, premature ejaculators, would be saved. So would those who shout out something embarrassing during sex. Oh oh, oh oh... Parsnips I guess, I could really, see if that old saw works. Walking up to women, and asking them if they want to f-ck. Women, I guess, would spend most of their lives, being asked the time, or being apologised too, by random men. On a m


Well done, and good luck to my friend Meike. Who started in a new department day. I hope you have a good time, and make a lot of progress with your career!

Reasons to be cheerful

I woke up last night, as my stomach ached. This troubled me, and I woke up anxious about it.  I went to work, I was late. Due to an accident. (Someone was hurt, I did not soil myself) I had a terrible headache at work. I felt awful. Then coming home, from work. There was an angry letter in the paper. A  man, who was talking about his experiences, with prostitutes. Guy was younger then me, but full of anger, and self loathing. Intelligent enough to put his thoughts, onto paper. Yet isolated, and alone. Anyway, seeing this. I found my own problems, being put into perspective. Coming home, my head cleared, and I had pizza So reasons to be Cheerful: In a month, I go on Holiday. I will return to North Carolina. I am looking forward to returning to the Tar Heel state. I have a chance of meeting some of my old friends. I could actually run into someone I know. I hope to see a live NFL game. I will visit hooters, and eat steak and eggs. If I don't see Valya on my holiday. I wil

Howling at the moon

I was going to write my review for season 4, of Battlestar Galatica.  My alternate plan, was to make a list of reasons, to be cheerful I will come back to that. The reason, why I changed my mind. Was because of an incident at work. We have two people, new to my shift. One, I think has worked here for a while. Anyway, I was working, bickering of a kind, with a co worker. Anyway, one of the newcomers, pipes, up with ``Oh he can speak then'' I reply maybe to quickly to this with ``Was that directed at me? I don't speak to you because you don't chat to me'' Maybe I over reacted? I seem to be sniping more at work. I am not too happy about that I am an angry, person. I am short. Sorry to dispel my image. I work through a lot of anger at work. Where I am biting covers in frustration.  Which is what I do, in the evening. I spend time worrying about my anger, and now, I wish I just said nothing

Earth Abides

The Book, was recommended, several times, on some of the science fiction groups, I frequent. A very enjoyable book. The world ends with not a bang but with a whimper Its quite a simple premise Isherwood Williams a geographer, is out in the backwoods. As a plague strikes down the human race. The Angel of death passes overhead quickly. Wandering  in an empty world. Facing the dangers of wild dogs and wild men.Ish encounters stunned and stunted survivors  Think of the opening scenes of ``I am Legend'' Isherwood, meets up with a woman. Emma, and she becomes his wife. They gather a gaggle of survivors around them. Sheltering in San Francisco. The book recounts Isherwood's attempts to pass on his learning, his experience, his civilisation to the ``tribe'' of survivors that coalesced about him.   - - - - - - - Some memorable passages The carpenter and his wife. Despite having neither electric power or light. Keep a TV set, and a radio, because that's what they

Escaping from New York

  ( I am not happy with the eyes,) My friend Valya, is in New York. She is not, enjoying the experience. So I remembered John Carpenters piece. Escape from New York It used to be, my favorite film. I then went through puberty. I have thought of buying it, not sure why, I haven't

Slouching towards...

I resolved to action. I changed my money into dollars. They will await me, at the airport. Everything is taken care of. I chased down, a payment. I had not made on my credit card. I got my sister her birthday present. I finished watching BSG. I took a nap. I am cooking a pizza. Just a question of keep showing up, for work, crossing my fingers, and wearing clean underwear

Dinosaur drawings By a very skilled Italian artist. I was pleased to receive the distraction

Pitiless as the sun,

Let me take you back, from these troubled times, to a simpler age. It was Spring, no perhaps summer, about five or six years ago. I was napping on a Sunday afternoon. Anyway it was warm. Quite warm. As some of you know, I have two windows, in my bedroom, they open out, onto my roof. My neighbours, have a rooftop garden. We are very close physically. As I was lying down, I was in an odd position. my neighbour's wife. Who I think, has now moved on. Got up, in the Garden, walked back into her house I realised my neighbour was topless.  I did not see anything. I saw her back. In fact my first reaction, was to move away. So I told the object of my affections at the time. Paola. She did not take it too well. (I didn't notice) I then compounded my error, with the inspired statement. ``I don't expect you to act like a Nun'' I realise exactly what, I did wrong. However at the time, I didn't. Paola, after three days came back to me. But it was never the sam


