
Showing posts from March, 2009

My newsletter piece

  They asked me to do a bit for our departments newsletter. Here it is Every year. I try to go away for St Patricks day. I spent the dark months of February and January working amongst the shelves and stepladders of Basement three. So when March comes, I grab whatever holiday time I have to carry over. Add it to my allowance, due to the new year, and catch a flight from Heathrow For five years I went to New York. Though of late, I have decided to venture further afield. Last year I went to Chicago. The home of the Cubs, and Bears, and President Barak Obama.(I knew him, when he was just a Senator) This year I went to Boston. What a charming city it is. It lacks the Imperiousness of New York. Its more centred, and focused then Chicago. Despite its age. Boston was founded in the 1630s. Which makes its old by American standards Boston a very youthful city. 1/3 of the population is a student. So I am told. I guess I could look it up. Information is there, probably in the Y-C's

Drunk in charge of a social networking site

I was somewhat, the worse for drink on Saturday. I was looking up Girls I knew in College, and HS on Facebook. I just looked. I think they were all married anyway. Come to think of it, its something I really should not have done. It is eerie to see people, even just a photograph after all these years. Its rare for me to have a flashback. Its getting busier at work. We did 2300 orders today. That said, I walked home in daylight today. I am watching Heroes and drinking Cream soda. I wish I had glasses like Noah Bennett. 

I can’t find my glasses?

Have you seen them? There not on my bike, not in my dressing gown pockets? I don’t want to wear my good glasses, to work

Springing forward, sailing away

The clocks went forward today. I woke up at noon. After a light breast. I sat down to a lovely Sunday lunch. I had meant to go out and buy a new printer. I am just too lazy. If I had a car. I would drive down, to the store and pick one up. I have a voucher, with which I would buy a printer. However its for a particular type of store. I was quite frankly, lazy today. Despite being bright. Its not a little chilly. I watched Oxford win at the Boat race. Every year Oxford and Cambridge Universities. Race down the Thames. Two sets of 8 man boats. I used to go rowing at High school.Its back breaking. I never ever once got to be cox. (Sitting at the front of the boat, and shouting stroke, stroke. There is no way to keep the double entendre out of discussions about rowing) Anyway Oxford once, easily. They were bigger and better then Cambridge. One of my earliest memories is going to see the boat race. My father took us. Myself, and possibly my brother. Maybe my sister. Not two youngest s

A hangover of a day

I was just miserable today at work.Nothing really bad happened. I felt down in the dumps. Those of you who read my postings on twitter, will have seen this already. It was just a miserable morning. Cold and wet. That said, I had got up easily. Without a hangover. Its just that now, at work. I am forced to do things, I enjoy less and less. Dealing with people. Open ended tasks. Chasing things down. Rather then following a specific problem. On top of that I had a cough all day. Its embarassing coughing on public transport, or in the lunch room. You feel kind of dirty. So today was one of those days. Cold and nasty. Depressing and draining at work. I even forgot to bring change for the coffee machine. Luckily I get to sleep late tomorrow
Congratulations to my friend Kas, on passing her Latin exam. Good luck with Greek! It was nice to hear from you again. I watched the last episode of Dexter, season 2 last night. As well as the Terminator the Sarah Conor Chronicles (SPOILERS) B E W A R E (This is an old geek thing, its called Spoiler space) S P O I L E R S (I used to get told off, for not doing this on Buffy and Stargate email lists) So, yes Lila killed Doakes. Lila tries to kill Rita's children. I was disappointed. Firstly killing Doakes removes Dexters principle foil. Now that agent Lundy, is out of the picture. Doakes, is was always a threat to Dexter, that Lila could not be. Doakes, was a stronger man. He was also a cop. Lila, is a femme fatal. There was also a mirroring. Doakes, was a trained killer. An ex special forces soldier living as a cop. He had to leave his wife. Has one day, he thought he just might kill her. Doakes, despite playing by societies rules, has very little. He has his cop badge, but thats i


Lynx (Axe) has released a new bullet sized deodorant. So now my co workers who insist on spraying themselves, with the stuff. Can do it more easily. Oh how I love breathing in cheap scent, in an enclosed space. I hate aerosol deodorants. I have about 10 years supply of the stuff under my bed because I receive them for Christmas and I never use them I use roll on deodorants. Tonight the last episode of Dexter, is on. It clashes with Sarah Conor. Which is irritating enough. However Dexter will be leaving the stage for a while.  So whilst reading today’s newspaper the TV reviewer decided to give away the plot. I was late for work, because I was begged to pick up a package for my brother. Which was of no great moment I am still coughing and coughing

I have no patience

One of the young ladies I supervise for the moment. Told me that I have no patience. Then that I was patronising. These two comments are both true. Today, they brought us, a set of ladders. Firetruck red. With a hand rail, and several meters tall. Wishing to be the first to use them. I raced up the ladder, and hit my head on the ceiling I have no patience

I thought I had tomorrow off.