Happy Birthday Laura

Mere Anarchy

Further to yesterdays post. I was surrounded by Bankers on the way home today. They seemed pleased. They were also awful, just awful but they seemed pleased. As I write this the Dow, is down. Íoslainn afemiheach, a sasana tenna I have been trying to distract myself. It never works. Anyhow : I have the new series of Battlestar Galatica on dvd. They killed off one of the girls, I liked. So now I am upset over that I am enjoying the new series of Heroes. I may write a review later. I think I am going to leave off on it. As M, never spoiled a show for me. So I don't want to do that here. I was pleased to see my friend's Diana's blog. I want to wish, the best to my friend Laura, on her last day at work. I hope her grandfather recovers soon Nessa, enjoy toasted cheese sandwiches. Oh and I saw, a book on the Poetry of 1968. I will send you the title Granniog. I feel kind of blocked. I have tomorrow off.  My mind races.

The Falcon cannot hear the Falconer.

Last year, I went to Washington DC. I go on holiday for my birthday. Anyway, I was worried about exchange rates, because of Banking problems, in the UK. So, I changed my money early. Simply to be done with it. Its good, to know, that things have progressed since then. Like many of you. I have been reading the papers. Reading several papers, and listening and watching the news. Looking on, while the Governments of the world. Spend billions and then billions, for little or no result Iceland is borrowing Money from the Russians. The Asian markets are freefalling. In this I am helpless. I look forward to my holidays, more then anything. They are that, which keeps my head up. What I look forward to, the chance, to learn things, and to be different. To be free, for a little while. Yet now, I worry. Will the plane company go bust, will the hotel reject my credit card. Will Taxes rise. Will I even have a job tomorrow. Its only a hill of beans, but it's my hill of beans. PS

Best Wishes

My best wishes, to my friend Diana. I was glad, to hear from her today. I wish her well, with her new job, and her marriage. All the best for her health, and the future


As the news, reports that there is more and more confusion in the markets. I remember my friends in Akranes. I hope they are, well. I wish them all the best. I have been thinking about them

Happy Teachers day

Today is UNESCO international teachers day. It a day set aside to celebrate teaching. Many of my friends, are teachers. Dorthe, Irisha, come to mind at once. My friend Kasia, who is studying to be a teacher, and of course Valya, whose duties include teaching. I would be remiss, if I acknowledged the date. Without remembering here the finest teacher I know. My ex, Magga. She spends her life quietly working miracles with handicapped children. With the patience of a saint, and quiet determination. She has helped people find a way, past the confusion, frustration and pain, of disability, and have a relationship with their children. If Magga, was to acting what she is to teaching. You would all know her name. You would have seen her receive Oscars. We live in a better world, because of her


I felt a bit down today. Now, the excitement of yesterday. It was back to the grindstone.  A very busy day at work. I looks like Jacktober, will be a long month.

Action of 15.24-10-08

Took me a while to find the place I walked in, apologised for being tardy. I then told them, that I was not under oath, Any remarks, I may make, I would not find binding. I them told them, that I was sick of them dumping discipline cases, and they had passed over the entire department, twice. They didn't believe there were conseqences. I felt bad. As my boss, was next to me. I was basically criticising the whole department, and by extension her. I believe I was actually, off that day when the specific incident happened. Beyond that a plague on all there houses


This goes out to Stubes, Hugh Heffner, Statesville, Baz, Kirkwould, Mack, Hazie, Miss Bennett, Canadian Steve. Jay RRR, Southern Charles, Dr Marks. Tomorrow, just tomorrow, I could use a little help.

New Haircut

I got my hair cut today. I want to make an impression at the meeting tomorrow. I am going to wear a collared shirt. Take off my lanyard Someone asked if I had been standing next to a van der graff generator, at work. I am mentioning that to HR Going to the barber's is a strange experience. I always worry about the fact. That I will not have enough money when I go to the barbers. I am not sure why, I guess I just don't like, having the service performed, before I have handed over money. Or my mother ran out of cash, when I was a boy in the barbershop I notice the Barber's do not speak to me, as they do with other customers. They were talking about sports to another guy. Maybe its my tough vibe. Maybe its because I always remember the words of the Macedonian King, who told his Barber, he would like his hair cut in silence. Women I am told by adverts, tell there stylists everything. They also from what I hear, get white wine. This seems strange to me. Speaking o