I don’t however I only realised. When I asked a co worker who has the same shift has me, what he would do tomorrow I am still feeling ill. I could not fall asleep last night. I realise that this may have something to do, with the choice of beverage. Its riddled with caffeine I then had a fever dream believing I was talking to one of my ex’s. I wonder about work. There was someone lurking about yesterday, taking pictures of the shelving?  There was a meeting. No good ever comes from meetings. They asked me again, to contribute to the newsletter I almost feel asleep on the train.

Back in the saddle

My little gifts went down well. I am however still quite sick. I was coughing and spluttering all day at work today. I have to chase down some paperwork. Its getting busy again. We took on new staff. Oh they want me, to write something. I don’t know if, I should. One project is enough

New Glasses

  My new Glasses, and my new Boston Celtics Hoodie

Mothering sunday

Its mothers day here. I got my mother a book, and we went out to a pub for sunday lunch Basically because they were offering a two for one deal. After nagging my oldest sister into showing up. We had to wait for my brother. Who wanted to go somewhere else. Anywhere else. We bickered for most of the meal. My sister fetched cutlery and condiments. Rather then waiting for the waitress to do it. My brother was chewing a piece of plastic, a bottle top, and will not pull up his jeans. That said, we called my youngest sister at college. To tell her how much fun we were having with out her I am treating myself with lucozade

i am ill

hangover doesn’t help

Sent Packing

It was a difficult flight. My brother does not travel well. I then came home to the news, that he has simply vanished from work this week. He did not call in sick, he did not arrange any time of in lieu. Well, despite having to battle through the morning rush. It is settled. I bought a black Celtics jacket.  I came home, and I went to sleep and unpacked. I crushed my nerd pride magnet, which is a bit annoying So, here I am again. Back home. Have I learned anything, do I ever? Tomorrow I shall watch the rugby

Natasha Richardson

(11 May 1963 – 18 March 2009) I was saddened to hear the news. Wife, Mother Actress.
I am Logan Airport. I have to wait about an hour and a half, before I can board the plane. My brother is annoying me. I want to punch him. Its loud, people keep invading my space. I spent 25 dollars, at a faux Irish pub, as my brother won't eat pasta or sushi. I woke up today at arround 8am. No real hangover, despite drinking shots last night. The cute Barmaid Melisa, gave me an oatmeal cookie. I was chatting to some bankers. I had breakfast, and then just as I was checking out. I must have strained something, or pulled something. Because I have been wishing I was a woman all day It rained, we went to aquarium again. I could not get my sister a JFK magnet. She always asks for something, they don't have Today I got new glasses. They cost 400 dollars. There Armani. I don't really have anything to wear them with, and they are a little tight, but they are as pretty as Claire Bennett. I have to go back to work on Monday. There is nothing as miserable, as a return flight

Cheers Havard

I came home from the pub, at 1am. I did not wish to repeat last years excess. A pity, because at one point I was chatting with a raven haired beauty I woke up at 6am. I could not connect to the internet, and I fell in and out of sleep. I had a nightmare. I have been plagued by them this holiday. Then I went to the Hotel lobby, as the wireless internet would connect there. I then had a snackfood breakfast, posted off my Postcards, and my brother and I went to see Cheers. We then walked over the Longfellow Bridge, into Cambridge. After some time, we reached Havard. In truth we were looking for Best buy. We went into the Museum of art. We saw masterpieces by Manet, and Van Gogh. A stater of Julian the apostate, and some fine nudes. Then crossing the common. A Fresher’s skirt blue up, revealing her red panties Cheers Havard! PS. Very funny poster of J Phoneix, with a beard, and dark glasses Warning one and all, not to let this happen to them PPS. It was a bit weird being in

st Patricks 2009

I woke up with a hangover, but I endured. Last night people were teasing me for drinking Non alcoholic lager I went out on a tour of the city, they gave me a nice pink wristband! I learned a bit, I saw where Cheers and Boston legal, were shot. I learned about Rosa Ruiz cheating at the marathon, and George washington having to make do with a plastic sword Then we went to the aquarium. My brother really enjoyed it. I am so sorry I did not take pictures. I left my phone, and camera, and video camera at the hotel. The jelly fish, were truly alien. It was life, but not as we know it! My brother watched the fish, in the tank, for an age. I then went back to my hotel. Pausing only to watch some street theatre. A guy, jumping over 5 people. After giving some great patter. Last night I watched two Glasweigens pass out drunk My best to you all


Harvard is not located off Harvard Avenue I did some shopping, books, and a mothers day gift. We saw the famine memorial. I went tp the hotel gym, and I ran on the treadmill, for half an hour. Last night, we were out at the pub till half two. I remember chatting to a cop from Philly, and a lass from Newcastle. Its a strange thing. Three pints of Hoegaarden, can leave me blotto at home. I didn’t have a hangover this morning

We love you James Earl Jones

  The parade was a lot of fun. It differed from the NYC Parade. In Scale, and formality. This was a neighbourhood’s day out. If you notice in that picture, I am sitting in front of the barrier. There is a certain Irony here… Luckily the Calvary showed up. Besides the Police and Firemen. ROTC, School bands, and dancers. There was a parade of Starwars. Role players Darth Vader was heckled with ``We love James Earl Jones’’ the Falun Gong,  made their appearance Oddly Snow troopers from Hoth Boba fett You get the picture

I have cheese on my boots

I realised today, why its so difficult going on holiday with my brother. I am trapped inside my own head, for the trip. I cannot talk to anyone, about anything. I realise now why solitary confinement, is such a dreadful punishment. I am carry the burden of myself, in strange places. Which is no fun, anyway. My ideal world, is bright quiet and well plumbed Alas, this seems to be a solitary dream!

Saturday 14 March

I had a hangover this morning. I remember, why I dislike them so much. Well who enjoys them. My brother was up early God knows why. So we went down to Breakfast. It was good, Eggs and Bacon. Our sever was excellent. I then showered, and we went off for a walk. We are on the Freedom Trail. So we went to see several places. We saw, the Graves of Samuel Adams, and the site of the Boston Massacre. There was a museum, dedicated to this. With many examples of Scrim Shaw I bought my parents, Mugs, saying ``Tis Herself’’ and ``Tis Himself’’ My brother, bought a jacket in the Cheers store at Quincy Market. We then returned to the hotel This is me, on Boston Common. I look hideous. This is why I never smile in photographs. I am not smiling with my eyes, in you notice. My Sony camera ran out of power. The Sun was in my eyes. I was feeling the worse. Anyway, we saw the statehouse. With an equestrian statue of General Hooker.  This lead to the entrance being referred to as the Hooker

Boston Holiday

It was a Great flight. My congrats to Virgin Atlantic! Ms Mahon, got my name right! I enjoyed seeing ``Slumdog Millionaire'' en route. Flawless service! We were kept hydrated and such throughout our flight. We moved swiftly through immigration, and then to the pub, for a Corned beef and Beer sandwitch Take care, and God bless you all!

Round up 12 March

My mother had stolen my electric screwdriver. Its a really good one from Bosch. She won’t return it My brother will be doing a bikini car wash, tomorrow for charity. If I had a stick I would break it across his back I checked in online. I got us, decent seats. The Airline had stuck us, in the centre of the Airplane. We would have had to move, if we wanted to go to the toilet. I cleaned my room today. I got rid of a lot of junk. I will speak to you next from Boston

Eye spy

I don’t need new glasses. The best news, I could have got! I was worried I be set back, a couple of hundred! However, my beautiful optician, told me my eyes were fine. Well not fine, just not getting worse. She really is beautiful strawberry blond MILF type. They have hired a cute new secretary I saw a guy in his fifties, with bright red, long hair, and a walking stick I bought a DVD recorder, from LG. I am playing with my new toy as we speak! PS Thanks for saying Hello,

20 Questions

Why do people feel the need to buy tropical scented Washing up Liquid? Where are my blue and sky blue tracksuit bottoms? Will I have fun in Boston? Who dropped the toy Giraffe on the street? Who was reading my blog in silver spring? Should I bring the video camera on holiday? Should I trade in my DS, for the new model when it comes out? How much will it cost at the opticians tomorrow? Will I still have a job at the end of year? Will anyone? Should I see Watchmen or not? Will the plane be crowded? Why does my tooth hurt now? Where do I buy Bootlaces Will Linear A ever be deciphered? Will it snow, when I am on holiday? Will I be able to get Bruins tickets? Will it be really expensive?

Monday 9 March

I have nothing to do today really. Oh I washed my clothes. I played Chess, against my computer. It beats me and then beats me again. I have been editing my HDD. Its odd seeing all those Christmas adverts. Buy one Turkey and get another one free. Another odd thing is that one show I taped was on in the middle of the night. Its full of Public service announcements.  I have managed to shave off 3 and half hours. By deleted adverts, and the like I watched Voyage of the dammed, today. I have not seen it in a while. I didn’t realise I had it on my HDD. I was supposed to go over to my sisters. To let in a repairman. I was a bit annoyed about this and grumbled about it. However I still would have done it. I think my sister made other arrangements just because I moaned a bit. I didn’t say I would not I just moaned a bit Oh well the milk is spilled. I hope you all had a good day Tomorrow is technically the first day of my

Happy Women’s day

To all my readers, I spent the day teasing my sisters, and looking for luggage. I am off to the pub. I will make an effort, not to insult the barmaid

No score draw

Being a gentleman of leisure for the next fortnight. I decided to go to a football match today I bought the most expensive tickets. Which are nice, you get a really good view, in theory. However the stadium, is held up by pillars. Which, well see for yourself I noticed a gaggle of gals from Rhode Island, at the game. Looking winsome and wholesome. Seeing their jackets I guess they were part of a college soccer team. I did feel a  bit bad for them. They had crossed the Atlantic to see a football match.  They had come all this way, and they were not going to see something done well It was a bit like, watching Beyonce advertise Rola Cola Anyway my team drew. I had a good seat. The crowds are staying away. I felt bad, because I was listening to scores, and I swore. I was sitting next to a wee girl, for part of the match. I then went to the pub, for a beer.

Happy Birthday Bagira

I send my best wishes, to my friend Bagira.  On her 25th Birthday. I wish her success with her studies and writing

Well done Kate!

Congrats to my friend Kate, who got into the Erasmus Program Rotterdam look out!

The start of spring

  I got up early and I rode my bike.  As I am off for two weeks. I decided to break the rules. I wore my black Wrestlemania hoodie. Its Wrestlemania 19, which was won by Brock Lesnar. We were trying to work that out today. Neither did Robin Williams, ever appear in a film with Gerald Depideu. We are still playing 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon I challenged my friend to link Jimmy Stewart to Kevin Bacon. Jimmy Stewart is in the Not only are hooded tops banned. Sports tops are banned. I meant to take a picture, however my phone was out of juice I don’t normally mention this. However using the elevator at work today. I was aware of the failings of some one’s digestive system. I was terrified, that a collection of nubile interns, would seek to use the elevator, as I departed. Forever connect the terrible smell, with me Luckily I escaped this fate. I also saw a book called where our are Draculas. I wish you all the well!


I was Overlord, at work today after lunch. After tomorrow, I will be off for a fortnight. I hope to catch a soccer game on the weekend. I await Sarah Conor, as I sip my diet Irn Bru.

Bringing home the Bacon

Playing 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, at work. I thought of this one, and people were quite pleased with it Sir John Gielgud, was in Caligua with Malcom macdowell. Who was in Star Trek Generations with William Shatner Who was in 3rd Rock from the Sun, with John Lithgow Who was in footloose with Kevin Bacon

3-March A good day

We were due to have an important meeting at work today. It was so important. I had to come in a half hour early. So I gout up early, and I rode my bike, whilst watching Sarah Connor, on my hard drive. I booked an appointment at my optician I then had breakfast, and headed off into work. I almost fell asleep in transit. I fortified myself with tea during the meeting. Well we spoke about lots of things. I announced that our department was now graffiti free. My boss praised my efforts  We skipped an hour of work. One co worker, almost started a fight. One of the Overlords came down and listened to us. Pleased at this, I was content for most of the day I had Macdonald’s rather then sandwiches and jelly for lunch. The lounge was being painted and I am on holiday next week anyway. I had a quarter pounder, which would be 1/4 of my calorific intake for the day if I was a woman. I used to eat in Macdonalds, 3 or 4 times a week, when I was a teen. Maybe the same, when I first start

Happy Birthday Tan!

A happy birthday to my friend Tan Many happy returns!

I just realised something

I was going through my wardrobe. Its full of broken mirrors. The doors were supposed to be mirrored. It didn’t happen. This may explain, my years of bad luck

I don’t care if Mondays blue

I had two nightmares last night. In one, I was about to be vaporised by a nuclear explosion. I ran to the beach. I was somewhere by the coast, and I saw a young lady, pretty wee thing try to dig herself a hole in the sand. Then I woke up, and I went back to sleep again. I dreamed about people breaking into my house too murder me. Work, is getting busier. I am watching Heroes. Valya is in Boston. I got my blue ray player working. I spent 2 hours waiting for it to download its latest update.

1st of March

I did very little today. I saw my cousin. I had a very delicious roast Lunch, and I went for a  walk  I went to the pub last night, so this morning I was a bit under the weather I did play about with phone!